
Human being does not like the idea or fact of "existence of only God", because it makes human being uneasy to do what ever as they wish to.

"If God is real, all my dark side would be knowing by him, that put me in a terrible situation, isn't it?"

"See, so many bad things are happening, there must be no God to know that. That is better. The dark things I have done or crossed my mind should be OK".
so god planed the sufferings after all. i am glad you agree.

When you allow your child to play in the backyard, but he twisted his leg. Did you plan that? You allow him to play and allow him to jump and allow him to jump over the deck. His own weakness in controlling the balance or judgement on the height caused the twist.
When you allow your child to play in the backyard, but he twisted his leg. Did you plan that? You allow him to play and allow him to jump and allow him to jump over the deck. His own weakness in controlling the balance or judgement on the height caused the twist.

i would not know before hand that he would break his leg.

god per christianity is "onmiscient" ( all-knowing), after all, he is claimed by many as "god". so you are saying that he did not know what will happen either? this is the same as you are saying i am allowing my child to break his leg and only god is allowing bad things to happen on a much larger and inhuman scale.
when you say "planned...", that means "steps have been taken to make sure that bad things will happen", I don't agree on that.

when you say "planned...", that means "steps have been taken to make sure that bad things will happen", I don't agree on that.


You might as well. gods 4 "Os" statement is inherently contradictory.
You might as well. gods 4 "Os" statement is inherently contradictory.


说到神的全善全能与世上苦难的“矛盾”,前面说过,人类的罪恶是人类的苦难之源。这并不是因果循环, 并不是前世作了蘖,所以这辈子要受苦(也就是说, 并不是神没有能力干预)。而是人的始祖犯罪之后,自己离开了神,也离开了神为人所预备的没有苦难的乐园,进入了由撒旦通过罪来辖制的充满苦难的世界(神给了人自由意志,容忍人对自己的背叛,这正是神的善的表现之一)。但是,神更本着他完全的慈爱与能力,也为我们预备了全备的救恩,就是道成肉身的主耶稣自己:
约翰福音 3:16 神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。

约翰福音14:1 你们心里不要忧愁。 你们信神, 也当信我。 14:2, 在我父的家里, 有许多住处。 若是没有, 我就早已告诉你们了。 我去原是为你们预备地方去。








I agree human is not a subject of experiment. God(s) don't exist.
How can you say that ( God don't exist)?

You have to check on each corner of the universe using all the means that can possibly detect the presence of God to proclaim what you say. Have you done that? Where is your report?
How can you say that ( God don't exist)?

You have to check on each corner of the universe using all the means that can possibly detect the presence of God to proclaim what you say. Have you done that? Where is your report?

Did you feel the need to exhaust every corner of the cosmo to prove the nonexistence of the Great Monkey King?
Please tell me why the nonexistence of Great Monkey King proves the non-existence of God?
Please tell me why the nonexistence of Great Monkey King proves the non-existence of God?

now you made a statment of " the nonexistence of the great monkey king".

You have to check on each corner of the universe using all the means that can possibly detect the presence of the Great Monkey King to proclaim what you say.
Actually, I didn't claim the existence of the monkey king or non existence. I just chose one of the assumptions below:

If you think the existence of the monkey king can prove the God's existence or non-existence, please show me.

If you think the non-existence of the monkey king can prove the God's existence or non-existence, please also show me.

I hope now you can see the flaw of human logical thinking.

問: 我讀過一些有關耶穌基督生平的書籍,我相信這個人是位道德高尚、有奇才大志的高人,但是基督徒怎麼就把他看成神呢?我們中國有很多像他一樣道德高尚、有奇 才大志的高人,例如孔子、孟子等等,我們只把他們視作「聖人」,但他們終究還是人呀!怎麼基督教就把這樣一個人當成神了呢?況且猶太人自己也不過把耶穌當 作人看待,為何你們要將耶穌視為神?


我 們相信的神是在世界宇宙還沒存在之前就有,祂是萬有的創造主,還是無所不知、無所不能、無所不在。你看不見祂,祂卻看見你;祂又是真理的本身,所有不變的 律,哪管是自然定律、數學定律、生命律,還有道德律,都源出於祂。祂的律不會隨人的意志轉移;順從祂的律,萬物都會和諧,不順從那律的,就會吃足苦頭(到 今天,也只有人才會故意違反神定的律,才會否定世界上有不變的真理,所以人才會吃到自己的苦頭,也害了自然界和我們一起受害)。論到道德高尚,神有完全的 愛,完全的善良,也有完全的公義。沒有人的道德比祂完全。你同意擁有以上特性的才是神嗎?


(一) 耶穌能作出只有創造的神才能做的事——叫瞎子開眼,癱瘓的起來行走,死人復活,而且還是死了四天的人呢!今天的醫學也沒有辦法叫天生瞎眼的看見,有了小兒 麻痺之後的瘸腿也沒法治好,更不要說叫死人復活了。耶穌又能用五餅二魚餵飽五千人,又能用一句話平靜風和浪,一句話把附在人身上的污鬼趕走,又能預言將來 多年之後發生的事情。

(二)祂既能叫死人復活,祂自己也能在死後三天復活;在沒有復活之前,還能預言死後三天復活的事。能做到這點,除非 祂自己就是生命和生命的源頭,才可能自由出入生死的關口。今天孔子、孟子的屍骨還留在墳墓裡,其他的宗教發起人也都在墳墓裡。獨有耶穌能在被釘死三天之 後,復活顯給門徒看,讓門徒和祂一起吃飯,讓人摸祂曾被傷害的手和肋,叫那些門徒以後就有膽量和勇氣,冒死傳揚耶穌基督復活的真理。




