宇宙人生的真相- 用科学证明佛教观(转载)

In Life After Life Raymond Moody investigates more than one hundred case studies of people who experienced "clinical death" and were subsequently revived. First published in 1975, this classic exploration of life after death started a revolution in popular attitudes about the afterlife and established Dr. Moody as the world's leading authority in the field of near-death experiences.

Life after Life forever changed the way we understand both death — and life — selling millions of copies to a world hungry for a greater understanding of this mysterious phenomenon.
The extraordinary stories presented here provide evidence that there is life after physical death, as Moody recounts the testimonies of those who have been to the "other side" and back — all bearing striking similarities of an overwelming positive nature. These moving and inspiring accounts give us a glimpse of the peace and unconditional love that await us all.


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Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect

by Dr. Ian Stevenson, Praeger Publishers, Westport, CT, 1997


(From book cover) Children who claim to remember a previous life have been found in many parts of the world, particularly in the Buddhist and Hindu countries of South Asia, among the Shiite peoples of Lebanon and Turkey, the tribes of West Africa, and the American northwest.

Stevenson has collected over 2,600 reported cases of past-life memories of which 65 detailed reports have been published. Specific information from the children's memories has been collected and matched with the data of their former identity, family, residence, and manner of death. Birthmarks or other physiological manifestations have been found to relate to experiences of the remembered past life, particularly violent death. Writing as a specialist in psychiatry and as a world-renowned scientific investigator of reported paranormal events, Stevenson asks us to suspend our Western tendencies to disbelieve in "reincarnation" and consider the reality of the burgeoning record of cases now available. This book summarizes Stevenson's findings which are presented in full in the multi-volume work entitled Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects, also published by Praeger.

This book distills 112 cases of the 225 which are contained in the large parent monograph. The emphasis is placed on children who have recalled past lives and who have birthmarks or birth defects. Most birthmarks are hairless areas of puckered, scarlike tissue, often raised above surrounding tissues or depressed below them. The deaths recalled by these children are for the most part violent. The key evidence found is the close relationship between the nature of wounds causing the death of the previous personality and the presence of birthmarks at the same location on the child who recalls this previous life and how it ended.
Key Results
  • A set of cases are described whose strong evidence for reincarnation exceeds previous cases reported by Dr. Stevenson.
  • When birthmarks and wounds experienced in claimed past lives are correlated, the evidence is generally found in the memories of the past life means of death, or through other informants who knowledge of those wounds, or, in the strongest cases, through medical records made at the time of death.
  • Six cases are described where birthmarks in two places on the child correlate with the entrance and exit wounds associated with the death of the previous personality.
  • The incorporation of physical biological factors (birthmarks and birth defects) into the set of evidence for reincarnation practically eliminates any possibiliity that fraud, cross-family communication, or extra-sensory perception were responsible for these cases.
  • A fatal wound occurring shortly before death facilitates its later appearance as a birthmark.
  • Humans demonstrate the capability to create changes in their own body, as in the case of stigmata or certain hypnotically-induced phenomena.
  • About 35% of the cases demonstrate a phobia which is almost always related to the mode of death in the previous life.
  • A quote by Dr. Stevenson indicates a stronger belief in reincarnation than was found in his earlier works: "Reincarnation is the best explanation for many cases".


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史蒂芬森教授他在研究這幾千個關於輪迴轉世的案例當中發現有這樣一個規律,他發現人身上都有一些胎記是與生俱來的,一出生身上就有這些疤痕。現在醫學能夠解釋胎記的理論主要有兩種,一種是遺傳學,認為胎記是遺傳的,第二種是出生的時候嬰兒可能身體上受了損傷,所以留下了胎記。這兩種醫學的理論只能解釋胎記這種現象百分之六十,其中百分之四十的胎記沒有辦法解釋。結果史蒂芬森教授就提出一個新的理論,他說人身上的胎記很多很可能都跟前世有關,是他前世一些傷口遺留下來的。這種理論發表在他的一部著作裡,叫做Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect,就是《輪迴學與生物學的融匯》這本書裡。




CHRIS88, 我倒是很想回答您的问题, 不过我又不是那些作者, 又怎么会知到他们的身份呢? :p
CHRIS88, 我倒是很想回答您的问题, 不过我又不是那些作者, 又怎么会知到他们的身份呢? :p


宇宙人生的真相 (8)
2009-01-04 16:42:06 作者:施归元 来源:(文集) 浏览次数:1983 文字大小:【】【】【

转载自: 叔同书院 http://www.stsy.sjtu.edu.cn/recommend/2009/0104/article_84.html












[FONT=黑体]爱因斯坦论佛教:摘自普林斯顿大学出版"Albert Einstein,The Human Side"[/FONT](2008-03-15 03:39:09)

标签:科学 宇宙 量子力学 爱因斯坦 佛教 文化


Scientific American : [This book] presents itself in such a modest and loving tone that it is fitting for the memory of the man it lets us hear. It is a fresh and delicious little anthology of citations from the body of Einstein's letters, journal entries and other written comment.... These varied, penetrating, warm and open remarks to queens and schoolchildren, friends and antagonists, philosophers and sophomores have been sensitively chosen by two old friends of Einstein's and well translated. The German originals are included.


Washington Post Book World : [This book] compiled by two of his closest colleagues in later life, Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffmann, aims to show what kind of a person Einstein was. By a series of quotations from letters, jottings and unpublished documents, for example, Dukas and Hoffmann demonstrate as clearly as anybody could expect that Einstein was a courteous, kindly, witty, fearless and lonely man.... It is a bedside book.

华盛顿邮报读书指南:(这本书)由他(爱因斯坦)晚年的两个亲密同事,Helen Dukas 和 Banesh Hoffmann 汇编完成,目的是显示爱因斯坦是一个什么样的人。例如,编者用一系列从(爱因斯坦)信件、笔记和其它未公开出版资料中摘录的文字,以令任何人都感觉清晰的方式,证明了爱因斯坦是一个谦逊有礼、和善友好、机智诙谐、无畏而孤独的人......这是一本适合放在床头的书。


"The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description. If there is any religion that would cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism."- Albert Einstein

[1954, from Albert Einstein:The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press]





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[FONT=仿宋体]Focus on today, 谢谢你的留言。[/FONT]



[FONT=仿宋体]Focus on today, 谢谢你的留言。[/FONT]










我的感覺是一個凡夫俗子的感覺。這裡若不是宗教版, 我也不敢:“發表我的感覺”。

爲了避免這“妄”,“無知” “迷信”的爭論,我以後就不“發表我對佛教的感覺了”。
CHRIS88, [FONT=宋体]你这样跺跺逼人[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]就是你做为版主的待客之道吗[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]下次那心不应口的“欢迎”之辞还是免了吧。哈哈![/FONT]



CHRIS88, [FONT=宋体]你这样跺跺逼人[/FONT], [FONT=宋体]就是你做为版主的待客之道吗[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]下次那心不应口的“欢迎”之辞还是免了吧。哈哈![/FONT]





