need help[请求热心人帮助]sos

最初由 渐渐 发布
It actually doesn't matter if it's a few hundred bucks or a few million bucks, fraud is fraud is fraud.

It does matter because:

A fraud of few hundred bucks and a fraud of a few million bucks are all fraud morally (emotions again, hahaha).

However, they are treated DIFFERENTLY in Canadian justice system. Each levels of the Canadian courts have UPPER limits with respect to the amount of money involved in a case that the court can handle.
we need toilet BBS
我觉得没有必要在这里讨论这件事做的对与错的问题, 在我看来是200%的错, 可是有人就觉得情有可原. 你说我心狠, 我说你占便宜, 大家永远也打不完这场嘴架. 观念都不同, 有什么可讨论的. 再说我们又不是楼主或者他朋友的爹妈, 犯不着在这里苦口婆心的"开导"和"教育". 咱没资格说, 人家没心情听.

至于问题怎么解决, 还是她得自己拿主意. 反正每撒一个谎, 你得准备十个谎遮它, 你们聪明而且没事干, 有的是功夫, 愿意玩就玩去吧. 渐渐我建议你回家逗猫玩去吧, 准备比这个更有趣. 反正我下去逗猫去了. 88.
最初由 xiannv 发布
我帮她签的, 她以后不打算拿EI了,只是不知道会有什么后果,该怎么解释是最好的呢。请给于意见

你的问题比她的严重的多。她最多是退钱+罚款,可你的是fraud,是犯法,要受惩罚的,而且会留下crimal的纪录,对你今后找工作等各方面都会有影响的。最好还是咨询一下lawyer。HRDC的EI汇报电话里讲的很清楚:如果你替别人汇报是要punished by law.
but it is still a fraud.

最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

It does matter because:

A fraud of few hundred bucks and a fraud of a few million bucks are all fraud morally (emotions again, hahaha).

However, they are treated DIFFERENTLY in Canadian justice system. Each levels of the Canadian courts have UPPER limits with respect to the amount of money involved in a case that the court can handle.

it's nothing to do with emotion. Fraud is fraud, to me.
这件事楼主本来就做的错, 是2000%的错, 撒谎更是错上加错. 只是不知原委, 可能是贪占小便宜,也可能另有原因.


我没猫, 我去给我的兰花浇水了.
Re: but it is still a fraud.

最初由 floraL 发布

it's nothing to do with emotion. Fraud is fraud, to me.
The term "emotion" has special meaning, i.e. a footnote. Please refer to the previous post for its meaning.
最初由 xiannv 发布
我一女性朋友回国两个月,EI没取消,被加拿大政府发现,要她解释,请问该怎么办,什么样的解决方案是最好的。会有很严重的后果吗? 请热心人给与帮助!。谢谢了!
大麻烦呀. 好好听听EI的电话, 看看有什么可以误解的.
我的一个同事在2003年,她丈夫十年前,在拿EI时,离开加拿大去了美国一天,当天回来的,而没有通知 HRDC,结果被追回,同加上利息,共一百多块。
哎,我觉得没那么严重吧。楼主的朋友就是不了解游戏规则而已。就像有人说,只要先回国,再报EI就没事。同样的事,不一样的结果。看能不能说回国找培训技能去了,因为回国便宜。EI期间是可以去学习的。不知有没有规定不可以到海外学习?最好有点证据什么的。最大的问题应该是楼主了。让你朋友一定不要说你签的字。说帮忙签名的人回中国了等等。这件事当教训好了。记得以前看过的书《白雪红尘》中一个女子混车票被逮住了,教会的人教她说因为考试紧张,所以忘了。最后那个女子没事。每个人都会在生活中明知故犯一些错。教会那么崇尚诚实的地方都能替人设身处地的想, 而不是光是惩罚。相信楼主及朋友及有可能犯同样错误的人都会得教训的。
最初由 happy 发布
哎,我觉得没那么严重吧。楼主的朋友就是不了解游戏规则而已。就像有人说,只要先回国,再报EI就没事。同样的事,不一样的结果。看能不能说回国找培训技能去了,因为回国便宜。EI期间是可以去学习的。不知有没有规定不可以到海外学习?最好有点证据什么的。最大的问题应该是楼主了。让你朋友一定不要说你签的字。说帮忙签名的人回中国了等等。这件事当教训好了。记得以前看过的书《白雪红尘》中一个女子混车票被逮住了,教会的人教她说因为考试紧张,所以忘了。最后那个女子没事。每个人都会在生活中明知故犯一些错。教会那么崇尚诚实的地方都能替人设身处地的想, 而不是光是惩罚。相信楼主及朋友及有可能犯同样错误的人都会得教训的。
  超强的点子呀,教会高,就是高!丢工作比忙考试更让人精神仿佛, 这样的困境是人就能体会!
FloraL: That's exactly what I meant: fraud is fraud is fraud, no matter how you sugar-coat it. My heart goes out to those who play by the rule but are failed by the bureaucratic system, not for those who actually committed fraud (by original poster's description). I wasn't talking about the actual penalty, that's up to a judge to decide; I was talking about the nature of such action: EI FRAUD!

What do these people think of the use of a public forum? A gigantic toilet as bello put it? Can anyone actually tell right from wrong? :o

开喜: I completely agree with you, for every single lie, one would need another 10, 20, 100 lies to cover the original lie. Maybe it's OK for some, it certainly isn't OK for me, but that's just me.
最初由 渐渐 发布
What do these people think of the use of a public forum? A gigantic toilet as bello put it?
There is a word called "respect" in my vocabulary, not sure if it is in yours?