快乐兔进来, 茉莉也来看看

我觉得是后者,one = an era, 你这个逗号加的合理,但是即使不加,IN WHICH HE HAD HIS PLACE还是个定语从句,可以去除

sometimes a man survives a considerable time from an era into one which is strange to him...


但是这句话的结构似乎有问题:sometimes a man survives a considerable time from an era into one which is strange to him...

survives .... into ... 这个结构看起来很古怪。 相比之下, if the "into" phrase belongs to the attributive clause, then the phrase "had ... into ..." makes more sense.

In addition, if "survives ... into ..." were the phrase the author used, such a writing style is usually not encouraged, due to the possible ambiguity that may result. The attributive clause cuts the sentence in the middle, which creates the confusion ...
还有,对于,"the curious"我也想了半天,我觉得这里这里这个并不是好奇的意思,而是古怪的意思,而且不是指 curious people,而是说这个过气的人,成为人间喜剧以后,提供的一种古怪境界
"I took my car which had been hit by my neighbour's van to the dealer." is a bad sentence for example.
还有,对于,"the curious"我也想了半天,我觉得这里这里这个并不是好奇的意思,而是古怪的意思,而且不是指 curious people,而是说这个过气的人,成为人间喜剧以后,提供的一种古怪境界

这个你说的不对。 ;)

clearly, "the curious" here replaces something that is in the plural form. so it is approximately "the curious people", "the curious audience", or the at worst, "the curious XXXs"... This is in fact a standard english construction, widely used.
"I took my car which had been hit by my neighbour's van to the dealer." is a bad sentence for example.


Sometimes a man survives a considerable time(from an era in which he had his place into one which is strange to him), and then the curious are offered one of the most singular spectacles in the human comedy.

所以我觉得INTO HERE IS TOGETHER WITH FROM. ALTHOUGH WE USUALLY SAY FROM ...TO...now....but languages evolve....



所以我觉得INTO HERE IS TOGETHER WITH FROM. ALTHOUGH WE USUALLY SAY FROM ...TO...now....but languages evolve....


(I can accept " from ... into ..." as a phrase even in contemporary english.)

Sometimes a man survives a considerable time(from an era in which he had his place into one which is strange to him), and then the curious are offered one of the most singular spectacles in the human comedy.

所以我觉得INTO HERE IS TOGETHER WITH FROM. ALTHOUGH WE USUALLY SAY FROM ...TO...now....but languages evolve....



又读了两遍,觉得这个语法解析最顺溜:" from ... into ..." phrase 做定语修饰 “time”.

又读了两遍,觉得这个语法解析最顺溜:" from ... into ..." phrase 做定语修饰 “time”.




同意你的,还是让THE CURIOUS回归正途吧,呵呵,这样翻译的话,能通过不
另外,我觉得had his place 就是指在有他自己的一席之地,这个一席之地不一定是社会地位,但是至少是指某方面有特殊成绩的,所以可以虽然翻译成时代巨人有点夸张,但是至少可以认为是在某方面成功被认可的人

“一席之地”可以,“被那个时代认可”也可以。但是觉得要比“特殊成就”还是要弱一些。Of course, it depends on what you regard as “特殊成就” ... it gets rather fine and subtle now ...

Here is another example for the use of "his place" (from JFK): The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.


同意你的,还是让THE CURIOUS回归正途吧,呵呵,这样翻译的话,能通过不

“一席之地”可以,“被那个时代认可”也可以。但是觉得要比“特殊成就”还是要弱一些。Of course, it depends on what you regard as “特殊成就” ... it gets rather fine and subtle now ...

Here is another example for the use of "his place" (from JFK): The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.
