10月17号已过, 我来证明一下关于mortgage压力测试我是对的

虽然听说你finance不错,好像cfc很多人也尊重你的建议,但请你不要信口雌黄,如果你要下一个论断麻烦拿出出处来。而且一个got it?好像显得你就是权威别人都是错的似的。以下英文节选自政府网站https://www.fin.gc.ca/n16/data/16-117_2-eng.asp

第一段Applying a Mortgage Rate Stress Test to All Insured Mortgages,处处在强调一个insured mortgages. OK就算我不全懂,不知道是不是实质上所有的mortgage,不管high-ratio还是low-ratio,都是insured mortgage. 那么你告诉我是,行。

如果你真的告诉我所有mortgage都是insured,我暂时不打断你,那么看第二段Changes to Low-Ratio Mortgage Insurance Eligibility Requirements*。 人家明确写了要想一个low-ratio mortgage被insure, 必须满足地产的价格小于100万。呵呵这你不是自己打自己的脸么。照这样多伦多温哥华不用卖房了。

Applying a Mortgage Rate Stress Test to All Insured Mortgages*

* Revised October 14, 2016

Today, the Government announced a change to the eligibility rules for new government-backed insured mortgages. Effective October 17, 2016, all high-ratio insured homebuyers must qualify for mortgage insurance at an interest rate the greater of their contract mortgage rate or the Bank of Canada's conventional five-year fixed posted rate. This requirement will also be extended to low-ratio insured mortgages effective November 30, 2016 (see below). This requirement is already in place for high-ratio insured mortgages with variable interest rates or fixed interest rates with terms less than five years.

The Bank of Canada’s conventional five-year fixed posted mortgage rate is the mode (i.e., the most common occurring number) of the conventional five-year fixed mortgage rates advertised by Canada’s six largest banks. The rate is updated weekly and is available on the Bank of Canada’s website(CANSIM table 176-0043). The Bank of Canada’s posted rate is typically higher than the contract mortgage rate most buyers actually pay. As of September 28, 2016, the Bank of Canada posted rate was 4.64 per cent.

For borrowers to qualify for mortgage insurance, their debt-servicing ratios must be no higher than the maximum allowable levels when calculated using the greater of the contract rate and the Bank of Canada posted rate. Lenders and mortgage insurers assess two key debt-servicing ratios to determine if a homebuyer qualifies for an insured mortgage:

  • Gross Debt Service (GDS) ratio—the carrying costs of the home, including the mortgage payment and taxes and heating costs, relative to the homebuyer’s income;
  • Total Debt Service (TDS) ratio—the carrying costs of the home and all other debt payments relative to the homebuyer’s income.
To qualify for mortgage insurance, a homebuyer must have a GDS ratio no greater than 39 per cent and a TDS ratio no greater than 44 per cent. Qualifying for a mortgage by applying the typically higher Bank of Canada posted rate when calculating a borrower’s GDS and TDS ratios serves as a “stress test” for homebuyers, providing new homebuyers a buffer to be able to continue servicing their debts even in a higher interest rate environment, or if faced with a reduction in household income.

The announced measure will apply to new high-ratio mortgage insurance applications received on October 17, 2016 or later. This measure will not apply to high-ratio mortgage loans where, before October 17, 2016: a mortgage insurance application was received; or, the lender made a legally binding commitment to make the loan; or, the borrower entered into a legally binding agreement of purchase and sale for the property against which the loan is secured.

Homeowners with an existing high-ratio insured mortgage, including those renewing or transferring an existing high-ratio insured mortgage to another lender, are not affected by this change as high-ratio mortgage insurance spans the life of the mortgage.

Changes to Low-Ratio Mortgage Insurance Eligibility Requirements*

*Revised October 14, 2016

The Government also announced today changes to the eligibility rules for newly insured low-ratio government-backed insured mortgages. These new eligibility criteria will help target the funding support provided by government-backed low-ratio mortgage insurance towards safer forms of lending.

