精华 Rental Property & Tax

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 OCAC
  • 开始时间 开始时间


经常听见大家讨论买出租房和管理。本人有一些对rental property bookkeeping tax 方面经验想和大家分享一下。写的有点乱还有点长,请大家将就着看。如果有问题的话也欢迎大家跟贴。

1 rental income/loss (每年都要计算)
2 capital gain/loss (只有在把出租房卖掉的那一年才需要计算)

Rental income/loss

- 计算rental income/loss是按照每个calendar year – 每年的11号到1231号。

- 计算rental income/loss 要用accrual method of accounting based on. 比如说你的房客欠你今年12月份的房租, 房客说20111月份的时候再把房租还给你, 那这个房租应该算是2010年的revenue. 同样如果你在201012月的利息一直到2011年才交,那这个利息花费应该算是2010年的expense.

- 房客一般在一开始第一个月会较最后一个月的房租deposit。这个算是最后一个月的收入,而不是第一个月的。

- 比较常见的rental expenses include, but not limited to, the following:
o Advertisement & promotion expenses including welcome gift to tenants
o Interest & bank charges (Mortgage interest, LOC interest and Bank fees) *
o Property taxes
o Insurance expenses
o Management and admin fees including Condo fees *
o Legal and accounting expenses
o Maintenance & repair expenses *
o Office expenses
o Phone expenses
o Utility expenses if paid by landlord
o Vehicle expenses *
o Capital assets depreciation expenses (这个我会在后面capital gain/loss section里面具体讲)

下面我具体讲一下以上带* items:

- Interest & bank charges
o 一般来说,只要interest expenserelated to rental property, 是可以deduct. 而你自己住的房子(principal residence)的mortgage interest 是不可以deduct. 所以如果你有余钱想还银行贷款,always 付你的principal residence 的银行贷款。Only one exception: 有时候由于借款时间不同或方式不同,你的home mortgage rental property mortgage interest rate 不一样。当决定是否要pay down 你的home mortgage rental property mortgage 的时候要考虑tax factor.
§ 比如你的home mortgage interest rate 3%而你的rental property mortgage interest rate4.5%。假如你的Marginal personal tax rate 33%。如果我们考虑tax factor的话,你的after tax rental property mortgage interest rate 4.5% * 1- 33% = 3.015%在这种情况下,可能先付你的home mortgage会更有利。However, 这个不是绝对的,要根据情况。
o 同样是上面的原因,在买rental property,并且付down payment 的时候,尽量借款,比如:line of credit这样你的down payment interest 也是deductible.
o 每个月还mortgage的时候一般是principle + interest. 只有interest的部分是可以算expense的。

---- to be continued
- Management and admin fees
o 如果你的spouse or parents 没有income 或者income比较低,而他们在帮助你打理你的rental property 或帮你做bookkeeping, 你可以考虑给他们“发工资”。这样的话你可以claim Management and Admin expenses, 而你的spouse or parents 需要claim income, 从而以次达到income splitting的目的。
o 注意事项:
§ the amount of Management and Admin expenses 必须要是fair market value 并且reasonable。也就是说如果你去市场上雇用一个外人来做同样的工作,你会付多少钱。
§ claim expense amount 和你spouse or parents claim income amount 必须要match.
§ 如果你的spouse 没有收入,你每年可以claim spousal amount tax credit. 一旦你的spouse claim management income 以后,你的spousal tax credit 就会减少。所以需要根据情况,找到一个optimum point.
Vehicle expenses
o 你可以deduct reasonable travel / vehicle expenses, but Note
§ 如果你只有一个rental property, 这个property 一定要 in the general area where you live. If you only have one rental property, you cannot deduct motor vehicle expenses you incur to collect rents. CRA认为这是personal expense.
§ CRA will allow reasonable motor vehicle expenses deduction depend on the circumstances of your situation.
o 这项expense 比较容易被CRA audit, 如果没有很好的record, 部分expenses可能会被CRA disallowed.
o 首先,你需要有一个travel log (记录你的每一次travel)log 上记录下面的信息:
§ 时间某年某月某日
§ from & to (ie: from home to rental property)
§ purpose (ie: to supervise repair or to repair window, etc…)
§ total KM traveled (ie: 3KM one way * 2 = 6KM return trip)
o calculate vehicle expenses
§ The simplified method is to use total km traveled for the year multiply by a predetermined factor from CRA (in 2009 $0.54 per KM traveled). 没有必要保留任何receipts. 这个方法一直很好用,直到去年以来CRA开始不让用这个方法在rental property上了.我以前有client坚持要用这种方法,只要CRA不查就没事,查到了就不好说。所以最好用下面的这个方法。
§ 这个detailed method比较麻烦一些。首先你要保留所有的receipts 包括 gas, licence fees, insurance, maintenance, and repairs etc. 然后要记录这一年总共开了多少KMs.
§ For example:
· On January 1, 2010, your ode meter reads 20,000KM and on December 31, 2010, it reads 35,000KM. The total KM driven for the year for both personal and rental property is 35,000 – 20,000 =15,000.
· Based on your travel log (see above), you recorded the total KM driven for rental property business is 900KM. You can calculate the % driven for rental property = 900/15,000 = 6%
· The operating expense for your car is as follows (you can add other operating expenses if applicable).
Gas 3,000
Insurance 1,500
licence fees 70
R&M 800
Total 5,370
Deductible expenses = 5,370*6% = 322

