
大盘自12月20日跳空高开以来依托着10日均线连续运行了40多个交易日,见顶之说从1月底就开始有了,可事实证明每次盘中的下跌都被买盘托起,让做空的人备受煎熬,不得不cover。据我所知,期间好多traders都手握10几个股票的多仓,鲜有空仓,都用vxx(或者tvix)来hedge 手中的多仓;大盘从前天开始有所变化,连续击穿10和20日均线,专业traders手中的仓位也开始发生变化;目前的大盘点位非常tricky,如果大盘能够很快收复20日均线并得到确认,那么多方力量就会控制局面,大盘将重拾升势,否则的话,下一点位就要看0.382黄金分隔点以及0.5的位置了(分别在1321以及1302 点了)。
另外,借老泥这块地,说个想法,想搞一个非专业人士的股票沙龙这么个东西,定期碰面,对市场的走势及操作进行研判,重点着重于day-trade 以及swing-trade,股票操作周期基本在1-7天之内,看看各位高手有无兴趣?如果有的话,可以qqh联系,我来跑腿张罗。:p
It is a honey badger market. "Honey bager dont care, honey badger dont give a s**t, it just takes what it wants."

Evertime bear thinks he is winning, honey bager just come over and chew right on his neck.

what is a honey bager? FYI: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg[/media]
You sound pretty aggressive (with s* words) as a female ...

People get conditioned by the environment. When so many people get excited when the market is down, yet dead quiet when the market is up, it is probably a good sign of next bull market.

The single worst thing about stock market is when many cheer for any rise in stocks....

Strong bull market always start with darkest desperation...If there could be another blow like last year, things will definitely be better down the road ...
大盘自12月20日跳空高开以来依托着10日均线连续运行了40多个交易日,见顶之说从1月底就开始有了,可事实证明每次盘中的下跌都被买盘托起,让做空的人备受煎熬,不得不cover。据我所知,期间好多traders都手握10几个股票的多仓,鲜有空仓,都用vxx(或者tvix)来hedge 手中的多仓;大盘从前天开始有所变化,连续击穿10和20日均线,专业traders手中的仓位也开始发生变化;目前的大盘点位非常tricky,如果大盘能够很快收复20日均线并得到确认,那么多方力量就会控制局面,大盘将重拾升势,否则的话,下一点位就要看0.382黄金分隔点以及0.5的位置了(分别在1321以及1302 点了)。
另外,借老泥这块地,说个想法,想搞一个非专业人士的股票沙龙这么个东西,定期碰面,对市场的走势及操作进行研判,重点着重于day-trade 以及swing-trade,股票操作周期基本在1-7天之内,看看各位高手有无兴趣?如果有的话,可以qqh联系,我来跑腿张罗。:p

Can't help to comment ... Huddling together to do day trading is like to distribute stress ... I don't know if anyone amateur ever makes money by this type of operation.

If the idea is to study 10-K's, that will be more interesting.
I quoted the whole sentence from the video, I did not say the s word. It is interesting that concrete jungle has so much common with the nature world.

I agree that there have been some adjustments and shall be cautious. But Bull is not giving in. Just watch this week.

I like to follow the trend and hope everyone has a fruitful week.

You sound pretty aggressive (with s* words) as a female ...

People get conditioned by the environment. When so many people get excited when the market is down, yet dead quiet when the market is up, it is probably a good sign of next bull market.

The single worst thing about stock market is when many cheer for any rise in stocks....

Strong bull market always start with darkest desperation...If there could be another blow like last year, things will definitely be better down the road ...
Seems to be topping again ... more water to hide the naked swimmers...

Is it technically stronger or weaker ? Maybe if it goes through 1400 and then it will go to 1500. On the other hand, if it goes to 1300, then it will retest resistence at xyz... :D:D:D:D
Seems to be topping again ... more water to hide the naked swimmers...

Is it technically stronger or weaker ? Maybe if it goes through 1400 and then it will go to 1500. On the other hand, if it goes to 1300, then it will retest resistence at xyz... :D:D:D:D

"Evertime bear thinks he is winning, honey bager just come over and chew right on his neck."" --- By gomu

We will see much higher this year probably.

Not topping yet.:blowzy:
Wow,今天大盘大跌,但insurance stock狂涨,莫非有大机构购买?
long positions should continue to outperform shorts

Not much change today [Wednesday] after the big move
on Tuesday with US stocks. There has been noticeable
selling in the Treasury bond market and that money
getting cycled into stocks. We are in between cycles of
news events so the market isn’t focused on anything too
important right now. We have only Producer Price Index
tomorrow which reflects how much costs have gone up
and may be used for an inflation indicator. Consumer
Price Index (CPI) comes out Friday.
The Michigan Sentiment comes out Friday, which has
been weighed fairly heavily this last few months. The
long positions should continue to outperform shorts.
Still maintain an overall awareness of when the market
trend may be changing and adjust your longs or shorts
accordingly. Don’t assume we continue to move up for
long periods of time. Usually there are events that mark
a trend change with high volume and have a perceived
fundamental influence on markets.
The Dow30, Nasdaq Composite, and the S&P 500 had
virtually no change. The Russell 2000 was down 0.92% and
the CBOE Volatility Index which is a gauge used to measure
fear in the market place was up 3.7%.
In economic news, Import Prices rose 0.4% in February
which was less than expected. The Current Account Balance
hit a three year high at -$124.1B compared to the $113.8B
that was expected.
The Fed announced Tuesday that all but four US financial
institutions exceeded expectations in recent stress tests. C,
Citigroup which was down 3.4%, STI, Suntrust Bank up
4.5%, Metlife down 5.8%, and Ally Financial were the four
that did not meet the expectations according to this report.
Some of the institutions that exceeded expectations of the stress tests were JPM, JPMorgan which was up 0.4%, BAC,
Bank of America up 4.1%, WFC, Wells Fargo which was virtually unchanged and USB, US Bancorp was up 1.5% at the
close on Wednesday.
In other news:
Gold was down 3.2% to close at $1639.40 an ounce and oil was down 1% and closed at $106.18 a barrel.