
组织个示威游行吧, 不然他们一而再, 再而三的大放厥词!这次是第几次了?

There are several Right Wing personalities in the media in Ottawa. Take note of what they say and get ready for rebuttal. These people create mayhem with their word. The only way to set the record straight -- you got it -- our words backed with facts.

Just ignore it. There are some "dog-legs" for US politicians who enjoy anti-China movements, of course.
Do your best and become CEO of Nortel or Royal Bank someday, and see who dares to mouth nonsenses?
Here is an email I sent to the Citizen.

Sir or Madam,

In an editorial published on 17 October 2003, Mr. John Robson took a pure cynical view of the recent success of the Chinese Shenzhou V as "one part vanity and three parts belligerence." He then carried on to assert that the Canadian Government had better spend the annual $65 million aid money to China somewhere else.

It is beyond the capacity of this letter to alter his worldview. But I feel very much obliged to correct several factual errors in his piece.

In his characterisation of the Chinese manned space program, he failed to mention even once the peaceful use of the manned space capability. It is a fact that, so far, the vast majority of the Chinese space program has been used for peaceful purposes, including commercial lunches of foreign satellites. Would Mr. Robson even see something belligerent in those foreign lunches?

In the same article, Mr. Robson seemed to have a very confused understanding of the contemporary history of the Far East. He ignored the fact that Taiwan question is a question of sovereignty but not ethnicity. He simply trivialised the inspiration to reunite Taiwan with the Mainland as an effort "on the apparent grounds that all Chinese should be ruled by one government because they are Chinese." Where did he get that idea?

He further suggested that the Canadian Government cut the aid program to China. He did not mention that most of those aid programs are no handouts, but joint projects that have mutual benefits.

As it so often happens, some individuals tend to shrug off such comments, as those made by Mr. Robson as miscarriage of Freedom of Speech. Is there an ethics issue to be made here, under the protection of Freedom of Speech? As a personality in the news media, doesn’t one need to back up his comments with facts? Worldview is one thing; fact is quite another. People may have very diverse opinions, but please make doubly sure our comments stay factual.

Fuhu Wang

最初由 msft 发布
My understanding of this editorial is it critises the way Chinnese government spend money. Period.
It;s not an attack to Chinese community in Canada. If it is, we should fight back forcefully.

Jiang should not spend so much money on that kind of firework if he keep in mind that so many children still can't get access to school. so many workers laid off and no support from the government. so many people suffer from the natural disaster only get a little bit of aid.
Re: support.

最初由 Happylife 发布

Jiang should not spend so much money on that kind of firework if he keep in mind that so many children still can't get access to school. so many workers laid off and no support from the government. so many people suffer from the natural disaster only get a little bit of aid.

作者可能是英联邦的遗民, 现在还对香港回归愤愤不平.
Re: Re: support.

最初由 LogyBear 发布


最初由 hifuhu 发布
Here is an email I sent to the Citizen.

Sir or Madam,

In an editorial published on 17 October 2003, Mr. John Robson took a pure cynical view of the recent success of the Chinese Shenzhou V as "one part vanity and three parts belligerence." He then carried on to assert that the Canadian Government had better spend the annual $65 million aid money to China somewhere else.

It is beyond the capacity of this letter to alter his worldview. But I feel very much obliged to correct several factual errors in his piece.

In his characterisation of the Chinese manned space program, he failed to mention even once the peaceful use of the manned space capability. It is a fact that, so far, the vast majority of the Chinese space program has been used for peaceful purposes, including commercial lunches of foreign satellites. Would Mr. Robson even see something belligerent in those foreign lunches?

In the same article, Mr. Robson seemed to have a very confused understanding of the contemporary history of the Far East. He ignored the fact that Taiwan question is a question of sovereignty but not ethnicity. He simply trivialised the inspiration to reunite Taiwan with the Mainland as an effort "on the apparent grounds that all Chinese should be ruled by one government because they are Chinese." Where did he get that idea?

He further suggested that the Canadian Government cut the aid program to China. He did not mention that most of those aid programs are no handouts, but joint projects that have mutual benefits.

As it so often happens, some individuals tend to shrug off such comments, as those made by Mr. Robson as miscarriage of Freedom of Speech. Is there an ethics issue to be made here, under the protection of Freedom of Speech? As a personality in the news media, doesn’t one need to back up his comments with facts? Worldview is one thing; fact is quite another. People may have very diverse opinions, but please make doubly sure our comments stay factual.

Fuhu Wang

Good letter, strong support. We shouldn't just ignore this. It's our right to voice the truth. This guy related this space program to other issues such China reunion and shows his limited knowledge and biased view. Who cares 65 million from Canada? The Canada market benefit from China is far more than this 65 millions. It's true that China government could this to show their leadership while so many Chinese people live in poverty, but to all Chinese in the world, this is a political issue. If you are not strong, nobody will care your existence.

There are many Canadian who has little knowledge about China and still think China is a very poor country. This guy sounds like a British guy as I heard his voice from CFRA. We should draft a protest letter and spread it around here and send it to the citizen under everyone's name.
I also heard this son of the bitch saying that on Friday morning!
We cannot be silent!!! We must tell this son of the bitch: shut up!!!

最初由 渐渐 发布
Some idiot from CFRA's Steve Madely Show (didn't catch the name) also mentioned this article and explicitly calling China an enemy of the West and a threat to world peace.

I guess a nation can only send a person to the orbit when NOBODY in the entire country is starving. :)