最初由 roaring mouse 发布
first of all, i do not live in canada.
2nd, if u compare horizontally, depending on where you look, you may be ectastic or in despair. compared to the so-called "poorest" folks on earth, Sudanese or some in Africa, you can join your own conclusion. if u also want to find faults with USA, it is the richest and most powerful country, you will also find some of its people are without running water and toilets.
3rd, do not blame the chinese government. my parents suffered and I was also denied passports because of my involvment in 64. But I learned to be humble, not resentful and not bitter. I know you christians are tolerant and not resentful. why are you so bitter towards the chinese government. government's faults are from its people.
4th Canada has universal health insurance. How about USA? No society is equal. Democracy is an illusion. Religion, in no offending terms, is like sex.
"why are you so bitter towards the chinese government."
Me being bitter? You must be joking...LOL You are the first one calling me bitter towards anything or anyone in my life...LOL
Looks like you confused the English word "bitter" with the word "critical". I was just being critical, actually constructively critical towards the Chinese government by listing facts, not just throwing out accusations.
Unlike the negative words used in your
"Religion is like sex." and in many other comments of yours towards religions, I did not even use a single negative word on the Chinese government. I was simply stating the facts about what are facing today's Chinese farmers and others alike. What's funny and ironic is at the same time you are the one that accusing me of bitter...

You seem to have something you want to hide so you want to have a preemptive strike?...LOL
By the way, just for your information, me being constructively critical to the government has nothing to do with my personal or my family members' personal experience with the government. Also for your information, I do not consider myself Christian, but I do respect religions. I also found people who dislike religions seem less humble, more resentful and of course more bitter than those who believe or respect religions...
"depending on where you look, you may be ectastic or in despair."
Looks like the "black or white mentality" is still your way of thinking. Most mature people have abandoned that mentality or way of thinking long time ago.
"compared to the so-called "poorest" folks on earth, Sudanese or some in Africa"
Okay, let's do it. It's interesting that you picked Sudan that many consider a borderline terrorist state and that's why it got bombed. How about we add another African country, let's say Rwanda. It's notorious for the countrywide genocide. Let's add a similar one, how about North Korea? One of the poorest and least democratic countries on earth, and yet posing the biggest risk for nuclear war right next to China. You seem to suggest that these are the countries of this category that China should often compare and associate or hangout with.
You recommendation makes the situation more like a petty crime offender newly released from prison pondering what he'll do with his life. Two of his choices can be: 1) to look up to those decent law-abiding folks and say: "Hey I want to be one of them." Or 2) to compare himself with murderers, rapists and pedophiles and say: "Hey, that's the one I want to be." If you want countries of this category to be compared with China that has 5000-year history and civilization, and you want China to hang out with countries of this category. Be my guest. It does seem to show how sound your judgement is...
"if u also want to find faults with USA, it is the richest and most powerful country, you will also find some of its people are without running water and toilets."
What's your point? You don't seem to understand my argument at all by this statement. I am not sure if you have the concept of "individual character/behavior does not represent group character/behavior"? Or "individual value does not represent group average"? This is one of the things frustrating during discussions. You have to stop the natural flow of the discussion from time to time and spend time and energy explaining some basic concepts, and then pray he or she will understand the concepts.
Let me explain. Even if you manage to find an American who does not even have his underwear and a Chinese who is richer than Bill Gates, it is
NOT relevant to my previous argument. My argument was we should compare horizontally majority of people at the bottom of a society between China and other countries, and see how foreign groups have been doing in the specified areas for the last 60 or so years.
"government's faults are from its people."
Unbelievable! I literally read this line three times for not believing my eyes and for trying to find if I have missed something, or there's a typo something.
"Democracy is an illusion. Religion, in no offending terms, is like sex."
After seeing the unbelievable line
"government's faults are from its people." your above line does not surprise me any more. I think you are one of those people I would characterize (for lack of better term) "just don't get it". Take it easy, you might change some of your views when you get older, say 20 years older...