

You created your own god(s) not mine

Your god is created by you,
that is why he got ears, eyes...

My God is the God of the universe
He don't need anyone's defense of His existence

You cut a piece of wood
make it look like something that close to your mind
then you call it god whatever you name it

You say good thing to the wood held in your hand,
because you can see it and you wish it can read your mind.

You don't know my God is standing behind you,
He knows everything about you specially what is in your heart

He is smiling just like an elder looking at a child
He holds his angry because he knows he is too powerful
no one can survive under his finger

You want to prove the existence of my God
with your knowledge and arguments

But you only live in this world for 100 years,
with your ears, eyes... to feel this world

my God had given you spirit to talk to him
why are not you use it?

If you don't admit you have the spirit searching for God,
why are you interested in these topics?

My God can read my mind
because he is the one put everything together
he is the one take care of those things I have no idea

I pray you fine tune your channel
so you can hear my God's voice,
just like you fine tune a radio for your favorite songs

Before you go, I want to tell you
Search God the creator with all your heart
he will open the door when the time comes.
I thought it is related, because "其他信仰" is related to"other gods"
I thought it is related, because "其他信仰" is related to"other gods"

ZT还是你的原创? 你就不能说明? 知道你可以有特例,但起码尊重一下原创者,总不过份吧?
impressive indeed. :p

while I said,





.... I believe science has helped and will continue to help us better understand God by understanding more about God's creation. .... 

顺便说一句,这英语是个病句:science has helped and will continue to help us better understand God by understanding more about God's creation.
是我自己下編的, 你沒看見你面有幾処語法錯誤。

"ZT还是你的原创? 你就不能说明? 知道你可以有特例,但起码尊重一下原创者,总不过份吧?"
是我自己下編的, 你沒看見你面有幾処語法錯誤。

"ZT还是你的原创? 你就不能说明? 知道你可以有特例,但起码尊重一下原创者,总不过份吧?"


是的,否则把这里搞成了大面积ZT YouTube,成本书成本书都不嫌厚地往上传,甚至有时连原创者都懒的注明的坛子。
He holds his angry because he knows he is too powerful
你说的这个He,他是神经里的那个神,还是你自己养出来的神? 如果是神经里的那个神,呵呵,不提也罢,因为他根本不会让你知道他是否holds his angry,而如果他不想holds,他又会在什么时候发泄他的angry的否则,这么了解你的神的心理,知道你怎么干事的,如此,即使你是一个天生的罪人,也总还会有点儿作人的起码的良心,应该马上给台南的那些你的同伙通个风、报个信,好让他们不会死得那么惨。当然了,如果你说的这个He是你自己养出来的,毫无疑问,你绝对是知道他"holds his angry because he knows he is too powerful"的。
“大面积ZT YouTube“

你好像也承認你是有神論者,不知爲什麽你的神不使你高興,反而你 有很多complain?
You created your own god(s) not mine

Your god is created by you,
that is why he got ears, eyes...

My God is the God of the universe
He don't need anyone's defense of His existence

You cut a piece of wood
make it look like something that close to your mind
then you call it god whatever you name it

You say good thing to the wood held in your hand,
because you can see it and you wish it can read your mind.

You don't know my God is standing behind you,
He knows everything about you specially what is in your heart

He is smiling just like an elder looking at a child
He holds his angry because he knows he is too powerful
no one can survive under his finger

You want to prove the existence of my God
with your knowledge and arguments

But you only live in this world for 100 years,
with your ears, eyes... to feel this world

my God had given you spirit to talk to him
why are not you use it?

If you don't admit you have the spirit searching for God,
why are you interested in these topics?

My God can read my mind
because he is the one put everything together
he is the one take care of those things I have no idea

I pray you fine tune your channel
so you can hear my God's voice,
just like you fine tune a radio for your favorite songs

Before you go, I want to tell you
Search God the creator with all your heart
he will open the door when the time comes.
