精华 请置顶,我今天控告了一个侮辱中国的老外.要和他打官司

Hi Gentleboy,

As a fellou UofO student, I extend my most sincere regards for those who stood up in face of prejudice. As a fellow Chinese, I hope you can sue the sucker to muggerland.

I don't have any personal leagal experience, but I've dealt with a few chinese lawyers:
1) Zhang Anderson - 237-4800
2) Mr. Cheung - 748-9898
3) James Sin 282-1178

I believe Mrs. Anderson is your best best for criminal charges; the others i belive specialize in property law or civil matters.

In my personal, non-legal opnion, the assailant is accountable for two offences: discrimination and defamation. You should be compensated for emotional stress and your time for putting together this case. I'm sure there are other torts he's committed; you can discuss that with your lawyers.

Finally, I just want to say I have friends who are from Israeli or Arabic country and they are very nice people. I don't want to see Chinese people hold a false grudge against them just become of what one (or a few) bad apple did.
just see it,support.

you3 shi4 nin2 shuo1 hua4.
最初由 问斜阳 发布
I just asked my roommate,
who's going to be a lawyer in 3 years,
and he said this individual has committed a hate crime,
and for spitting, he has assaulted gentle boy.
In legal terms, he's commited a TORT
最初由 Senators 发布
如果每一个中国人都能在老外恶意相向的时候挺身而出, 象 Gentle Boy 和 Bridge 那样,每一个真正的中国人肯定都会站在他们身后全力支持, 有钱的出钱, 有力的出力。

至少Bridge始终没有表示对gentle boy的实际支持倾向,所以对她的质疑“她是否会帮助中国人”是有理的,如果她也有同样经历,更应该会有同感。个人觉得Bridge 说来说去只是为了澄清和表白自己,并没有就这个case表示任何支持。尽管这确实只是“her own business”,但既然是在这里发帖,表明自己“只选择自己的案子”似乎太cool了。
Anyway,I've got to hand it to gentle boy! Great job!

If something I can do, please let me know.

Tel: (613)224-3566

Email: ygzhao@rogers.com
最初由 grace6799 发布

至少Bridge始终没有表示对gentle boy的实际支持倾向,所以对她的质疑“她是否会帮助中国人”是有理的,如果她也有同样经历,更应该会有同感。个人觉得Bridge 说来说去只是为了澄清和表白自己,并没有就这个case表示任何支持。尽管这确实只是“her own business”,但既然是在这里发帖,表明自己“只选择自己的案子”似乎太cool了。
Anyway,I've got to hand it to gentle boy! Great job!

If you want I can help you to fight against
believe! chinese are large family,we will follow you friend .