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- 2012-03-04
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先看看一个著名的反对恐龙->始祖鸟->鸟的科学家Alan Feduccia,鸟类进化专家, Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina 的观点,特别说明,他是进化论科学家,他对鸟的进化持与当时主流不同的意见:Archaeopteryx was a true bird. 俺引用进化论科学家的观点,不代表俺的认同,而是为了说明进化论科学家的巨大分歧。很正常,Feduccia被别的进化论科学家扣上pseudoscientific的帽子
需要注意的是,Feduccia从70年代起一直在反对始祖鸟是过渡物种的观点,他的两本书,The Age of Birds出版于1980年,The Origin and Evolution of Birds出版于1999年
1、furcula (叉骨)
需要注意的是,Feduccia从70年代起一直在反对始祖鸟是过渡物种的观点,他的两本书,The Age of Birds出版于1980年,The Origin and Evolution of Birds出版于1999年
1、furcula (叉骨)
Olson, Storrs L., and Alan Feduccia, "Flight Capability and the Pectoral Girdle of Archaeopteryx," Nature, vol. 278 (March 15, 1979), pp. 247-248.
"In conclusion, the robust furcula (叉骨) of Archaeopteryx would have provided a suitable point of origin for a well developed pectoralis muscle. Furthermore, the supracoracoideus muscle, and hence an ossified sternum, is not necessary to effect the recovery stroke of the wing. Thus the main evidence for Archaeopteryx(始祖鸟) having been a terrestrial, cursorial predator is invalidated. There is nothing in the structure of the pectoral girdle of Archaeopteryx that would preclude its having been a powered flier."