精华 4月13日星期天, 下午1点到4点 渥太华“宣传西藏真相,维护祖国统一”集会

Go back to school to learn your history lessons

Dear Sir,
Have you ever been to China? Have you ever been to Tibet? Do you know anything about Chinese history and Tibetan history?
Tibet became part of China since Yuan dynasty. You can go Britan and American archive to check the Chinese map they drew before 1949 if you can't read. It doesn't take Einstein to understan the map. In 1933, a group of British montain climbers asked permission from then Chinese government to climb up the Everest, instead of the Tibetans. Back in 1922, Indians negociated Tibetan boarder dispute with then Chinese goverment, not Tibetans.

There are montains of history records in the world to prove Tibetan is part of China for centuries. Is there any country in the world recognize Tibetan is an independent country? Are they all less educated then you sir?
History is of no one can change, it is iron fact that have already happened and can not be rewritten!
Even grade 3 students know that.
Here is an article I suggest you to read to help you understand the Old Tibet. I suggest you do not make fool of yourself on the subject that you do not know and do not understand:
Friendly Fuedalism - The Tibet Myth

You said you don't like China, why bother to come here?
One thing I'd like to remind you that we have not forgotten 8 countrieds invaded China in May of 1900, extorted countless invaluable Chinese treasures (many of them are still in US and UK mesumes in display that they really should be returned to China, to Chinese people), burned houses including the most beautiful summer palace "Garden in the Garden", klling chinese people, occupied all major chinese cities. Foreigners had been invading china for near 300 years before 1949. Do you know why Hong Kong only returned to China in 1997?. Do you feel quilty about them? If you don't, shame on you!

It's fine that you don't want to tell us who you are. What about nationalities? Tell us your nationalities. If you don't, that means that you have something to hide. You then do not deserve to talk to us.

well, that is u just made up, give me something to show me that is true

What you say does not make any sense to me.

O.K, I am not a Tibantian either. But as a Chinese, I have the right to say No whenever somebody wants to seperate my country.

以为老外不知道你的想法吗?你的观点其实是非常不民主的观点。 你有什么权利反对藏独?你是西藏人吗?






bbcckk, You can stay away from this!

One advice to bbcckk,

You should spend less time badmouthing about China, and spend more time learning English. It will be better for you.
I do not know why you have to be here. There are a lot of things that we do not like in the world. One normal way, is just to stay away so you are not bothered.
Why you have to be here?
If you just wanted to sour this forum, then you are doomed to fail this time. I have never seen Chinese people across the world be united like this before.
If you are just barking for some pennies of tips from your owner(s), then your poor low life. But based on the broken sentences you just offered, you are really not up to a job like that yet.
So, stay away from this whole matter. Go away to find a quiet corner for yourself, learn some English, and read some history books before you talk again.
You loser!

I said i donot wanne any kind of quarrel, so watch out ur language, u can like china, that is ur choice, but i donot, that is my choice. u can go to the demonstration,that is ur choice, i am not going to that stupid thing, so that is my choice, so watch out ur language

以为老外不知道你的想法吗?你的观点其实是非常不民主的观点。 你有什么权利反对藏独?你是西藏人吗?




O.K, let us Talk about "民主".

"Canada government did allow Quebec to vote for their future, beacuse they knew Quebec would not get enough votes to become " independant". There were enough English-speakers in Quebec already.

To be simple, it was just a show organized by Canada government."

These words were from one of my Professors who participated the whole process. You, 如假包换的马甲, know more than him? I do not think so.

Who think "中国人野蛮"? Only these little nobodies have such stupid opinion.



也不要外人看不懂的口号。比如“ONE CHINA”!


说得好!!target audience 是谁?是广大的普通西人, 请记住, 不是华人, 华人大多数是支持游行的。

1。 加拿大国旗一定要多, 中加国旗比例最少应该是1:1, 中国国旗不应该更多,为什么?

a.经过多年的西方新闻导向, 西方大众已经对把五星红旗和共产党打上等号,我们的党在这边不是特别受欢迎,所以西人大众对五星红旗不是特别感冒。 过多的红旗可能产生西人群众反感, 从而失去可以拉拢的西人群众。
b. 通过这段时间的观察,大家都因该发现中国政府对这个事件采取的态度是为奥运而隐忍。过多的大红旗可能起到反弹作用, 为奥运大局帮倒忙。
c. 要表示华人团结的决心,小马哥已经把台湾搞定了,如果有可能,加上青天白日满地红,香港的梅花,again, 我们代表华人,西藏利益其实是全体华人的利益, 历史上所有中央政府对西藏都是有主权claim的(清,明国,中共)。

