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you better call one day ahead.




oct 31st. sunday. 613-2659918
你忍心蜗居在不到10平米的小屋里吗,你忍心看着自己的女友和你奋斗一辈子还供不起一套房吗,你忍心看着你父母缩衣节食把仅有的一点养老金帮你还房贷吗,这里才是实现你梦想的地方。加入我们,待遇从优,装备齐全,食宿全免,一条大裤衩,一双人字拖,一把AK47,800美元底薪+提成,全天移动式海景套房,多劳多得,只要大干一票,在大都市买楼不再是梦想,干两票,跻身上层社会,直接与奥巴马对话不再是距离。别再犹豫了,给你一片海域,换你一生奇迹! --------索马里海盗人力资源部
Tobacco products
If you are 18 years of age or over, you are allowed to bring in all of the following amounts of tobacco into Canada free of duty and taxes within your personal exemption:

•200 cigarettes;
•50 cigars;
•200 grams (7 ounces) of manufactured tobacco; and
•200 tobacco sticks.
If you include cigarettes, tobacco sticks or manufactured tobacco in your personal exemption, a partial exemption may only apply. You will have to pay a special duty on these products unless they are marked "CANADA DUTY PAID • DROIT ACQUITTÉ." You will find Canadian-made products sold at duty-free shops marked this way. You can speed up your clearance by having your tobacco products available for inspection when you arrive.

If you bring in more than your personal exemption, you will have to pay regular assessments on the excess amount. These regular assessments can include duty and taxes, as well as provincial or territorial fees. Border services officers will give an allowance for products that are marked "CANADA DUTY PAID • DROIT ACQUITTÉ" when they calculate the amounts owing.

In addition, Excise Act, 2001 limits the amount of tobacco products that may be imported (or possessed) by an individual for personal use if the tobacco product is not packaged and stamped "CANADA DUTY PAID • DROIT ACQUITTÉ." The limit is currently five units of tobacco products. One unit of tobacco products consists of one of the following:

•200 cigarettes;
•50 cigars;
•200 grams (7 ounces) of manufactured tobacco; or
•200 tobacco sticks