Capital cost allowanceCCA^ = 153

Total vehicle expense = 322 + 153 = 475

Note: 超速之类的罚款金是不算expense的。
^ Capital cost allowance (CCA) 计算方法 – price 低于$30,000vehicle is class 10 asset
- your car was bought for $15,000 + 13% HST = 16,950 in 2010
- 30% of depreciation rate every year = 16,950*30% = 5,085. 有一个half year rule - 如果你的车是第一年买,expenses for 第一年,应该减半 = 5,085*50% = 2,543
- then calculate CCA for deduction for 2010 = 2,543 * 6% = 153 (see above)
- for 2011, your CCA expense = (16950-2543) * 30% * 6% = 259 if % driven for rental business is not changed.

- 如果你的rental units 较多,生意较大,而你又没有accounting tax方面的training, 建议还是找professionalbookkeeping and tax比较好。
- Record keeping 是最重要的 – extremely important!!! 所有的receipts 都要收好(要收6年),不要等到报税的时候才去找receipts.
- 如果你和你的spouse共同拥有你们的rental property,在第一年报税的时候,你们可以决定是夫妻双方共同报(50/50)或者是一方报100%rental income/loss. 但是一旦第一年决定了,就一定要consistent from year to year. 不能说我今年是income就让lower income spouse 报,明年是loss就让higher income spouse . capital gain/loss也是同样的道理.


o 同样是上面的原因,在买rental property并且付down payment 的时候,尽量借款,比如:line of credit这样你的down payment interest 也是deductible.

如果用自己住的房子的LOC去PAY rental property 的首付,难到LOC产生的利息,也可以deductible?
registed and 占位
o 同样是上面的原因,在买rental property并且付down payment 的时候,尽量借款,比如:line of credit这样你的down payment interest 也是deductible.

如果用自己住的房子的LOC去PAY rental property 的首付,难到LOC产生的利息,也可以deductible?

虽然是自己住的房子的LOC(home equity LOC), 但是the purpose of the fund is to invest in the rental property and earn rental income. 所以interest 是deductible. 这个没有问题。

有一种情况如果你买了新房住,然后把旧的房子出租 (change of use),要从LOC拿钱去买新房住,这种情况要稍复杂一些 - 需要 plan ahead.
- Management and admin fees
o 如果你的spouse or parents 没有income 或者income比较低,而他们在帮助你打理你的rental property 或帮你做bookkeeping, 你可以考虑给他们“发工资”。这样的话你可以claim Management and Admin expenses, 而你的spouse or parents 需要claim income, 从而以次达到income splitting的目的。
o 注意事项:
§ the amount of Management and Admin expenses 必须要是fair market value 并且reasonable。也就是说如果你去市场上雇用一个外人来做同样的工作,你会付多少钱。
§ claim expense amount 和你spouse or parents claim income amount 必须要match.
§ 如果你的spouse 没有收入,你每年可以claim spousal amount tax credit. 一旦你的spouse claim management income 以后,你的spousal tax credit 就会减少。所以需要根据情况,找到一个optimum point.

Just adding to OCAC's note with respect to Management Fee. I know someone got audited with respect to Management Fee. CRA would like to see you actually cutting a cheque to your spouse. That is, not only on the book but an actual cheque paid to your spouse.

下篇写怎样Optimize RRSP contribution, 可好?

下篇写怎样Optimize RRSP contribution, 可好?

举双手双脚赞成。 那我们就期待你的posting了。。。:p
关于这个话题,我想还有一个问题可以考虑,就是是否要将你的rental property incorporated, 还是走你的个人所得税,哪一个有更多的tax advantages 呢? 这也会影响到claimed office expense 和 depreciation 等。 还有关于你的其他收入情况, 持有这些property 的目的等等。 实在是需要study case by case。
虽然是自己住的房子的LOC(home equity LOC), 但是the purpose of the fund is to invest in the rental property and earn rental income. 所以interest 是deductible. 这个没有问题。

有一种情况如果你买了新房住,然后把旧的房子出租 (change of use),要从LOC拿钱去买新房住,这种情况要稍复杂一些 - 需要 plan ahead.

他们都说: "自己住的房子的LOC(home equity LOC), 就算the purpose of the fund is to invest in the rental property and earn rental income. interest 也不是deductible"
"如果把旧的房子出租 (change of use),要从LOC拿钱去买新房住,LOC产生的interest 是绝对可以deductible"


他们都说: "自己住的房子的LOC(home equity LOC), 就算the purpose of the fund is to invest in the rental property and earn rental income. interest 也不是deductible"
"如果把旧的房子出租 (change of use),要从LOC拿钱去买新房住,LOC产生的interest 是绝对可以deductible"

mortgage broker和real estate agent 并不是专业会计师或者税务师吧。

关于这个话题,我想还有一个问题可以考虑,就是是否要将你的rental property incorporated, 还是走你的个人所得税,哪一个有更多的tax advantages 呢? 这也会影响到claimed office expense 和 depreciation 等。 还有关于你的其他收入情况, 持有这些property 的目的等等。 实在是需要study case by case。