2。 打亲善牌, 形象牌。
这次活动是改善华人形象的一个好突破口。 要好好改一改中国人柔弱,不修蝙蝠的邋遢形象。建议组织一个亲善美女团, 找一些能说会道的MM发传单和轻声轻气讲道理, 对调节游行气氛会有正面作用。

3。 打素质牌, 要能顶住压力。
要克制,现场会有不少反面的呛声和行动。我们要能克制, 这才是华人好素质的表现。 但是要做好冲突的准备,组织者不允许带武器是好事, 但是防人之心不可没有,警察也有顾不过来的时候,自己要有自己的队伍来应急。(最新消息,巴黎今天的圣火传递起了冲突,支持人群和藏独exchange fist fight, cnn 报道)


也不要外人看不懂的口号。比如“ONE CHINA”!


说得好!!target audience 是谁?是广大的普通西人, 请记住, 不是华人, 华人大多数是支持游行的。

1。 加拿大国旗一定要多, 中加国旗比例最少应该是1:1, 中国国旗不应该更多,为什么?

a.经过多年的西方新闻导向, 西方大众已经对把五星红旗和共产党打上等号,我们的党在这边不是特别受欢迎,所以西人大众对五星红旗不是特别感冒。 过多的红旗可能产生西人群众反感, 从而失去可以拉拢的西人群众。
b. 通过这段时间的观察,大家都因该发现中国政府对这个事件采取的态度是为奥运而隐忍。过多的大红旗可能起到反弹作用, 为奥运大局帮倒忙。
c. 要表示华人团结的决心,小马哥已经把台湾搞定了,如果有可能,加上青天白日满地红,香港的梅花,again, 我们代表华人,西藏利益其实是全体华人的利益, 历史上所有中央政府对西藏都是有主权claim的(清,明国,中共)。

2。 打亲善牌, 形象牌。
这次活动是改善华人形象的一个好突破口。 要好好改一改中国人柔弱,不修蝙蝠的邋遢形象。建议组织一个亲善美女团, 找一些能说会道的MM发传单和轻声轻气讲道理, 对调节游行气氛会有正面作用。

3。 打素质牌, 要能顶住压力。
要克制,现场会有不少反面的呛声和行动。我们要能克制, 这才是华人好素质的表现。 但是要做好冲突的准备,组织者不允许带武器是好事, 但是防人之心不可没有,警察也有顾不过来的时候,自己要有自己的队伍来应急。(最新消息,巴黎今天的圣火传递起了冲突,支持人群和藏独exchange fist fight, cnn 报道)



Signs must be easily understood by Canadians

We should use the signs that Canadians easily understand. Here are some signs suggested for the demonstation:

1. Great Trudeau (best with his Portrait): "Just Watch Me!"
2. Religion? Culture? It's THEOCRACY!! Stupid!
3. China learn from Canada: Great Trudeau, No Harper
4. China need: Great TRUDEAU, NO Biggest SLAVE OWNER the Dalai!


 预计活动人数:未设限  报名方式: 中国人自发组织,无需报名
One advice to bbcckk,

You should spend less time badmouthing about China, and spend more time learning English. It will be better for you.
I do not know why you have to be here. There are a lot of things that we do not like in the world. One normal way, is just to stay away so you are not bothered.
Why you have to be here?
If you just wanted to sour this forum, then you are doomed to fail this time. I have never seen Chinese people across the world be united like this before.
If you are just barking for some pennies of tips from your owner(s), then your poor low life. But based on the broken sentences you just offered, you are really not up to a job like that yet.
So, stay away from this whole matter. Go away to find a quiet corner for yourself, learn some English, and read some history books before you talk again.
You loser!

well, that is not ur business if my english is good or bad, and there are not everything is wonderful in the world. also, if u enjoy to be a chinese, just go ahead, i donot care.
You English is really really really horrible, poor you!

well, that is not ur business if my english is good or bad, and there are not everything is wonderful in the world. also, if u enjoy to be a chinese, just go ahead, i donot care.