老公和家婆异口同声叫我让步, 我很无奈, 怎么办?

最初由 bello 发布

您的谦让处理家庭关系的建议不错, 但你有没有足够确凿的证据, 此猫对新生儿的免疫系统不会产生危险??连医生都不敢如此肯定的说。。 我想你哪<<猫的传染病现在根本就不是问题>>的结论比较不付责任。

还想知道猫猫有没有打预防针,再就是这些预防针能不能预防弓形虫病。如果想要留下猫猫的话,赶快到医院去看医生吧。我看到很多人在怀孕的时候照样养宠物。 Britney Spears 不是怀孕了还照样带着她的狗狗吗?

不过要是心理上担心的话, 最好不要TAKE 这个 RISK



I take risks everyday, smokers gamble with their own health and the health of others when they light up a ciggy, and you might gamble with your own health when you eat a KFC fried chicken (toonie day yeehaw!), it's like anything else.

Anyway, it has become increasingly clear that this is not a medical problem nor an animal problem but a family/marriage problem, and I have no interest in such topic.


最初由 nicyr 发布

还想知道猫猫有没有打预防针,再就是这些预防针能不能预防弓形虫病。如果想要留下猫猫的话,赶快到医院去看医生吧。我看到很多人在怀孕的时候照样养宠物。 Britney Spears 不是怀孕了还照样带着她的狗狗吗?

不过要是心理上担心的话, 最好不要TAKE 这个 RISK



这点我很同意, 因为这里问题不单是一个health的risk, 对自己爱的家人来将没有必要增加心理负担和不必要的家庭问题, 况且如果是第一胎的话, 本来就没什么经验, 作为新任父母的心理和生活上会有很多压力的, 就没必要在增加这种不必要的麻烦, 轻重应该能够判断的吧
最初由 渐渐 发布
I take risks everyday, smokers gamble with their own health and the health of others when they light up a ciggy, and you might gamble with your own health when you eat a KFC fried chicken (toonie day yeehaw!), it's like anything else.

Anyway, it has become increasingly clear that this is not a medical problem nor an animal problem but a family/marriage problem, and I have no interest in such topic.

渐渐有开始把话题转了方向, 我们在说baby的risk, 是你父母force她或他take的,baby 没有选择的能力,所以规劝作为父母的别这样做。。 这和成年人自己有选择权力的take own risk是两码事。。别有混为一谈。。这样争论有要没完没了。。。了
It's like anything else, really. How you choose to live your life would directly impact the future of your baby, with or without the cat.

Why don't we leave the choice to the family?
最初由 渐渐 发布
There is a risk simly being alive.

You could get cancer from simply brushing your teeth (latest rumor that Colgate causes cancer). You could have allergic reactions to genetically-engineered food, oh BTW, over 70% of vegetables we eat today ARE genetically-engineered, don't know about that? Well you do now. The air you breath in everyday could be filled with pollutant which in turn causes lung diseases; the sun that everyone loves to see could cause skin cancers if you are not protected, who knows! Sure there is a risk in everything we do, but what are you going to do? Are you going to lock yourself up in a bubble? ;)

I think my opinion will be: if I could choose a way which I don't have to "pay"(not necessary to be money) a lot to avoid those risks I would. :)
最初由 大熊猫 发布

panpan suo yan ji shi.
最初由 渐渐 发布
It's like anything else, really. How you choose to live your life would directly impact the future of your baby, with or without the cat.

Why don't we leave the choice to the family?

This is ridiculous. Why taking risk if the probability of bad outcome
is unknown? And why persuade others to take the risk?
It is not a family or marriage problem. It is just a cat/baby problem.
Don't make things complicated.
最初由 大熊猫 发布

不是一般的明白:D :D
最初由 gdntfrank 发布

This is ridiculous. Why taking risk if the probability of bad outcome
is unknown? And why persuade others to take the risk?
It is not a family or marriage problem. It is just a cat/baby problem.
Don't make things complicated.

You mean "if the probability of bad outcome is known?"?

I guess it's just a typo...
You don't know the outcome, that's the thing, no one knows. The best person to answer this question is a PROFESSIONAL, not you, not me, a DOCTOR who's been professionally trained to answer this question.

Of course if your head is so bloated that you actually think that your opinion is more valuable than a professional's, then I say kudos to you, but a NORMAL person without mental retardation would listen to a professional.

最初由 gdntfrank 发布

This is ridiculous. Why taking risk if the probability of bad outcome
is unknown? And why persuade others to take the risk?
It is not a family or marriage problem. It is just a cat/baby problem.
Don't make things complicated.
最初由 渐渐 发布
You don't know the outcome, that's the thing, no one knows. The best person to answer this question is a PROFESSIONAL, not you, not me, a DOCTOR who's been professionally trained to answer this question.

Of course if your head is so bloated that you actually think that your opinion is more valuable than a professional's, then I say kudos to you, but a NORMAL person without mental retardation would listen to a professional.

That's not my point. I don't mean I have authority to make
any judgement. The problem is if you don't know the risk, why
take it. Most importantly, why try to let others to take the
risk? Don't you think we should be more responsible for what
we said here? It is not a problem of who will win the debate or
who will lose face. It is about the health of a baby.