唉!大家注意好了 希望能多知道点


昨天晚上去提新车,车门上的刮痕都没看到,今早去开车发现好多,就找huntclub Nissan 让修一下(知道不能换了)结果答案是你自己搞的,不是我们的事情。昨天晚上提的车今早上转脸不认,今儿真的见识了,他们2个manager的嘴脸,一个比一个牛X,呵呵 感觉挺郁闷!那嘴脸我真他妈的想上去踹!
2.那个FINAL SALE 一定不要随意签!!!!!这次签字真把我搞得以后签字有点(当时签的时候在想其他问题,就随手写上了,唉!!)
3. 不要晚上去提车 一定是白天!!!
4. 什么东西你需要,什么东西你不需要final sale{一定要看清楚拉}XDJM
6.买的时候你是爷,签完了,如果再有什么需求要加 就成孙子了。
不要看他们那笑眯眯的天 转头他会把你看的很低 很低
7.查看有没有少东西 (我车上竟然没有给我towhook,他们说本来就没有,唉 谁知道呢?
也怪我自己,当时急着买,被他们说的冲昏了头 越想越他妈的窝火
现在想想买的时候就不能给他们好脸看 他们的promise=bullshit
{{{ 带懂车的人和你同行}}}Huntclub Nissan 希望XDJM不要遇到此类事情 提车的时候
昨天晚上去提新车,车门上的刮痕都没看到,今早去开车发现好多,就找huntclub Nissan 让修一下(知道不能换了)结果答案是你自己搞的,不是我们的事情。昨天晚上提的车今早上转脸不认,今儿真的见识了,他们2个manager的嘴脸,一个比一个牛X,呵呵 感觉挺郁闷!那嘴脸我真他妈的想上去踹!
2.那个FINAL SALE 一定不要随意签!!!!!这次签字真把我搞得以后签字有点(当时签的时候在想其他问题,就随手写上了,唉!!)
3. 不要晚上去提车 一定是白天!!!
4. 什么东西你需要,什么东西你不需要final sale{一定要看清楚拉}XDJM
6.买的时候你是爷,签完了,如果再有什么需求要加 就成孙子了。
不要看他们那笑眯眯的天 转头他会把你看的很低 很低
7.查看有没有少东西 (我车上竟然没有给我towhook,他们说本来就没有,唉 谁知道呢?
也怪我自己,当时急着买,被他们说的冲昏了头 越想越他妈的窝火
现在想想买的时候就不能给他们好脸看 他们的promise=bullshit
{{{ 带懂车的人和你同行}}}Huntclub Nissan 希望XDJM不要遇到此类事情 提车的时候

停车库了吗?会不会有人给你捣乱刮的,前一阵子不是有人把人家DRIVE WAY 上的车花了,
昨天晚上去提新车,车门上的刮痕都没看到,今早去开车发现好多,就找huntclub Nissan 让修一下(知道不能换了)结果答案是你自己搞的,不是我们的事情。昨天晚上提的车今早上转脸不认,今儿真的见识了,他们2个manager的嘴脸,一个比一个牛X,呵呵 感觉挺郁闷!那嘴脸我真他妈的想上去踹!
2.那个FINAL SALE 一定不要随意签!!!!!这次签字真把我搞得以后签字有点(当时签的时候在想其他问题,就随手写上了,唉!!)
3. 不要晚上去提车 一定是白天!!!
4. 什么东西你需要,什么东西你不需要final sale{一定要看清楚拉}XDJM
6.买的时候你是爷,签完了,如果再有什么需求要加 就成孙子了。
不要看他们那笑眯眯的天 转头他会把你看的很低 很低
7.查看有没有少东西 (我车上竟然没有给我towhook,他们说本来就没有,唉 谁知道呢?
也怪我自己,当时急着买,被他们说的冲昏了头 越想越他妈的窝火
现在想想买的时候就不能给他们好脸看 他们的promise=bullshit
{{{ 带懂车的人和你同行}}}Huntclub Nissan 希望XDJM不要遇到此类事情 提车的时候


In Canada or US, when it comes to deal with lawyers, dentists, financial planners/advisors, salemen, tradesmen, mechanics, just be careful.

They are in the lowest ranks (not all, just statistically saying) of vocations.

I had similar experiences with AUDI Dealership 2010 in Calgary when bought an Audi Q7.

There are also some scratches on body of my Q7.

Audi Dealership cheated me and told me Audi Q7 is originally made in German; however, it is not. It's made in Slovakia (an East Europe country) as there is only one factory in the World(which is in Silovakia) to make SUV Audi ( Q5, or Q7).

After only 1000 km and within only one month, whole computer system cannot work at all and it took 56 days for the Audi dealership to get parts from Europe to fix it, and my new Q7 was sitting is the Audi dealership for 56 days!

After another 3 months, the Audi Q7 cannot be started. Audi dealership towed it to it's shop and told me that one small part of electric motor was broken.

They showed me this broken part when I got my car back and told me that value of it is only 16 dollers, made from another undeveloped country.

Nowadays, no matter how famous the Auto Maker , like Audi, BMW , Mecezden, they all shift their factories to other countries, and use cheaper/poor parts purchased from poor countries in their autos, to reduce their cost and to make more profits.

My painful experiences with Audi told me that:

Never belive those dealerships!

Never trust those so called famous Autos!