Effective November 30, 2016, mortgage loans that lenders insure using portfolio insurance and other discretionary low loan-to-value ratio mortgage insurance must meet the eligibility criteria that previously only applied to high-ratio insured mortgages. New criteria for low-ratio mortgages to be insured will include the following requirements:

  1. A loan whose purpose includes the purchase of a property or subsequent renewal of such a loan;
  2. A maximum amortization length of 25 years;
  3. A property value below $1,000,000;
  4. For variable-rate loans that allow fluctuations in the amortization period, loan payments that are recalculated at least once every five years to conform to the established amortization schedule;
  5. A minimum credit score of 600;
  6. A maximum Gross Debt Service ratio of 39 per cent and a maximum Total Debt Service ratio of 44 per cent, calculated by applying the greater of the mortgage contract rate or the Bank of Canada conventional five-year fixed posted rate; and,
  7. If the property is a single unit, it will be owner-occupied.
These changes will not apply to low-ratio mortgage loans where, before October 17, 2016: a mortgage insurance application was received; or, the lender made the loan or made a legally binding commitment to make the loan; or, the borrower entered into a legally binding agreement of purchase and sale for the property against which the loan is secured. The new low-ratio mortgage insurance eligibility requirements also do not apply if, during the period beginning on October 17, 2016 and ending on November 29, 2016, at least one of these three criteria is met and the loan is funded before May 1, 2017.
你假如牛逼的话,直接把closing day 改到12月1号吧。
所有的mortgage都是有insurance的,无论low 还是high ratio,以后都要做test
1m的问题,是超过1m贷款的部分,cmhc是不保的。got it?信口雌黄,连这都不懂?
你假如牛逼的话,直接把closing day 改到12月1号吧。
所有的mortgage都是有insurance的,无论low 还是high ratio,以后都要做test
1m的问题,是超过1m贷款的部分,cmhc是不保的。got it?信口雌黄,连这都不懂?
如果指违约保险(default insurance),肯定不对。如果人家交了50%的首付,根本没必要保险。而且银行不想证券化(银行本身不缺资金),也没必要花保险费。


The group affected are home buyers who pay more than 19.99 per cent down on their mortgage, and who also choose (or their lender chooses) to take out additional insurance to securitize the mortgage, further limit risk, or help with capital requirements. This insurance, however, is optional unlike high-ratio mortgage insurance, which is required by law for any buyer paying less than 19.99 per cent down on their home purchase.
如果指违约保险(default insurance),肯定不对。如果人家交了50%的首付,根本没必要保险。而且银行不想证券化(银行本身不缺资金),也没必要花保险费。


The group affected are home buyers who pay more than 19.99 per cent down on their mortgage, and who also choose (or their lender chooses) to take out additional insurance to securitize the mortgage, further limit risk, or help with capital requirements. This insurance, however, is optional unlike high-ratio mortgage insurance, which is required by law for any buyer paying less than 19.99 per cent down on their home purchase.
那还等啥,听专业人士的意见呀,早跟你说了,找个mortgage broker比在这里讨论有意义。
ta 跟你说要你12月1号closing吗,是的话,千万要听话,不要提早closing。
你假如牛逼的话,直接把closing day 改到12月1号吧。
所有的mortgage都是有insurance的,无论low 还是high ratio,以后都要做test
1m的问题,是超过1m贷款的部分,cmhc是不保的。got it?信口雌黄,连这都不懂?
顺便再highlight一下,人家政府网站说要insure low-ratio mortgage还要满足:
  1. A maximum amortization length of 25 years;
照你的说法,应该是30年的贷款保前25年,后5年不保咯? 还是以后银行都不要开30年的贷款咯?
那还等啥,听专业人士的意见呀,早跟你说了,找个mortgage broker比在这里讨论有意义。
ta 跟你说要你12月1号closing吗,是的话,千万要听话,不要提早closing。
我只觉得 既然你也不是那么肯定 就不要表现的那么肯定 好像别人都不懂就你懂似的。你要想表现的那么肯定,就拿出证据来让人服你。你每次就是一个
got it?
Low ratio mortgage insurance


