Market prediction

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 dkwan
  • 开始时间 开始时间
Result Sept 15:
The market is against prediction 2 days now. It gives me a wired feeling about how the market reacts. Something is brewing.

Sept 16:
5 up, 1 down and 1 level. Indicators mostly pointing upward, let's see how the market feels like moving.
Prediction: Will go up slowly after a gap down opens.
Result Sept 16:
nice move up as predicted.

Sept 17:
Software not responding today. Skip today!
Good day all fellow traders,
The software works again after urgent repair. Here today will continue my prediction.

5/7 indicators are up and 2/7 are level.
Both QQQQ and SPY will open even or down but will edge up intraday.
Result Oct 14:
Continue up intraday as predicted.

Oct 15:
5/7 indicators showing down and 2/7 are up.
Gap down and slightly reverse for the day. Stay below yesterday close.
Result Oct 15:
SPY and QQQQ stayed below Oct 14 close for most of the day (until the last hour).

Oct 16:
5/7 down and 1 up and 1 level.
Intraday top was seen yesterday and most of my indicators were down.
Down for both today.
Result Oct 16:
Both SPY and QQQQ were stay below Oct 15 close.

Oct 19:
5/7 are up and 2 flat. But if I need to classify them further, 2/5 up are showing reversal signal.
So, I will predict for QQQQ and SPY, will show a flat open, and up in the morning, but will exhaust in the afternoon.
Result Oct 19:
Both SPY and QQQQ went up in the morning and flat in the afternoon.

Oct 20:
Market itself seems positive, and here is what indicators show me.
3/7 flat, 2/7 up, 2/7 weak. Interesting.
No indicative direction.
Those ups are small up, not a huge jump.
So, here is my prediction.
Both QQQQ and SPY will have a flat open, and yo-yo all day long
Result Oct 20:
Market as predicted not seems as positive.

Oct 21:
4/7 flat. 2/7 strong up and 1/7 soft down.
Looking at those indicators seems flat, but slowly upward motion.
Sorry I had meeting yesterday and not avaliable for post.

Oct 23:
5/7 flat. 2/7 down.
Prediction. Flat indicators are ruling today, plus 2 down signals. I will say today's QQQQ and SPY will stay below yesterday close
Result Oct 23:
Gap open and down whole day

I was in training Monday and couldn't post my prediction. Continue today
Oct 27:
4/7 down and 2/7 minor down and 1/7 up.
Prediction: Quite strong indicative downward direction for both QQQQ and SPY
Result Oct 27:
Markets move as predicted.

Oct 28:
2/7 sideway. 3/7 strong down and 2/7 weak down.
Pretty good indicators for downward market today, but the 2-major-sideway-indicators telling me the market will be move unexpectedly.
Wait for first 30 minutes, and direction should be clear. If no unexpected news, QQQQ and SPY will move downward for the day.
Result Oct 28:
No great effect from first 30 minutes and market moves down as predicted.

Oct 29:
All indicators points up today. Up, up and up.
GDP just released. That might affect the overall atmosphere. Let the first 30 minutes for market to absorb the news. Then entry.
Prediction: QQQQ and SPY will go up today.
Result Oct 29:
Prediction was right.

Sorry for not posting Friday Oct 30.

Nov 2:
6/7 went sideway, 1/7 went down.
With that much confusion, The leader down trend will take the lead. Since the leader is by itself, market will be voliate today but mostly down.
Result Nov 2:
Huge jump and down tomorrow, but closed above open yesterday. Not a good day.

Nov 3:
6/7 went down and 1/7 netural. Prediction is simpe, DOWN.