唉!大家注意好了 希望能多知道点

主要是我也是留学生,自己挣钱买的,真的没花父母的! 要不俺父母不会去选择个牌子 :blowzy::blowzy::blowzy:
真的谢谢你 不停的关注 谢谢~~

所以他们看见中国小孩去买车(亚洲留学生看起来就象孩子),他们眼睛就放光, 知道赚钱机会来了
老移们买车,就跟打仗一样,累死他们:p 想糊弄老移门都没有
你看Rockman了没有,遇到问题,车行给他一个月的Payment,给他换新车,Rockman都不答应, 要是你们小留学生去,早就答应了:D
Q5 和 Q7 在中国车行是限量的,要等很久
在Ottawa Q5 定车交押金后要等半年,因为车要从德国汉堡运来
Rockman兄弟买Q7 本身就说明事先他是很仰慕Q7 的吧.

You are right.

I used to drive Japenese cars.

And wanted to have one from German.

You know these two nations used to be the best in autos.

Now I lost my confidence on Germany car!

I'm not the most unlucky one even.

I have 3 friends, one in China, one in Vancouver, and another USA. All of them has a Germany vechicle(Mercedes-Benz , BMW ). All THESE GUYS have painful stories in failure and maintance of such a famous vechicle !

That's why I bought a Audi instead of those they have.

That time I thought that I made a great decision and will be a lucky man !

Who knows ????
所以他们看见中国小孩去买车(亚洲留学生看起来就象孩子),他们眼睛就放光, 知道赚钱机会来了
老移们买车,就跟打仗一样,累死他们:p 想糊弄老移门都没有
你看Rockman了没有,遇到问题,车行给他一个月的Payment,给他换新车,Rockman都不答应, 要是你们小留学生去,早就答应了:D

呵呵 是啊! 你说的有道理,如果我是这样的case 我真的会答应 呵呵

Q7是 FROM 在斯洛伐克的, in this world, thereis only one factory which is in 斯洛伐克, not 德国, to produce Q7, and/ or Q5.

德国 has no any factory to make SUV !
Q5 和 Q7 在中国车行是限量的,要等很久
在Ottawa Q5 定车交押金后要等半年,因为车要从德国汉堡运来
Rockman兄弟买Q7 本身就说明事先他是很仰慕Q7 的吧.

You are right.

I used to drive Japenese cars.

And wanted to have one from German.

You know these two nations used to be the best in autos.

Now I lost my confidence on Germany car!

I'm not the most unlucky one even.

I have 3 friends, one in China, one in Vancouver, and another USA. All of them has a Germany vechicle(Mercedes-Benz , BMW ). All THESE GUYS have painful stories in failure and maintance of such a famous vechicle !

That's why I bought a Audi instead of those they have.

That time I thought that I made a great decision and will be a lucky man !

Who knows ????

I know!!! :D:D:D
Be honest, I have very good experience and full confidence on German cars.:)


我开过美国,日本(Lease),韩国(Rent),法国(短期)和德国车。 拥有过3辆德国车,时间够长,有发言权吧:blink: 德国车没让我在路上尴尬过(当然我注意定期保养),开起来绝对有Confidence
I know!!!
Be honest, I have very good experience and full confidence on German cars.

我开过美国,日本(Lease),韩国(Rent),法国(短期)和德国车。 拥有过3辆德国车,时间够长,有发言权吧 德国车没让我在路上尴尬过(当然我注意定期保养),开起来绝对有Confidence


You are lucky !

May be a vechicle originally from the Factory/Land of German is different than those so called German cars but actually were made in some other countries.

In addition, now I understand that Audi has started to make SUV since 2007, a baby in this line!

Anyway it's my fault to choose Audi SUV !
I know!!!
Be honest, I have very good experience and full confidence on German cars.

