精华 改为“无题”比较好

最初由 roaring mouse 发布
去问问你爷爷? He was fighting the japanese. He was betrayed by a christian chinese to the Japanese. Anytime, u can find people that are good or bad.

去问问你爸爸? He was fighting the US in Korea and he was tortured during the cultural revolution. do u think we are worse than those in the cultural revolution. country in chaos, torture, jail without reason, kicked out of schools because parents were considered reactionary.

the world is changing, so change with the world. do not be pessimistic. today's china is better than yesterday's china. there will be new problems but they are no excuses for your saying the past is better than the present
"do u think we are worse than those in the cultural revolution. country in chaos, torture, jail without reason, kicked out of schools because parents were considered reactionary."

Good question. But what if someone asks you who is responsible for the disaster, chaos, killing and torturing in the Culture Revolution in the first place? And not just the Culture Revolution, who's responsible for many other horrible events happened to millions of Chinese for the last close to 60 years? The ordinary Chinese people? Or the government?

"today's china is better than yesterday's china."

Better living or progress for whom? For what percentage of people? At what cost? environmentally? morally? socially? and culturally? At what expense for majority of people? To save people's time on reading and mine on writing, let me just elaborate a little bit on the last question that is "at what expense for majority of people?"

For 70 to 80 percent of Chinese mostly farmers, 农民工s and those living in the small towns in the countryside or rural areas, some of the realities of the "better life" and "progress" they are facing are as following.

- Income level. I read an investigative report called "Investigative Report on Chinese Farmers" published in one of the reputable Chinese magazines a couple of years ago. The report was done based on a five-year study and research in An Hui province. It said some farmers after one year hardworking and after the deduction from heavy taxes and other costs etc., they ended up having only 5 Chinese Yuan left for the Chinese Spring Festival. We all know how much 5 Yuan can buy these days. You tell me if after having worked your butt off for one year with only 5 Yuan in your hand for your family when Spring Festival or Christams approaching, you will think it's a better life or a progress for your family after 60 years the one party government in power?

- Medical insurance. There have no or close to nothing med insurance for these people. It means there's nothing they can do but wait for death if they have serious illness. For less serious illness they still can't afford the hospital treatment and sky-rocking medicine price, many of them have to rely on the luck of the strength and the youth of their bodies.

- Social insurance. There's no social insurance for most of these people, which means if they do not have a job then they are completely on their own live or dying.

- Basic education opportunity. Many of you probably have already read more terrible reports or stories about how difficult for kids to get education in countryside or rural areas. The 农民工's kids are facing the similar difficulties. You probably also know how low the percentage of the government education budget compared to other countries for country kids.

I assume you live in Canada. Do you think it's fair or a progress that you have been paying the same amount of tax when buying your clothes, shoes or other daily stuff, but you (just because you happen to be in the bottom of the society) have been striped of the above benefits that you are entitled to just as everybody else?

When we do comparisons, we not only need to compare historically or vertically, but more importantly we need to compare horizontally. Also, not only compare those rich and famous well to dos, but more importantly compare those that constitute the majority in the bottom of a society. In other words, if you really want to compare, you should compare the majority Chinese (farmers, 农民工s and others alike) who live at lower economic bracket with similar groups of people in other counties during the same 60 year period, and see how the foreign groups have been doing in their economic improvement, education, social welfare (med and social insurance), environmental changes, unnatural death rate, index of personal satisfactions, their human rights and so on. The comparison factors can go much longer. I think a comparison of such kind would be much closer to the reality.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear the Mr. Mouse may roar that a Chinese with electricity, running water and a TV set lives a much better life than any kings and queens in the world several hundred years ago (because none of those gadgets were available back then). Therefore the government is the best in the world to make it citizens live better than kings and queens. But if you compare horizontally, well, the picture would probably tell a different story.
最初由 20厘米先生 发布
GOD, 相信之, 则有eternity, 不相信, 或者连知道GOD的机会都没有的人, 则不能有eternity, 足以看出GOD的狠毒, 基督教的恶毒.

佛教, 道教, 再怎么样, 也没有像基督教那样迫害过人.
古人(包括世界各地)和 未曾逻?耶蜂的人,小童和?孩在 未明白耶蜂的事之前去世,他?得不得救,我??在活着的人?庸操心!神有主?去?理!
no need to expend that much energy to argue with a roaring mouse;

you just seem to turn a blind eye to the tremendous progress in China over the past few decades, which the whole world amazed at.
最初由 wushuren 发布


WU兄弟,功课可以偷些懒。这不,现成的,有人抄了摆在上面--Psalm 14,只有一半。剩下的,won't you evil people learn?...我也懒得把它全敲上来。这不正好,楼上又在说了,拒绝信XX的,如冥顽如我者,“必定下地狱”。















山神虽是个小神仙,但好歹也掌管着一方,得按天道行事,不然饭碗不保。上帝最大,当然得lead with sample,更讲道理更懂礼数才是。


最初由 under the sun 发布

古人(包括世界各地)和 未曾逻?耶蜂的人,小童和?孩在 未明白耶蜂的事之前去世,他?得不得救,我??在活着的人?庸操心!神有主?去?理!

忍不住想说: 切! 你以为你是谁? 何出此狂言!

平心而论,有信仰是好事,可是信仰并不是只有一种.信神,信缘,信自己, 何尝不可? 如果因为有信仰, 却失去自己独立思考的能力, 而只会引用那一本书上的教条.如果有信仰,就觉得自己有了免死牌,从此做多少坏事,也会有万能的神来庇护,天堂之上一定有一席之地, 那这样的信仰, 不信也罢!

