
Good to know that at least someone would think this is not a Catholic doctrine. However, it seems not to be said by "the Protestants who know little about (the) Catholic church" but rather quoted from " 一 本 由 梵 帝 崗 出 版 的 書 籍 , 名 為 ' The Concillar and Post Concilar Documents' 是 由 Water Kellemberg主 教 在 Rockville Center於 1975年 印 製 。 這 是 羅 馬 天 主 教 官 方 的 刊 物 , 並 且 是 有 "Imprimature"官 方 蓋 印 , 意 謂 「 可 以 出 版 」".

"「 ﹝瑪 利 亞﹞ 與 基 督 這 元 首 聯 合 , 又 與 祂 所 有 的 信 徒 共 聚 , 信 徒 必 需 要 首 先 對 最 榮 耀 的 (?!) 童 貞 女 瑪 利 亞 的 追 憶 予 以 尊 崇 , 她 是 神 的 母 親 (?!) , 也 是 救 主 耶 穌 基 督 的 母 親 。 由 於 所 擁 有 至 高 至 上 (?!) 的 恩 賜 , 她 超 乎 一 切 受 造 之 物 之 上(!?) , 無 論 在 天 上 在 地 上 , 無 原 罪 (?!) 的 童 貞 女 並 沒 有 受 到 原 罪 的 污 染 , 當 她 的 生 命 在 地 上 完 結 之 後 , 她 的 肉 體(?!) 與 靈 魂 被 接 上 天 上 , 並 且 被 主 高 舉 成 為 萬 物 的 皇 后 (?!)。"
﹝ 378, 381-382頁 ﹞

However, it seems not to be said by "the Protestants who know little about (the) Catholic church" but rather quoted from " 一 本 由 梵 帝 崗 出 版 的 書 籍 , 名 為 ” The Concillar and Post Concilar Documents” 是 由 Water Kellemberg主 教 在 Rockville Center於 1975年 印 製 。 這 是 羅 馬 天 主 教 官 方 的 刊 物 , 並 且 是 有 "Imprimature"官 方 蓋 印 , 意 謂 「 可 以 出 版 」".

你上邊的那段,不是出自The Concillar and Post Concilar Documents” 是 由 Water Kellemberg主 教 在 Rockville Center於 1975年 印 製 原文,

來自 該段的英文版:
"Joined to Christ the head and in communion with all his saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ...Because of the gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. ... The immaculate Virgin preserved free from all stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthy life was over, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things." (p.378, 381-382)




I. Introduction

52. Wishing in His supreme goodness and wisdom to effect the redemption of the world, "when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman...that we might receive the adoption of sons".(283) "He for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary."(1*) This divine mystery of salvation is revealed to us and continued in the Church, which the Lord established as His body. Joined to Christ the Head and in the unity of fellowship with all His saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory "of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ".(2*)

53. The Virgin Mary, who at the message of the angel received the Word of God in her heart and in her body and gave Life to the world, is acknowledged and honored as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer. Redeemed by reason of the merits of her Son and united to Him by a close and indissoluble tie, she is endowed with the high office and dignity of being the Mother of the Son of God, by which account she is also the beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Because of this gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. At the same time, however, because she belongs to the offspring of Adam she is one with all those who are to be saved. She is "the mother of the members of Christ . . . having cooperated by charity that faithful might be born in the Church, who are members of that Head."(3*) Wherefore she is hailed as a pre-eminent and singular member of the Church, and as its type and excellent exemplar in faith and charity. The Catholic Church, taught by the Holy Spirit, honors her with filial affection and piety as a most beloved mother. 所用的,根本不是原文

At the same time, however, because she belongs to the offspring of Adam she is one with all those who are to be saved;

its type and excellent exemplar in faith and charity

May be it is just something said by the Protestants who know very little about Catholic Church. 一知半解, 加了鹽加了醋
"「 ﹝瑪 利 亞﹞ 與 基 督 這 元 首 聯 合 , 又 與 祂 所 有 的 信 徒 共 聚 , 信 徒 必 需 要 首 先 對 最 榮 耀 的 (?!) 童 貞 女 瑪 利 亞 的 追 憶 予 以 尊 崇 , 她 是 神 的 母 親 (?!) , 也 是 救 主 耶 穌 基 督 的 母 親 。 由 於 所 擁 有 至 高 至 上 (?!) 的 恩 賜 , 她 超 乎 一 切 受 造 之 物 之 上(!?) , 無 論 在 天 上 在 地 上 , 無 原 罪 (?!) 的 童 貞 女 並 沒 有 受 到 原 罪 的 污 染 , 當 她 的 生 命 在 地 上 完 結 之 後 , 她 的 肉 體(?!) 與 靈 魂 被 接 上 天 上 , 並 且 被 主 高 舉 成 為 萬 物 的 皇 后 (?!)。"
﹝ 378, 381-382頁 ﹞

However, it seems not to be said by "the Protestants who know little about (the) Catholic church" but rather quoted from " 一 本 由 梵 帝 崗 出 版 的 書 籍 , 名 為 ” The Concillar and Post Concilar Documents” 是 由 Water Kellemberg主 教 在 Rockville Center於 1975年 印 製 。 這 是 羅 馬 天 主 教 官 方 的 刊 物 , 並 且 是 有 "Imprimature"官 方 蓋 印 , 意 謂 「 可 以 出 版 」".

