


5、战斗在分子生物最前沿的Craig Venter给俺的信心。但是话说回来,就像前面俺讲的,可能事情没有原来想的简单。anyway,学习了再说,否则再一次多言必失
正在质疑当中。就像前面Craig Venter视频中那个NASA科学家非常强调:"It's lot way too much if there are TWO form of life in the earth", 事实就是这样。如果有两种Life form,根本不可能解释地球生物之间的相似性
What does that mean?

将ID跟Evolution结合起来--即生命由造物主创造,但是他选择“Evolution”作为工具,只有少数有宗教信仰的科学家赞成,比如Francis Collins,Henry Gee等
That's a free choice.

Science comes from theory, then evidence. At least we need to use our logic to exame if the theory is possible or not, if so, it worth furthur look, or who spend time on it?

I asked KePu, I give you a KePu book, don't understand what is the logic.
You said you are interesed in what and how the evolution is told to kids, I send you the book, you don't even want to take a look, don't understand.
You can see what evidences the book used. Which will inspire you, and you can check the true/false of the book.

You can take a look, it is really interesting.
I am not convienced by the one about why dinasour get the wing, it is still a mystery for me.

3、书里“进化”宏观上持什么态度?Gradualism,or 间断平衡?是否反映科学家的争议?
Didn't mention that.
The book mentioned about evolution is still controversial in science community.
The book mentioned the conflict between creationist and scientest.
The book mentioned if you ask a what is species, you will be regret about that. That part is queit interesting, you should take a look, the kids know better about species than us if they read this book.

The book mentioned about evolution is still controversial in science community.
Isn't it important? Can you write a book which can list all the 争议? If you do that in kids tone, I believe some people will be interested in buy it.

很明显,里面很多例子都是微进化的范畴,是不是有些是“宏进化”的例子?看过后再说。现在正在慢慢学习HIV/SIV的例子。这些例子中哪个你认为最可信(找不到英文论文、参考资料的例子俺不接纳),可以指出来。俺重新Prioritize :)
You don't even have clear line between micro and macro, how did you get this conclusion?
I am reading, very slowly.I am interested in the fishes which mentioned in the book now, I need to verify them first, which is interesting.

You mean the bird? Let's get the macro thing done first, it is more important than the bird at our understanding stage.

what kind of 宣传小册子? May I take a look?

Yes. No one deny that. Scientist spent 20 years to draw the human DNA.
But we alreally get benefit(damage...) from that.
Sicence doesn't have terminal point, we never get the final answer, but during this proccess, we learned and we used them to improve(agan or damage) our life.
I just ordered one book about the evolution history, which can give me some idea about what evolution bring to us and the controversy happened in the science community, also , how the scientist with religion deal with the relatoinship between religion and sicence.

What does this mean?

When I read the book I told you, I thought, If I take a look at the book first, I will save a lot of time to finally realize how difficult it is to define the species.
And you can think as a scientist, if it is you, how to define the species.

That's why scientist said evolution tree is some simple way to demostrate the evolution, evolution is far more complex that that, some scientist propose to use net to draw the evolution "tree".

We can focus on the cat tree to see what we think is possible and what is impossible. No matter what evidence, we have to eventually use our brian to think about it, I'd like to see what qwerty0 thought about the cat tree
5、战斗在分子生物最前沿的Craig Venter给俺的信心。但是话说回来,就像前面俺讲的,可能事情没有原来想的简单。anyway,学习了再说,否则再一次多言必失

Craig Venter? Maybe I need to take a look. An other homework. Long list to go.

It is good to hear that you open your mind again.

多言必失, Hmmm. It is 偷换概念. You did what you think is not good. Which is because you have some bias which may comes from the creationist inference.

By the way, I keep say creationist , not Christian, because they are different.
多言必失, Hmmm. It is 偷换概念. You did what you think is not good. Which is because you have some bias which may comes from the creationist inference.

The lesson for you is, when you see scientist do same thing, you shouldn't defend on science just because they did the bad things. Then come to the conclusion that they are bad guys, I don't want to believe science anymore. It is kind of human nature. Creationist did same thing either, you know it.


God use the DNA to make all forms of the species which including all extinct species and all existing species.
When God build these species, God need to calulate very carefully:
1. every species need to be able to keep alive in the the env he put it in
2. for each species, he need to prepare enough food for them, which is another species
So he have to calculate the whole 食物链, then decide how many bings is needed for each species
3. Then God put the whole 食物链 on earth.

My question to God, why don't you just do what evolution can do? The DNA can do it all by itself, isn't it?
God may answer me, there is a limit in DNA, which limit species split to different branch.


My question which will deffend some people here, sorry for that.

因为只有两个人,下一代必然存在严重的近亲结婚和乱伦,how can all of them are healty? they have different DNA from what we have now?

Species will extinct one by one, and no new species to replace them. So at last, earth will lost all the species so earth will come back to a dead star again.
Then God! Please restart the PC!

Species can adapt the env very well, but no matter how it adapt to the env, it stay as same species.

God calculated that at the begining, it will be fine since then. But, wait, Noah's oak makes this very difficult.
All current species are on the boat. They have to stop eating during the whole 大洪水, only God can do that.
Then the 大洪水 is gone and they are free to go again. But wait, Noah's oak didn't calculate the 食物链, one species only one pair. So they still can't awake after that.
They have to await base on the order of 食物链, or some of them will be extinct immediately.
Some one can do a calculate about how long does it take to recover the 食物链 so we know which species wake up at what time?
During the whole time, God has to be here, which is not nature can do.


So, there are two major disadvantage of this design. How to teach it to the kids? It is a challenge.

I stopped look at evolution after I realize the story in Bible is treated by some Christian as kind of 寓言, so you can't read it as what it is, there is a large space between it and the real thing. And God will fill all the place which you got something you can't explain.

