始祖鸟: 约1亿5千5百万到1亿5千万年前晚侏罗纪, 兽脚类恐龙,现代乌鸦大小,身长可达0.5米
恐爪龙: 约1亿1500万-1亿800万年前, 驰龙科, 体长可达3.4米
孔子鸟:1.25亿年到1.2亿年,古鸟属, 但是否有飞行能力存在较大争议, 现代鸽子大小,翅膀展开0.7米
中国鸟龙:约1亿2200万至1亿2450万年前,是种驰龙科的有羽毛恐龙. 注意它的名字是鸟龙,不是龙鸟。被认为没有飞行能力的,身长估计约90厘米
中华龙鸟: 约1亿2460万年–1亿2200万年, 已知最大的标本身长约1米,兽脚类恐龙, 无飞行能力
小盗龙:小型驰龙科恐龙,约1亿200身长42到83厘米0万年前, 有飞羽,但被认为有滑翔能力,可能有少许飞行能力
原始祖鸟:约1亿2460万年前, 非鸟类的兽脚亚目恐龙,树栖动物,无法飞行, 约1米长
北票龙: 约1亿2500万年前,镰刀龙超科,2.2米长, 当然不会飞
始祖鸟: 约1亿5千5百万到1亿5千万年前晚侏罗纪, 兽脚类恐龙,现代乌鸦大小,身长可达0.5米
恐爪龙: 约1亿1500万-1亿800万年前, 驰龙科, 体长可达3.4米
孔子鸟:1.25亿年到1.2亿年,古鸟属, 但是否有飞行能力存在较大争议, 现代鸽子大小,翅膀展开0.7米
中国鸟龙:约1亿2200万至1亿2450万年前,是种驰龙科的有羽毛恐龙. 注意它的名字是鸟龙,不是龙鸟。被认为没有飞行能力的,身长估计约90厘米
中华龙鸟: 约1亿2460万年–1亿2200万年, 已知最大的标本身长约1米,兽脚类恐龙, 无飞行能力
小盗龙:小型驰龙科恐龙,约1亿200身长42到83厘米0万年前, 有飞羽,但被认为有滑翔能力,可能有少许飞行能力
原始祖鸟:约1亿2460万年前, 非鸟类的兽脚亚目恐龙,树栖动物,无法飞行, 约1米长
北票龙: 约1亿2500万年前,镰刀龙超科,2.2米长, 当然不会飞
Craig Venter (无神论者), world leader in genomics。与美国政府的人类基因计划竞争,produced the first complete transcription of a human genome in 2000,and created the first cell with a synthetic genome, 2010年成功制造世界上第一个人造生命. 他的人造生命是一个里程碑式的成就, 加上他企业家的身份,为他自己在生物科学界获得了一个某种特殊地位。看看一段2011年2月的视频Richard Dawkins, J. Craig Venter, Nobel laureates Sidney Altman and ... discuss the origins of life ... ...
对这段视频的部分transcript和分析,摘要如下:Venter vs. Dawkins on the Tree of Life -- and Another Dawkins Whopper
"You don't have the same genetic code," replied Venter. "In fact, the Mycoplasmas [a group of bacteria Venter and his team have used to engineer synthetic chromosomes] use a different genetic code that would not work in your cells. So there are a lot of variations on the theme..."
(Human and Mycoplasma cells do not read their DNA in the same way)
"The tree of life is an artifact of some early scientific studies that aren't really holding up...So there is not a tree of life." replied Venter.
Dawkins is Flabbergasted
Fast forward to 11:23, when moderator Roger Bingham turns the microphone over to Dawkins:
"I'm intrigued," replies Dawkins, "at Craig saying that the tree of life is a fiction. I mean...the DNA code of all creatures that have ever been looked at is all but identical."
WHOPPER. Venter just told the forum that Mycoplasma read their DNA using a different coding convention than other organisms (for "stop" and tryptophan). But Dawkins is undaunted:
"Surely that means," he asks Venter, "that they're all related? Doesn't it?"
As nearly as we can tell from the video, Venter only smiles.