
而且我是个非常护犊子的人, 要是我看到谁要是威胁我的孩子,对不起,不管是上法院还是私了,我都不会放过你,咱也没啥钱不过耗死你也足够了。(所以在所有有孩子的父母前,千万别用孩子来威胁)。
中国社区在这里是很小的,大家认识的人都不少。何必呢? LIUYONG也替我们干过活,人真的很不错。北方人爽气。要是碰上我们南方人作也作死你。劝你一句,大事化小,小事化无。到最后,你也许什么也没得到。
行了,您也别费劲换着马甲来''If you are his friend, please let him know the consequence of the legal action. As I know, he has young kid. It's reason why I email and post in CFC to give him last chance but seems that he refused to remove the mechanic lien. '
Please read carefully. and thank you
要过月饼节了,谁跟糊涂人至气猫胖胖, 消消气,我支持你。宁可和明白人吵顿架,也不和糊涂人说句话。
We didn't hide from him, in fact, we met Liu Yong once at a local store. After he finished his painting work, I did asked him if he is in need of money so I can drop the painting labor and cost off on the weekend, but he didn't give me his address. the following week, he started his floor installation. if he was responsible for his work, none of the conflict would happen. As far as our credit is concerned, you'll be disappointed to hear that there are 3 banks (BMO, Scotiabank and CIBC) trying to get our business and offering a very attractive rate