If you tell above story to kids, they will be scared because the earth will be more and more quiet. It will scary them away. There must be something wrong. Why all species has to appear at same time and couldn't build new things out? Did Bible itself said that? Or creationist said so so you believe what they said?
what kind of 宣传小册子? May I take a look?

前面引用多次的2008年美国国家科学院写的小册子,还有NCSE的文章,参见 #876, #877, #982, #983, #998, #1010,

What does this mean?






We can focus on the cat tree to see what we think is possible and what is impossible. No matter what evidence, we have to eventually use our brian to think about it, I'd like to see what qwerty0 thought about the cat tree

Cat tree, 是什么?能不能提供具体的链接?俺需要一个具体的靶子
5、战斗在分子生物最前沿的Craig Venter给俺的信心。但是话说回来,就像前面俺讲的,可能事情没有原来想的简单。anyway,学习了再说,否则再一次多言必失
看了Craig Venter的'生命细胞'的创造,有点象植物的嫁接,可能是在细胞级别的。
前面引用多次的2008年美国国家科学院写的小册子,还有NCSE的文章,参见 #876, #877, #982, #983, #998, #1010,






Cat tree, 是什么?能不能提供具体的链接?俺需要一个具体的靶子








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cauliflower,“The first reliable reference to cauliflower is found in the writings of the Arab Muslim scientists Ibn al-'Awwam and Ibn al-Baitar, in the 12th and 13th centuries”,没有讲是从卷心菜来的

一个一个来,俺也不喜欢在微生物、动物、植物之间大范围跳来跳去。俺昨天说了,正在看HIV/SIV,你昨天说下一个看Cat tree,这个题目对俺太大了,俺只能看一个具体的小例子。这样吧,HIV/SIV看完,俺接着弄疟原虫,不过阿Q比较笨,很慢的

最简单的方法,直接从你的这个Wiki网页检查一下,所有Wild cabbage的后代: cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts,与Wild cabbage一样,都是在Brassica oleracea 这个Species(种)下面--因为它们之间本来就不存在“生殖隔离”,根据阿Q已经承认不严格的定义(宏进化--species种以上的“进化”),可以简单地将这个例子排除在Macroevolution的证据以外

这个网页列出的第二个例子:“The diversity of domesticated dogs is an example of the power of artificial selection. All breeds share common ancestry, having descended from wolves.”,同样简单查找一下Wiki:


Screen Shot 2013-03-08 at 11.14.04 AM.png

第三个例子“Darwin's finches”,更是看都不用看,在讲Finch家庭内部的故事

最简单的方法,直接从你的这个Wiki网页检查一下,所有Wild cabbage的后代: cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts,与Wild cabbage一样,都是在Brassica oleracea 这个Species(种)下面--因为它们之间本来就不存在“生殖隔离”,根据阿Q已经承认不严格的定义(宏进化--species种以上的“进化”),可以简单地将这个例子排除在Macroevolution的证据以外


You are right, 继续找.


这是一个creationist的网站,上面承认有以生殖分离为标准的新品种的证据,the herring gull。
然后,该网站开始说了,这个还是不是macro evolution,因为他们还是属于同一个gene-pool。偷换概念?

However, concerning macro-evolution, no one has ever been able to provide clear empirical evidence that a new plant or animal species has ever originated as a result of the gradual accumulation of DNA through mutations (acted on by natural selection), giving the new species new genetic information contained in a net increase in the amount of functional genetic material (DNA), which specifies and produces new beneficial type(s) of structure(s) and function(s) which are totally lacking in the ancestral species, and which are not deleterious to the life-functions of the new species. --Even in the case of something like bacteria which are able to develop resistance to antibiotics, or like viruses which are able to "mutate" their structures in order to evade immune-defenses, --those changes are made repeatedly by the bacteria and viruses when circumstances call for it, and thus, such "mutation" may not actually be mutation of any helpful significance, but a capacity already resident in the variation of those gene-pools.


这是一个creationist的网站,上面承认有以生殖分离为标准的新品种的证据,the herring gull。
然后,该网站开始说了,这个还是不是macro evolution,因为他们还是属于同一个gene-pool。偷换概念?

所以俺说不要去看那些“伪科学”的creationist的文章:p 俺个人不认同这篇文章的绝大多数观点。

银鸽Herring Gull和Lesser Black-backed Gull涉及到的环物种 Ring Species是进化论者提出的产生新物种的途径之一,a kind of spatial evolution:

wiki:“Ring species provide important evidence of evolution in that they illustrate what happens over time as populations genetically diverge... ... if enough of the connecting populations within the ring perish to sever the breeding connection, the ring species' distal populations will be recognized as two distinct species."


Herring gulls will breed with the gulls of Iceland, they are the same species. Icelandic gulls will breed with those of Greenland, the Greenland gulls will breed with the gulls of the eastern USA and Canada. The eastern American gulls will breed with the western American gulls. The western American gulls with those of Siberia and eastern Asia. The eastern Asiatic gulls with western Asian gulls which in turn will breed with eastern European gulls until we get back to western Europe. But the gull is now the Lesser black-backed gull. It is a different species from the herring gull and although they live near each other they never interbreed

这么多种Gull的主要差别在于大小和颜色,不同的机构对Gull这个复杂的环中涉及的Gulls有很多种不同的分类,但是处在这个环的两端的Herring Gull和Lesser Black-backed Gull都被认为是生殖隔离,处在不同的Species中, Lesser Black-backed Gull被认为是“进化“出来的新物种

处在这个interbreeding的环中的起点:European Herring Gull

interbreeding的环的终点:Lesser Black-backed Gull,被传统认为因为“spatial evolution”形成的不能与Herring Gull交配的新物种