老公和家婆异口同声叫我让步, 我很无奈, 怎么办?

最初由 人淡如菊 发布

You assume it's her assumption, but since she's the one living with them, wouldn't she know more of whether it's a fact or assumption? I think just the fact that they never help her out with the cat or play with her cat speaks for itself. They don't like her cat, period. Why don't they just be honest, no one is going to force them to like animals, at least don't cover up their true intentions with some glamourous excuse.

Your conclusion is not wrong; however, your conclusion is derived on the basis of LITTLE DOLPHIN's telling. Another words, we are hearing an one-sided story. :)
最初由 March 发布

inference - n. process of inferring
infer - v. reach (an opinion) from fact or reasoning

(Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary, 4th edition)

3M 你越来越牛了.:cool: :D
Precisely. :)

What would you infer from this?

最初由 小海豚 发布
问题是我老公和婆婆根本听不进去. 他们本来就是不喜欢动物的. 我在跟我老公结婚前已经开始养我的猫了. 我养我的猫, 他们玩都不跟他玩, 更不用说打理我的猫了, 他的生活都是我帮他打理的. 现在有那么好的一个"借口", 还不硬撑着吗? :(
True, but we could only derive our conclusion based on what we know, and not on what we don't.

最初由 Obiwan 发布

Your conclusion is not wrong; however, your conclusion is derived on the basis of LITTLE DOLPHIN's telling. Another words, we are hearing an one-sided story. :)
最初由 渐渐 发布
True, but we could only derive our conclusion based on what we know, and not on what we don't.

"people [...] choose to believe what they would want to believe [...]"
最初由 渐渐 发布
True, but we could only derive our conclusion based on what we know, and not on what we don't.

If we want to influence others with our conclusion, perhaps we should do more research finding out the facts from both sides. I believe one-sided conclusion is a bias conclusion.
Marriage works both ways, doesn't it? If the cat is this important to her, then her husband should have given more thought into this, shouldn't he?

I do agree though that this is something for the family to resolve, not in a public forum. Get all facts from professionals, then balance out the risks.
That's the limitation of a forum: unless someone chooses to speak up, we couldn't know what the true story really is. Meanwhile, we could discuss on what we DO know, it's up to her to listen or discard.

That's also a beauty of a public forum, advice is cheap, so you could treat it as such. :)

最初由 Obiwan 发布

If we want to influence others with our conclusion, perhaps we should do more research finding out the facts from both sides. I believe one-sided conclusion is a bias conclusion.
最初由 人淡如菊 发布

You assume it's her assumption, but since she's the one living with them, wouldn't she know more of whether it's a fact or assumption? I think just the fact that they never help her out with the cat or play with her cat speaks for itself. They don't like her cat, period. Why don't they just be honest, no one is going to force them to like animals, at least don't cover up their true intentions with some glamourous excuse.
Absolutely! :glowface:

最初由 March 发布

"people [...] choose to believe what they would want to believe [...]"
最初由 渐渐 发布
Absolutely! :glowface:

再问一句 - 这个people也包括你吗?:)
If there is a risk, there is always a risk no matter how small it is. This is what the gambler believes: there is always a chance you could win next time. :)
最初由 渐渐 发布
That's the limitation of a forum: unless someone chooses to speak up, we couldn't know what the true story really is. Meanwhile, we could discuss on what we DO know, it's up to her to listen or discard.

That's also a beauty of a public forum, advice is cheap, so you could treat it as such. :)

I am glad that you think that way.;)
最初由 红颜知己 发布
If there is a risk, there is always a risk no matter how small it is. This is what the gambler believes: there is always a chance you could win next time. :)

我要翻本, 我要翻本,我要翻本.:D