Re: I am so angry
gentleboy,本人在道义和财力上都是支持你的,但你的are you a real chinese就有些过了。每个人都有怀疑的权力。
再说了,网上这类事也时有发生。不是经常有real chinese冒充日本人发贴,挑动民族热情吗?
最初由 gentleboy 发布
that a guy whose username is i2sh4every said i told a lie,
hai, i2sh4ever, are you a real chinese?
i showed the card to my classmates which the police officer gave me.
The card records the case number and the officer's name and phone.
Oh, Jesus, I can not believe there is such a Chinese in ottawa.
hope he is not Chinese,otherwise we Chinese lost face.
gentleboy,本人在道义和财力上都是支持你的,但你的are you a real chinese就有些过了。每个人都有怀疑的权力。
再说了,网上这类事也时有发生。不是经常有real chinese冒充日本人发贴,挑动民族热情吗?