你上邊的那段,不是出自The Concillar and Post Concilar Documents” 是 由 Water Kellemberg主 教 在 Rockville Center於 1975年 印 製 原文,

來自 該段的英文版:
"Joined to Christ the head and in communion with all his saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ...Because of the gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. ... The immaculate Virgin preserved free from all stain of original sin, was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory, when her earthy life was over, and exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things." (p.378, 381-382)




I. Introduction

52. Wishing in His supreme goodness and wisdom to effect the redemption of the world, "when the fullness of time came, God sent His Son, born of a woman...that we might receive the adoption of sons".(283) "He for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary."(1*) This divine mystery of salvation is revealed to us and continued in the Church, which the Lord established as His body. Joined to Christ the Head and in the unity of fellowship with all His saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory "of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ".(2*)

53. The Virgin Mary, who at the message of the angel received the Word of God in her heart and in her body and gave Life to the world, is acknowledged and honored as being truly the Mother of God and Mother of the Redeemer. Redeemed by reason of the merits of her Son and united to Him by a close and indissoluble tie, she is endowed with the high office and dignity of being the Mother of the Son of God, by which account she is also the beloved daughter of the Father and the temple of the Holy Spirit. Because of this gift of sublime grace she far surpasses all creatures, both in heaven and on earth. At the same time, however, because she belongs to the offspring of Adam she is one with all those who are to be saved. She is "the mother of the members of Christ . . . having cooperated by charity that faithful might be born in the Church, who are members of that Head."(3*) Wherefore she is hailed as a pre-eminent and singular member of the Church, and as its type and excellent exemplar in faith and charity. The Catholic Church, taught by the Holy Spirit, honors her with filial affection and piety as a most beloved mother. 所用的,根本不是原文

Thanks. It appears these paragraphs are not direct quotes but rephrased by David. Nonetheless, I didn't find any fundamental differences between the summarized messages of David versus the original Catholic document except for a few minor mistakes. The following is an example:

The original: "Joined to Christ the Head and in the unity of fellowship with all His saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory "of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ"

The Translation: 「 ﹝瑪 利 亞﹞(this subject is wrong. It should be "all Saints") 與 基 督 這 元 首 聯 合 , 又 與 祂 所 有 的 信 徒 共 聚 , 信 徒 必 需 要 首 先 對 最 榮 耀 的 (?!) 童 貞 女 瑪 利 亞 的 追 憶 予 以 尊 崇 , 她 是 神 的 母 親 (?!) , 也 是 救 主 耶 穌 基 督 的 母 親 。
Nonetheless, let's focus on those you agree to be Catholic doctrines to save time. Well, if you are fine with it.

1. Why "the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory of" Mary?
2. Why Mary is glorious?
The original: "Joined to Christ the Head and in the unity of fellowship with all His saints, the faithful must in the first place reverence the memory "of the glorious ever Virgin Mary, Mother of our God and Lord Jesus Christ"

歷史家在說: 『若談中國民主革命, 斷不能忘掉孫中山....』
這有甚麼不妥, 也没有講錯罷?

歷史家在說: 『若談中國民主革命, 斷不能忘掉孫中山....』
這有甚麼不妥, 也没有講錯罷?

Scripture support please.
scripture , 對我來說, 已經是很生活化的事了。

I am profoundly confused by this statement of yours. Do you mean to say that one could be a Christian without (believing in) the Holy Bible (to be the words of God)?
#85 的回應

Please answer my last question and then I could decide if there is any value in continuing the discussion.
I am profoundly confused by your this statement. Do you meant to say that one could be a Christian without (believing in) the Holy Bible (to be the words of God)?

Could one call himself a Christian if he just believe the HOLY BIBLE things, but could not live like a Christian?
Could one call himself a Christian if he just believe the HOLY BIBLE things, but could not live like a Christian?

You need to rephrase your statement then. It is very confusing and it is serious.
Please answer my last question and then I could decide if there is any value in continuing the discussion.

Please let me remind you that when Jesus ascended to heaven on Pentecost, he left behind to us a church , not a book called BIBLE

We value the Bible, but at the same time, we listen to the church's teaching.
Please let me remind you that when Jesus ascend to heaven on Pentecost, he left behind to us a church , not a book called BIBLE

Very interesting attitude towards the Holy Bible. So, your statement was clear and the confusion was mine. Am I correct?

Just for the purpose of argument (which I don't think we have the common background to continue anyways), God left the nation of Israel, not just the Old Testament.

You are taking away the Glory from God, which belongs to God and God alone, forever and ever!

This is what the heavenly host said, well, if you believe in the Holy Bible: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”