need help[请求热心人帮助]sos

最初由 渐渐 发布
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated. --Mahatma Gandhi

对动物尚且如此, 何况对人。多一份爱心,多一份宽容, 这世界会更美好。
最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

对动物尚且如此, 何况对人。多一份爱心,多一份宽容, 这世界会更美好。

Respect is something I value immsensely, but I have very very little respect for liers and cheaters, then again that's just who I am and what I believe in.
The world would be a better place without the liers and cheaters, IMO.
想再补充一点。是否可以说因为laid off以后,心情很是难受,想和自己的父母呆一起。父母也不可能马上过来。同时呢,又想学点技能更好找工作,再者中国学费便宜,又可以学得快, 自己也确实需要钱。自己是错了,没有把这个情况先咨询HRDC听他们的建议。看看他们怎么说。

我说了,每个人都会在生活中明知故犯一些错。我觉得可以理解的。比如daycare的subsidy,有一条是存款不超过5000,我们都理解中国人在这里非亲非故的,都会寸点钱去应付各种急事,通常会隐瞒存款。还有的人在中国有地产,有租房收入,有caital gain,还有的父母在中国有退休金,过来后都如实报吗? 可能有的人的借口是这个系统有很多毛病。 在我看来和楼主的朋友是同样的性质。只不过一个被发现,另一个发现不了而已。如果我们可以理解这些,为啥不能理解宽容楼主的朋友犯的错误?
最初由 渐渐 发布
Respect is something I value immsensely, but I have very very little respect for liers and cheaters, then again that's just who I am and what I believe in.
The world would be a better place without the liers and cheaters, IMO.

Your guess is wrong. I am not Ottawa_248 though it is interesting to know why you think I am Ottawa_248.

When I introduced the word "respect", I was asking if you have respect for those who disagree with you, not asking you if you have respect for those who are cheating or lying.

Is the "gigantic toilet"(your original word) used for flushing arguments by those who disagree with you?

I donot cheat and lie personally, but I forgive those who make mild mistakes for understandable and excusable reasons. You will be surprised to know that I had takled to my federal MP to express my anger on the sponsorship scandal of the Liberal party.

We have to learn how to agree to disagree.
最初由 只在乎曾经拥有 发布

We have to learn how to agree to disagree.

Then you should be able to understand that 渐渐 is entitled to her own opinion and emotions.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
最初由 某某 发布

Then you should be able to understand that 渐渐 is entitled to her own opinion and emotions.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I thought she did not like to bring emotions (hers or others) to a factual discussion (please refer to previous post).

馋猫族的朋友, 有意识。渐渐曾经也是馋猫族的。
I see your rationale, but here is the difference between you and I: I don't believe that EI fraud is a "mild", "understandable" and "excusable" mistake.

I respect people with different opinions, but I have absolutely no respect for liers and cheaters, period. Your whole argument started with my saying that "I have no sympathy for cheaters", well if you consider that disrespect, it's fine by me. Chinese tend to mix emotions with the concept of right or wrong, so I'm not surprised by your reaction, not at all. :) Why would I even care about your political orientation? Does that have anything to do with this discussion?

p.s. I have a great deal of respect for Ottawa_248, just so you know.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Chinese tend to mix emotions with the concept of right or wrong, so I'm not surprised by your reaction, not at all.
Does it include yourself? Are you an ethnical Chinese? You have some sterotypical feeling about Chinese.
最初由 渐渐 发布
The world would be a better place without the liers and cheaters, IMO.

woow! that's a strong sentence. So what do you imply?
Exterminate them?
最初由 渐渐 发布
I see your rationale, but here is the difference between you and I: I don't believe that EI fraud is a "mild", "understandable" and "excusable" mistake.
A little correction:
I believe that some of the violation of EI rules, particularly if it is the first time, are understandable and excusable mistakes.
最初由 渐渐 发布
Why would I even care about your political orientation? Does that have anything to do with this discussion?
It is not political orientation. It indicates that I hate serious crime which is hardly forgiven. It indicates that I also distinguish wrong from right. It further indicates that you are NOT the only one person in the entire world who can tell right from wrong.