精华 推荐一个好股票

AIB does not look good at all and could be nationalized.
Try KAT.to

KAT.to looks interested.
P/E is less than 7
Copper and Cobalt Mining. it could be the largest cobalt mine in the world. 2007 highest hit 25
KAT.to looks interested.
P/E is less than 7
Copper and Cobalt Mining. it could be the largest cobalt mine in the world. 2007 highest hit 25

现在的1.4元实际上比的25元更贵。 因为股票的价值被扩股稀释了
当初只有 80M 股,25 * 80M = 2B 总市值
现在有 1,907M 股,1.4 * 1970M = 2.6B 总市值

而且过去 4 个季度总盈利大概只有 1 分。不知 P/E is less than 7 是如何来的。
stop KAT

dump everything now, wait for kold to be cool down
Gold may be the second oil like 2008

today gold hit 1370,
I thought that oil hit 130/b, then suddenly drop, by the end of 2008, oil is less than 40.
This may happen to gold this year.
That is a big bet.
today gold hit 1370,
I thought that oil hit 130/b, then suddenly drop, by the end of 2008, oil is less than 40.
This may happen to gold this year.
That is a big bet.

gold bull will not end here, mild correction coming possibly.
the 3rd (last) phase of the bull/bubble shall be speculative and explosive.
we haven't seen that. next 12-18 month might be it.
in one's life, we would have 3-4 times "fat tail" opportunity, to become very rich or broken.
Gold did as what I prodict

I do not believe myself, and lost 600 by re-getting into the gold mining stock, almost 10%.

Tuesday's bounce back is not strong that is why today drop again.
The time it choose is different.
last time is 7 AM, midpoint of eu time.
today is after London close. 11AM eatsern time. 4PM London time.

I think it is time to say bye-bye Gold.
I do not believe myself, and lost 600 by re-getting into the gold mining stock, almost 10%.

Tuesday's bounce back is not strong that is why today drop again.
The time it choose is different.
last time is 7 AM, midpoint of eu time.
today is after London close. 11AM eatsern time. 4PM London time.

I think it is time to say bye-bye Gold.

correction takes time, much much longer than 1 day.
so after saying "bye-bye Gold", don't say "see you tomorrow"

anyone knows the Chinese name for

China Education Alliance Inc (CEU)



我们的AIB最后在1.4 ~ 1.6之间全部卖空,获得-50%的利润(腰斩)。

值得庆幸的是我们在ACLS以及SW.TO (或SWIR)上面小有收获。SW是我们的老对象,一直在买卖。

ACLS是卖半导体芯片生产设备的。半导体行业经历了近10年的熊市,ACLS自2000年上市以来也一路下到0.27(2009年),现在2.6左右。我们认为,半导体行业可能在2009年已经见底,应该迎来一个比较长时间的牛市。同时由于ACLS近来在产品和技术方面的进步,比同行取得一定优势。各种迹象表明,ACLS很可能已经进入了一个比较长时间的业务增长周期。我们从AIB出来以后,基本都进入ACLS。SW前途仍然十分看好,但大幅度增长要看一年以后。这取决于M2M的市场情况。传统的PC Wireless Modem生意恐怕没有太多增长空间了。

