精华 改为“无题”比较好

hi, what books are reading now? how about films?

Just finished the novel "unbearable lightness of being," a very fine novel. Now I am reading the book "The untold story of Mao," only 1/4 through. a very bad book. 90% of the story has been told before and the rest seems to be fabricated. the woman author (and the male author is her husband) seemed to hate china a lot. she is from sichuan china and married to someone years older than her.

memoirs of a geisha is pretty good. wuji (the promise) is the worst chenkaige film i have ever seen.

最初由 wushuren 发布


never saw a carton in my life. have u seen brokeback? it is love forbidden by god. do u support homo marriage? I support it. am against death penalty; against most abortions, respect the rights of women to make their own decision. do u know chinese language is more advanced than english? do u know where the word China is from?
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

never saw a carton in my life. have u seen brokeback? it is love forbidden by god. do u support homo marriage? I support it. am against death penalty; against most abortions, respect the rights of women to make their own decision. do u know chinese language is more advanced than english? do u know where the word China is from?

没有看过《断背山》。和大多数基督徒一样不支持同性婚姻。不过我本人抱着一种宽容态度,不是很严厉,没有证据表明同性婚姻合法化以后,社会上的同性恋会增多,这个事情要斟酌,毕竟有可能损害到人类的繁衍。 另外同性恋不知道是选择性的,还是先天的。如果是选择性的,那么确实要影响人类以后的繁衍。如果是先天的,那么同性婚姻不会产生后代,同性恋会逐渐被这种合法婚姻造成鼓励而被最终消灭掉,这是不是会造成倾向于我们心中的理想社会的一种意外尼?





最初由 roaring mouse 发布
hi, what books are reading now? how about films?

Just finished the novel "unbearable lightness of being," a very fine novel. Now I am reading the book "The untold story of Mao," only 1/4 through. a very bad book. 90% of the story has been told before and the rest seems to be fabricated. the woman author (and the male author is her husband) seemed to hate china a lot. she is from sichuan china and married to someone years older than her.

memoirs of a geisha is pretty good. wuji (the promise) is the worst chenkaige film i have ever seen.


最初由 roaring mouse 发布

israel has nukes. when it sees it is going to be annihilated, it is ready to annihilate the world. so the risk is there. also russia and us has nukes to wipe out the world dozens of time. what is their intention to keep so many nukes?







最初由 wushuren 发布





do not blame homos. if you do, how about infertile couples? do you live to breed? god said in Old Testament go and multiply thy seeds upon the surface of the earth. do you christians keep producing babies to obey god? pope and his cardinals oppose the use of condoms and why do not they follow god and produce babies?
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

do not blame homos. if you do, how about infertile couples? do you live to breed? god said in Old Testament go and multiply thy seeds upon the surface of the earth. do you christians keep producing babies to obey god? pope and his cardinals oppose the use of condoms and why do not they follow god and produce babies?


最初由 wushuren 发布



why homos cannot adopt children? it is good for the homo couples and also good for the children. the orphans would be better off than without a family and without love.
上帝关上一扇门的同时,就会打开一扇门. that sounds like a revolving door to me.
最初由 wushuren 发布



i am no longer interested in democracy staff. i left it for the 1980s and 90s. i met wuerkaixi when he visited hawaii in the early 90s. i told him i cannot forgive you student leaders. i and others stood up and were ready to die for democracy and you and your leaders had passports/visas ready to flee. i am glad he now almost gives up the fight. he is more dangerous if he picks up his fight as a native Xijianger. i and his nephew used to live in the building off the manoa campus. his nephew seemed to be a very smart guy, fresh from harvard. i do not know if he joined the east turkeystan movement or not. also met the poet Beidao in hawaii, he seemed to be intelligent. also the guy called chenyizi. at that time he said he still wrote recommendations to the chinese government. he advocated democracy but he did not seem to tolerate our asking him very sharp questions. never had a chance to meet the radical leader cailing, who said "blood, but not my blood."
最初由 wushuren 发布



democracy is an illusion. let us assume there are 100 guys eligible to vote in US. 60% of them went to vote and 51% vote for G.W.B. and the remaining vote for J.K. That means G.W.B. was voted president by about 31% of the eligible voters. that is called minority rule, not majority rule as about 70% have to follow the 30%.

there was a falungong woman shouting out at president hu at the white house garden yesterday. falungoners do not have any decency. you do not insult a president's (us) guest either you are an american citizen or a chinese one. must be on a special falungong opium.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

why homos cannot adopt children? it is good for the homo couples and also good for the children. the orphans would be better off than without a family and without love.
上帝关上一扇门的同时,就会打开一扇门. that sounds like a revolving door to me.
最初由 wushuren 发布


nothing can replace parental love even provided by homos. u cannot deny love based on your moral ground.
how about inter-racial adoption? meaning the chinese orphans adopted by those in canada and us.

do u think god's multiplying your seeds on earth still true?
do u know in bible "die" also means "sexual climax"?
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

democracy is an illusion. let us assume there are 100 guys eligible to vote in US. 60% of them went to vote and 51% vote for G.W.B. and the remaining vote for J.K. That means G.W.B. was voted president by about 31% of the eligible voters. that is called minority rule, not majority rule as about 70% have to follow the 30%.

there was a falungong woman shouting out at president hu at the white house garden yesterday. falungoners do not have any decency. you do not insult a president's (us) guest either you are an american citizen or a chinese one. must be on a special falungong opium.

