反對要尊敬聖母, 其實也是新一代新教分支支派, 在缺乏聖靈引領下偏離正道。
馬丁路德在 1532年7月2日(那時已與羅馬天主教會分離了) 的公開講道中的演詞有這樣的話:
"She, the Lady above heaven and earth, must have a heart so humble that she might have no shame in washing the swaddling clothes or preparing a bath for St. John the Baptist, like a servant girl. What humility! It would surely have been more just to have arranged for her a golden coach, pulled by 4,000 horses, and to cry and proclaim as the carriage proceeded: 'Here passes the woman who is raised FAR ABOVE all women, indeed above the WHOLE human race."
早期的新教, 仍是很尊崇瑪利亞的。