I had similar experiences with AUDI Dealership 2010 in Calgary when bought an Audi Q7.

There are also some scratches on body of my Q7.

Audi Dealership cheated me and told me Audi Q7 is originally made in German; however, it is not. It's made in Slovakia (an East Europe country) as there is only one factory in the World(which is in Silovakia) to make SUV Audi ( Q5, or Q7).

After only 1000 km and within only one month, whole computer system cannot work at all and it took 56 days for the Audi dealership to get parts from Europe to fix it, and my new Q7 was sitting is the Audi dealership for 56 days!

After another 3 months, the Audi Q7 cannot be started. Audi dealership towed it to it's shop and told me that one small part of electric motor was broken.

They showed me this broken part when I got my car back and told me that value of it is only 16 dollers, made from another undeveloped country.

Nowadays, no matter how famous the Auto Maker , like Audi, BMW , Mecezden, they all shift their factories to other countries, and use cheaper/poor parts purchased from poor countries in their autos, to reduce their cost and to make more profits.

My painful experiences with Audi told me that:

Never belive those dealerships!

Never trust those so called famous Autos!

Lemon car!
我的一个朋友买了个mini cooper。4万公里敲缸!额的神,都啥质量啊。还是开破车好

是不是经济不好,商家都有点desperate la
sign, Nissan 的车都敢买,而且还是Hunt Club 上的那家:(

像今天的情况,我朋友跟我去都火了! 人家还是女孩脾气那么好,唉! 当时我的一个老外朋友在电话上听到了所有谈话,在那边也不停给这边打电话,人家经理就不接电话,据分析是怕是律师。因为老外朋友说这样说话方式 是带有歧视的 说话很粗鲁!朋友们实在气不过,这边 我已经把他们搞到nissan Canada 和OMVIC了 不知道会是什么结果! 当时的部分谈话我已经录音,不知道以后会不会有帮助,朋友建议我,让他们给我换新车! 当时那个manage还说你生活在现实社会 我靠! 我实在是气不过啊,带有这么欺负人的。 人家还解释给我 新车都这样 我去! 我说in store的车 顾客那么多人看 怎么都没有,妈的 什么话也不说了!其实说真的,我现在真的不在乎那些刮痕了,只在乎他们的那些服务态度,真的想像那个bus driver 一样被fire 掉! 现在就等那两家机构给我说法了,不知道可行不, 同样也请高人帮忙 出注意。唉
sign, Nissan 的车都敢买,而且还是Hunt Club 上的那家:(


因为忙,晚上提车!! 早上起来,唉!!
怎么难道有很多在huntclub那样吃过亏? 真的窝心哦 就是不服,那种态度真TMD有事干了 郁闷死了

I had similar experiences with AUDI Dealership 2010 in Calgary when bought an Audi Q7.

There are also some scratches on body of my Q7.

Audi Dealership cheated me and told me Audi Q7 is originally made in German; however, it is not. It's made in Slovakia (an East Europe country) as there is only one factory in the World(which is in Silovakia) to make SUV Audi ( Q5, or Q7).

After only 1000 km and within only one month, whole computer system cannot work at all and it took 56 days for the Audi dealership to get parts from Europe to fix it, and my new Q7 was sitting is the Audi dealership for 56 days!

After another 3 months, the Audi Q7 cannot be started. Audi dealership towed it to it's shop and told me that one small part of electric motor was broken.

They showed me this broken part when I got my car back and told me that value of it is only 16 dollers, made from another undeveloped country.

Nowadays, no matter how famous the Auto Maker , like Audi, BMW , Mecezden, they all shift their factories to other countries, and use cheaper/poor parts purchased from poor countries in their autos, to reduce their cost and to make more profits.

My painful experiences with Audi told me that:

Never belive those dealerships!

Never trust those so called famous Autos!

那天我去签合同和去看车的时间加起来3个小时! 那些家伙就push me!
签完回来 感觉 完了!没救了 ! 对了 当时你没有跟Q7加拿大总公司联系吗? 据说那些会关心image的情况 会尽量解决的 唉! 我看我的怎么说吧! 解决了告诉大家经验吧 希望我们不要被欺骗!最起码是中国人不要被骗就好:cool::cool::cool:

I had similar experiences with AUDI Dealership 2010 in Calgary when bought an Audi Q7.

There are also some scratches on body of my Q7.

Audi Dealership cheated me and told me Audi Q7 is originally made in German; however, it is not. It's made in Slovakia (an East Europe country) as there is only one factory in the World(which is in Silovakia) to make SUV Audi ( Q5, or Q7).

After only 1000 km and within only one month, whole computer system cannot work at all and it took 56 days for the Audi dealership to get parts from Europe to fix it, and my new Q7 was sitting is the Audi dealership for 56 days!

After another 3 months, the Audi Q7 cannot be started. Audi dealership towed it to it's shop and told me that one small part of electric motor was broken.

They showed me this broken part when I got my car back and told me that value of it is only 16 dollers, made from another undeveloped country.

Nowadays, no matter how famous the Auto Maker , like Audi, BMW , Mecezden, they all shift their factories to other countries, and use cheaper/poor parts purchased from poor countries in their autos, to reduce their cost and to make more profits.

My painful experiences with Audi told me that:

Never belive those dealerships!

Never trust those so called famous Autos!
