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I don’t think it’s awkward at all. Lots of real proof in those books that explained some of the concept we see in the Buddhist Sutra.
Religions have existed for thousand years. Any proof of claimed
stuff in any religion can bring science a giant step forward. Unfortunately, it is not case.
Science is improving and improving everyday. Who can say today’s science is 100% perfectly right? No one can say that. So we are all exploring right now. Don’t jump to conclusions by one’s opinion.
Science is based on some assumptions and can be wrong and is allowed to be wrong and can be changed. Religions can not be wrong because they are believed by their followers for ever. One holy book is everything for them.
By the way, “You are talking about another Jesus. Jesus could do the same thing.”
– Wow, those kind of things is not rare at all in Buddhist history. If you take close look at it.
As I said, there is no direct proof at all for this kind of thing. If you can do it, a lot of mysteries of religions will be gone. Obviously you can not. Also you can not find anyone to prove it.
[FONT=宋体]《[/FONT]水知道答案》是一本与《时间简史》同样神奇的科普读物。本书用122张前所未见的水结晶照片,向世人展示了一项独一无二的科学观察:水能听,水能看,水知道生命的答案! 这项震惊世界的实验由日本研究水结晶的综合研究所的江本胜博士主持,已进行了10[FONT=宋体]年。所有的这些风姿各异的水结晶照片都是在零下[/FONT]5[FONT=宋体]度的冷室中以高速摄影的方式拍摄而成。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]在[/FONT]最初的观察中,研究员发现城市中被漂白的自来水几乎无法形成结晶;而只要是天然水,无论出自何处,他们所展现的结晶都异常美丽。当研究员异想天开地在实验水两边放上音箱,让水“听”音乐后,一个奇妙的现象产生了:听了贝多芬《田园交响曲》的水结晶美丽工整,而听了莫扎特《第40号交响曲》的水结晶则展现出一种华丽的美。研究员进而在装水的瓶壁上贴上不同的字或照片让水“看”,结果看到“谢谢”[FONT=宋体]的水结晶非常清晰地呈现出美丽的六角形;看到[/FONT]“[FONT=宋体]混蛋[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体]的水结晶破碎而零散。 [/FONT]
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[FONT=宋体] [/FONT]这些实验水结晶照片在日本公布并结集为《水知道答案》出版后,旋即引起了世界范围内的轰动。江本胜博士多次受邀前往欧美展示水结晶照片并发表演讲。同时,水接受不同的信息,结晶就会呈现出不同形状的事实,启发了人们对很多社会现实思考的新角度。比如,当水“看”到“爱与感谢”时,会呈现出几乎接近完美的结晶,让人们联想到“爱”与“感谢”本是宇宙存在与人际关系的基本原则,美好的情感与心念会对世界产生有益的影响,所以,我们更应该多一些“爱与感谢”。这也回答了“世界为什么需要赞美”[FONT=宋体]的疑问。[/FONT]
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[FONT=宋体] 《[/FONT]水知道答案》中的水结晶研究成果同时也对水科学研究的其他领域起到了很好的推动作用。瑞士苏黎世工业大学教授琼安·戴维斯女士一直从事河水的研究,她认为,水结晶的实验表明,“水其实对许多非常纤细而敏感的物质都能产生一定的反应,因此我们通过更进一步的对水结晶的研究,可以告知科学家或有关单位,我们现有的水资源并未得到相应的保护。”同时,她还从水结晶出发号召“找回对水的崇敬之心”。 联合国项目中国水务督察专家高中认为,“《水知道答案》可以说是一本很有想像力的关于水的‘奇妙之书’。”[FONT=宋体]《水知道答案》用图片和文字告诉我们,每个人都应怀有一份爱与感谢之心,从点滴做起,创造我们生活的美好世界。 人们日常生活中的平平常常的水,竟然还隐藏着如此一个瑰丽的新奇世界!《水知道答案》将新一轮的席卷世界的水研究浪潮带进了中国。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]资料来源[/FONT]: 2004[FONT=宋体]年[/FONT]02[FONT=宋体]月[/FONT]11[FONT=宋体]日[/FONT]00:00[FONT=宋体]新浪读书[/FONT]
This is something which is not needed to be explained by any religion.
I wish that you knew more about physics.
Before, you say it's not real. Now you say it's all about physics. What would you like to say next?
Even if I give you more information, I don't think you can understand it or would like to understand it.
If you read this article carefully, you will notice that nothing there points out that water has life.If you have any basic physics knowledge, you will think differently.
That's fine. It means this article is not for you!
An advice to you: Do not reply others in “Red” - Make you look rude.