It is never too late for a deep-rooted affinity to blossom. Do not worry over a distant journey as long as one finds the way.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o></o>
<< Making vows without taking any action is like ploughing a field without planting any seeds; so, there is no harvest to reap. This is letting opportunity pass us by.<O></O>
<O真正的解脱是在衆緣中付出而得,也是在衆缘的烦恼中解脱。 <O << True liberation is realized through unselfish giving for the benefit of mankind. It is also realized through the challenges of relationships with others.<O></O>
<< Spiritual wisdom is cultivated in the interplay of people, objects, and events. To escape from reality, to keep away from people and events, provides no means to nurture wisdom. <O></O>
<< People, tasks, and events are all living sutras that cultivate wisdom and discipline the mind to remain undisturbed in the face of phenomenon. <O></O>
<< Equanimity nurtures wisdom. When we concentrate wholeheartedly on the task at hand and perceive the truth behind shifting phenomenon, wisdom will naturally grow. <O></O>
<< Words and writings are not the way to spiritual cultivation. Building equanimity and centeredness of mind through the tests of daily affairs and interactions is what shall lead to wisdom. <O></O>