我开过美国,日本(Lease),韩国(Rent),法国(短期)和德国车。 拥有过3辆德国车,时间够长,有发言权吧 德国车没让我在路上尴尬过(当然我注意定期保养),开起来绝对有Confidence


You are lucky !

May be a vechicle originally from the Factory/Land of German is different than those so called German cars but actually were made in some other countries.

In addition, now I understand that Audi has started to make SUV since 2007, a baby in this line!

Anyway it's my fault to choose Audi SUV !

前辈,您在选择Q7 时,知道为什么叫Q的吧:blink::)
在SUV这块来说Audi和 Subaru的驱动技术是最好的,它的动力Real Time计算和分配技术是一流的, 窝村冬天雪大,Q的技术使得SUV四个轮子只要有一个轮子落在坚实的路上,另外三个轮子在雪上,车照样平稳
你可以半个车子在路面上,半个车子在路面外的沙地上,照样可以高速平稳地开 (因为发动机经过计算分配在4个轮子上的动力不一样)
在SUV这块来说Audi和 Subaru的驱动技术是最好的,它的动力Real Time计算和分配技术是一流的, 窝村冬天雪大,Q的技术使得SUV四个轮子只要有一个轮子落在坚实的路上,另外三个轮子在雪上,车照样平稳


Your explaination makes me feeling better now.

You are a professional one !

I have no idea of vechile although I had driven some different ones made in Japen and USA.

What made me to choose Audi Q7 is based following reasons:

- want taste a new style of SUV from Europe especially German;

- M-B and BMW SUV are not made in German originally but Mexico and USA now;

- Cayenne from Porsche is over priced than the value;

- Touareg from Volkswagen looks too small.

Now I came to know that A lots of stuff of Cayenne, Audi SUV and Touareg are actually same or similar, but looks different.

That's it!

So funny and seems our consummers been fooled for a while already!
什么是新车的Final sale?难道也是as is?如果是,也包括车身的划痕,似乎也不奇怪。就算有划痕,也很难退车吧?无论谁出钱修一下,也花不了几百块的事。如果把目标定为退车,似乎不太现实。
德国车在电路系统上一直有毛病, 曾经有一辆VW甲壳虫, 经常出问题, 每次修还很贵, 最后卖掉了。 至于车行的事, 只能讲这个车行不怎末样, 是以前的Walkley Nissan。 我在车行买过新车和旧车, 从来没出过问题, 最起码我dealt 的车行, 感觉不错。



德国车在电路系统上一直有毛病, 曾经有一辆VW甲壳虫, 经常出问题, 每次修还很贵, 最后卖掉了。 至于车行的事, 只能讲这个车行不怎末样, 是以前的Walkley Nissan。 我在车行买过新车和旧车, 从来没出过问题, 最起码我dealt 的车行, 感觉不错。

拉不是一般的差 !



我算迷也行,算实践也行吧,买过三辆德国车了,去年和今年推荐过5位朋友买了德国车,至今朋友们都满意:) 还得到过300刀的Reference Bonus:D
德国车首先是Solid, 开起来感觉十分沉稳,比较其它车最大的优点就是开起来有车子抓路面的感觉,速度再快也不飘(我3部车都在夜里试开过160KM-180KM, 是深夜HW上无车,路况我也很熟,属于负责任的那种试车,但在此高调声明,超速开车害人害已,严禁!)。

美国车我也开过,大车小车都开过,SUV里 GMC的Yukon够大够结实吧,房车chrysler 300够大够结实吧
我肯定不算懂车的,也不算Professional, 只有自己开过试过的切身体会
Yukon我开过2周,Chrysler 300 我开过2个月,这两款车开起来真象开坦克一样踏实,但是,论起那个稳重,特别是Yukon, 我总感觉没德国车稳,车子的操控性也没德国车好

有人讲德国车贵,那要看什么车型了,我刚陪朋友买了2011年的VW Jetta 2.5L的, 全部费用加起来,25K,这个算贵吗?