团购:Phoenix Kanata Lake Heritage Hills 的新房

应该是向Tarion申诉. Tarion中确实有赔偿条款. (第9, 11, 12 章). 但是你仔细看看就知道很难拿到.

如果你选择退出. 退回本金+(BOC利率-2%)的利息. 最近两年BOC利率是多少? 所以热狗转贴的那个Case没有一分钱赔偿.

如果你选择最终买下来, 那你要证明你的Incurred Cost Due to Delay, 最高赔偿额$7500. 注意是Incurred Cost. 比如你已经卖了现房搬出去住的费用. 事实上很少人会这么干.

谢谢您的解释. 这下清楚多了. 怪不得BUILDER毫无顾忌地推延交房日期呢, 原来根本不用什么补偿.
谁家做了Frame(Electronic) walk through了?我们快要做了.
买cheasapeake的房主,有没有根据floor plan算过总共面积有3,500 sqft吗?包括open to above。
Anyone brought their house in Strandherd Meadows in Barrhaven. wants to meet more neirbours
买cheasapeake的房主,有没有根据floor plan算过总共面积有3,500 sqft吗?包括open to above。

那天粗粗算了一下, 好象建筑面积是有这么多, 但是要加上部分车库的面积才够. 不太确定是不是车库上有房子就应该算面积呢.
for main floor
W: 39.5 feet
L: 50.8 feet
Area: ~2000 sqft
Garage: ~ 400 sqft
main floor total ~1600 sqft
2nd floor, somewhere less than 2000 sqft (incl. open to above area)
so 3500 is about right number
and anyone ever care to count how many cheasapeake on that block?:)
for main floor
W: 39.5 feet
L: 50.8 feet
Area: ~2000 sqft
Garage: ~ 400 sqft
main floor total ~1600 sqft
2nd floor, somewhere less than 2000 sqft (incl. open to above area)
so 3500 is about right number

Not sure how you get the Length of 50.8 feet. I thought it is 45 feet for Length and 40 feet for Width. Minus the balcony area. Of course, garage is a bit extended out. I wouldn't count that area.
i think i was using the garage side to estimate the length:)
not sure if the builder will count the balcony into the total sqft.