Nov 30th stress test applies to low ratio mortgage insurance

如果指违约保险(default insurance),肯定不对。如果人家交了50%的首付,根本没必要保险。而且银行不想证券化(银行本身不缺资金),也没必要花保险费。


The group affected are home buyers who pay more than 19.99 per cent down on their mortgage, and who also choose (or their lender chooses) to take out additional insurance to securitize the mortgage, further limit risk, or help with capital requirements. This insurance, however, is optional unlike high-ratio mortgage insurance, which is required by law for any buyer paying less than 19.99 per cent down on their home purchase.

他说银行不想证券化 银行有自己的风险评估体制。portfolio insurance主要是那些其他各种信贷机构会把贷款打包然后再证券化。太好了,你是第一个肯静下心来瞧一瞧insured low ratio mortgage的…

他说银行不想证券化 银行有自己的风险评估体制。portfolio insurance主要是那些其他各种信贷机构会把贷款打包然后再证券化。太好了,你是第一个肯静下心来瞧一瞧insured low ratio mortgage的…

大银行风险承受能力大也许对他们评估过的客户的mortgage选择不买low ratio 房贷保险,但是小银行小信用社承担不起太大风险一般会要买这个保险,所以他们可能就只提供25年的low ratio贷款或者要求顾客购买high ratio房贷保险。
大银行风险承受能力大也许对他们评估过的客户的mortgage选择不买low ratio 房贷保险,但是小银行小信用社承担不起太大风险一般会要买这个保险,所以他们可能就只提供25年的low ratio贷款或者要求顾客购买high ratio房贷保险。

我觉得你说的很对 应该就是这个意思。所以政府举措的实际意思就是 你们这些不好好审核随便批贷款然后通过买个保险把风险转移给政府的人 我不陪你们玩了。
我觉得你说的很对 应该就是这个意思。所以政府举措的实际意思就是 你们这些不好好审核随便批贷款然后通过买个保险把风险转移给政府的人 我不陪你们玩了。
但是我觉得大银行也会根据新的压力测试条件提高low ratio mortgage房贷要求,购买low ratio mortgage保险,或要求客户买高风险cmhc保险
但是我觉得大银行也会根据新的压力测试条件提高low ratio mortgage房贷要求,购买low ratio mortgage保险,或要求客户买高风险cmhc保险

别的银行不知道 cibc实际上除了五年固定利率 其他其实之前也一直在压力测试。所以各种新规定对大银行影响并不大。要说影响实际上是减少了他们的竞争者,促生了垄断。
别的银行不知道 cibc实际上除了五年固定利率 其他其实之前也一直在压力测试。所以各种新规定对大银行影响并不大。要说影响实际上是减少了他们的竞争者,促生了垄断。
加拿大是四大银行垄断的。prime mortgage大多在他们那里做。小的那不叫银行,叫金融机构,可以做次贷。像fn.to,hcg.to,但是市值很小的1.6-1.7b左右。大银行像td,111b。你认为这些小金融机构有能力同大银行竞争吗?
加拿大是四大银行垄断的。prime mortgage大多在他们那里做。小的那不叫银行,叫金融机构,可以做次贷。像fn.to,hcg.to,但是市值很小的1.6-1.7b左右。大银行像td,111b。你认为这些小金融机构有能力同大银行竞争吗?
别的都不说,回头市场上没有不需要压力测试的贷款,就是您对;只要有不需要压力测试的贷款,就是您错。We all need to learn how to lose.
别的都不说,回头市场上没有不需要压力测试的贷款,就是您对;只要有不需要压力测试的贷款,就是您错。We all need to learn how to lose.