
in manotick 有12 条,18条,40条10 元一盒卖 .
我找不到有48 条一盒的

That was about it then. Does it really matter?:p

I hope that you didn't drive all the way to there only for 48 条一盒的. Did you? If yes, my apologies!
That was about it then. Does it really matter?:p

I hope that you didn't drive all the way to there only for 48 条一盒的. Did you? If yes, my apologies!

u hope so????? u just said "a store in manotick " ONLY
so i just checked "a store in manotick" HEHEHEHHEHEH................:D
Le Baron 有40條裝的呀! 好像是8塊多,都肥肥的。我想買個蟲蟲箱挖蟲來自己養說,可連箱帶料要快20元……&*%$#

我也用金屬假魚餌釣過30寸的pike說,spoons和spinners都行。通常在假魚餌約不到魚的時候, 蟲蟲才出動。:D