请教08 Accord 2DR换挡问题,尤其是Onion车行的Honda专家

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新手经常半离合换档,很伤同步圈,这就是人的问题 ...


Honda dealer usually decline this warranty, they use "I can't reproduce the problem" as an excuse since the "pop" isn't happen all the time.

We helped a civic SI to claim the warranty with 93000km.

I remember you've already talked to Honda and they refuse. Let us help you find out how we can help to to claim this warranty (if it really is the problem)
Honda dealer usually decline this warranty, they use "I can't reproduce the problem" as an excuse since the "pop" isn't happen all the time...

是啊,就怕dealer撇一句"Cannot reproduce"了事,还charge $99/hr-rate labor,那就得不偿失了。

Be aware of Honda,如下经历以警诸位(2008年7月买的新车,目前68000km):
1. 这个贴中的 manual transmission 问题。
2. 新车前3年冬天打不着火4次,其中头半年2次。OEM电池sucks。

3. 头半年rear刹车片磨损1/3,Honda没有public的recall新闻。倒是发了一封信,说"加拿大冬天太冷雪大,刹车片磨的快"云云。后来去dealer,连dealer都承认是设计缺陷,给免费修了,换了。我个人认为由于当时适逢2009年丰田超大型recall风波, Honda(借用[月下]的话说)吓尿了,没敢声张。

4. 2011年11月在Montreal downtown 车的engine灯亮了,挂一档开还有点喘,于是花了$75拖车到最近的那个downtown的Honda dealer。最后花了$120说机油不够了 -- 我从Ottawa出发前check的还有70% -- 换了新的,还没加满,但当时engine灯确实不亮了,算了,走了。回来后又犯,找个朋友认识的garage检查,最后是air filter上花粉太多,换了后就好了。

5. 今年夏天,前轮刹车部位发出 轮转节奏+高频尖锐的噪音,转弯时更加明显。去dealer(DOW Honda)去修,告诉他们本人推测噪音可能源于刹车系统。之后dealer说power steering pump要换,税后$660。怀疑,但实在没修车经验,信了,换了,但第二天驾驶15分钟后又犯了,再去dealer修。第三天驾驶15分钟后又犯。再去dealer修。service manager亲自上阵,最后说刹车什么地方锈太多,清理了,不行再来。然后问题就好了。$660喂狗了......

总结: no more Hondas for me.
For the Si we helped earlier, its about the same situation, dealer said can't reproduce the problem.

We will show you how to talk to dealer, please bring your car here, and we can do preliminary check for you, free of charge.
:D:D double clutch行不

恩 double clutch 减档效果很好哈哈 拐弯减速有时候都不用刹车。。就提前减档就行了哈哈 并且声音也好听:D:D
For the Si we helped earlier, its about the same situation, dealer said can't reproduce the problem.

We will show you how to talk to dealer, please bring your car here, and we can do preliminary check for you, free of charge.

还有你的变速箱保修是5年,100000公里以下,如果在保修期赶快去dealer问,让他们必须修好。他们如果不修你就给HONDA CANADA 打电话投诉,然后他们就会帮你修。

修完就好了? -- 实在不敢再信Honda的dealer了.
你如果不满意,可以给honda Canada打电话投诉!肯定有人热情招待!