最初由 under the sun 发布

古人(包括世界各地)和 未曾逻?耶蜂的人,小童和?孩在 未明白耶蜂的事之前去世,他?得不得救,我??在活着的人?庸操心!神有主?去?理!

最初由 龙行有雨 发布

WU兄弟,功课可以偷些懒。这不,现成的,有人抄了摆在上面--Psalm 14,只有一半。剩下的,won't you evil people learn?...我也懒得把它全敲上来。这不正好,楼上又在说了,拒绝信XX的,如冥顽如我者,“必定下地狱”。















山神虽是个小神仙,但好歹也掌管着一方,得按天道行事,不然饭碗不保。上帝最大,当然得lead with sample,更讲道理更懂礼数才是。









最初由 wushuren 发布








有的人不止是关窄了这扇门, 还有意无意地绊倒了许多正在走向这扇门的人们.
最初由 过客 发布

有的人不止是关窄了这扇门, 还有意无意地绊倒了许多正在走向这扇门的人们.




最初由 yokel 发布

"do u think we are worse than those in the cultural revolution. country in chaos, torture, jail without reason, kicked out of schools because parents were considered reactionary."

Good question. But what if someone asks you who is responsible for the disaster, chaos, killing and torturing in the Culture Revolution in the first place? And not just the Culture Revolution, who's responsible for many other horrible events happened to millions of Chinese for the last close to 60 years? The ordinary Chinese people? Or the government?

"today's china is better than yesterday's china."

Better living or progress for whom? For what percentage of people? At what cost? environmentally? morally? socially? and culturally? At what expense for majority of people? To save people's time on reading and mine on writing, let me just elaborate a little bit on the last question that is "at what expense for majority of people?"

For 70 to 80 percent of Chinese mostly farmers, 农民工s and those living in the small towns in the countryside or rural areas, some of the realities of the "better life" and "progress" they are facing are as following.

- Income level. I read an investigative report called "Investigative Report on Chinese Farmers" published in one of the reputable Chinese magazines a couple of years ago. The report was done based on a five-year study and research in An Hui province. It said some farmers after one year hardworking and after the deduction from heavy taxes and other costs etc., they ended up having only 5 Chinese Yuan left for the Chinese Spring Festival. We all know how much 5 Yuan can buy these days. You tell me if after having worked your butt off for one year with only 5 Yuan in your hand for your family when Spring Festival or Christams approaching, you will think it's a better life or a progress for your family after 60 years the one party government in power?

- Medical insurance. There have no or close to nothing med insurance for these people. It means there's nothing they can do but wait for death if they have serious illness. For less serious illness they still can't afford the hospital treatment and sky-rocking medicine price, many of them have to rely on the luck of the strength and the youth of their bodies.

- Social insurance. There's no social insurance for most of these people, which means if they do not have a job then they are completely on their own live or dying.

- Basic education opportunity. Many of you probably have already read more terrible reports or stories about how difficult for kids to get education in countryside or rural areas. The 农民工's kids are facing the similar difficulties. You probably also know how low the percentage of the government education budget compared to other countries for country kids.

I assume you live in Canada. Do you think it's fair or a progress that you have been paying the same amount of tax when buying your clothes, shoes or other daily stuff, but you (just because you happen to be in the bottom of the society) have been striped of the above benefits that you are entitled to just as everybody else?

When we do comparisons, we not only need to compare historically or vertically, but more importantly we need to compare horizontally. Also, not only compare those rich and famous well to dos, but more importantly compare those that constitute the majority in the bottom of a society. In other words, if you really want to compare, you should compare the majority Chinese (farmers, 农民工s and others alike) who live at lower economic bracket with similar groups of people in other counties during the same 60 year period, and see how the foreign groups have been doing in their economic improvement, education, social welfare (med and social insurance), environmental changes, unnatural death rate, index of personal satisfactions, their human rights and so on. The comparison factors can go much longer. I think a comparison of such kind would be much closer to the reality.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear the Mr. Mouse may roar that a Chinese with electricity, running water and a TV set lives a much better life than any kings and queens in the world several hundred years ago (because none of those gadgets were available back then). Therefore the government is the best in the world to make it citizens live better than kings and queens. But if you compare horizontally, well, the picture would probably tell a different story.

first of all, i do not live in canada.
2nd, if u compare horizontally, depending on where you look, you may be ectastic or in despair. compared to the so-called "poorest" folks on earth, Sudanese or some in Africa, you can join your own conclusion. if u also want to find faults with USA, it is the richest and most powerful country, you will also find some of its people are without running water and toilets.
3rd, do not blame the chinese government. my parents suffered and I was also denied passports because of my involvment in 64. But I learned to be humble, not resentful and not bitter. I know you christians are tolerant and not resentful. why are you so bitter towards the chinese government. government's faults are from its people.
4th Canada has universal health insurance. How about USA? No society is equal. Democracy is an illusion. Religion, in no offending terms, is like sex.
最初由 农民工 发布






literally speaking, god is against people wearing clothes, from Adam and Eve on.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

literally speaking, god is against people wearing clothes, from Adam and Eve on.

如果和非基督徒比,一个真正的基督徒知罪所以也比较能认罪。有被神饶恕的平安所以也比较能饶恕别人。 [/B][/QUOTE]

哈哈 基督笑话!
