
Wow, I wish I could be as forceful and well written as this one...

One thing I want to say is that if British has rights to defend "their" Falkland island cross oceans, we certainly has rights to defend our teritory from separation, at door step.

最初由 hifuhu 发布
Here is an email I sent to the Citizen.

Sir or Madam,

In an editorial published on 17 October 2003, Mr. John Robson took a pure cynical view of the recent success of the Chinese Shenzhou V as "one part vanity and three parts belligerence." He then carried on to assert that the Canadian Government had better spend the annual $65 million aid money to China somewhere else.

It is beyond the capacity of this letter to alter his worldview. But I feel very much obliged to correct several factual errors in his piece.

In his characterisation of the Chinese manned space program, he failed to mention even once the peaceful use of the manned space capability. It is a fact that, so far, the vast majority of the Chinese space program has been used for peaceful purposes, including commercial lunches of foreign satellites. Would Mr. Robson even see something belligerent in those foreign lunches?

In the same article, Mr. Robson seemed to have a very confused understanding of the contemporary history of the Far East. He ignored the fact that Taiwan question is a question of sovereignty but not ethnicity. He simply trivialised the inspiration to reunite Taiwan with the Mainland as an effort "on the apparent grounds that all Chinese should be ruled by one government because they are Chinese." Where did he get that idea?

He further suggested that the Canadian Government cut the aid program to China. He did not mention that most of those aid programs are no handouts, but joint projects that have mutual benefits.

As it so often happens, some individuals tend to shrug off such comments, as those made by Mr. Robson as miscarriage of Freedom of Speech. Is there an ethics issue to be made here, under the protection of Freedom of Speech? As a personality in the news media, doesn’t one need to back up his comments with facts? Worldview is one thing; fact is quite another. People may have very diverse opinions, but please make doubly sure our comments stay factual.

Fuhu Wang
At the moment, I think, the best way is to write letters. The letters should focus on facts. Point out the author's errors and his ignorance. The letters do not have to be perfect in English, but they must be factual.

Unfortunately, things like this will not be the last one. There are several well-known Far Right personalities in the Ottawa Media. We simply have to take care of their erroneous statements whenever they occur.


最初由 闲云 发布


I think at this moment, it would be better that Embassy NOT bother with arguing with one author whose opinion actually can not represent Canadian government.

If there is anything which can be called "help", that is kind people to provide fact and articles for the use of debate.
飞船上天了 , 有人难过了 , 真是抱歉 ,特别是对花了CD$65millon 帮助中国劳动人民的加国人民。不过 , 如果有人想拿回那65millioncd$ , 倒也可以理解 ,建议中国政府给会人家 。
这作者最差劲的就是用 retaken Hong Kong and Macau,给人感觉中国用强权夺取香港,澳门,而不是收回本来属于中国的领土,我觉得这是个好的反击点.
加拿大给中国的FINANCIAL AID,不也是希望能跟中国搞好关系,将来能多争取点贸易往来,或者说少个敌人。也是政治手段的一种。当然不排斥人道主义的因素。

还有中国国土完整他们居然也要染指,是不是干涉中国内政。 这篇文章对中国在加拿大人的眼里,尤其是那些从来不了解中国的加拿大人会产生更负面的影响。确实不好。
最初由 qlgc 发布
最初由 qlgc 发布

最初由 qlgc 发布




也许有些人会说,这篇文章的措辞没问题,但字里行间透露出来的情绪、态度很令中国人反感。那我就更不明白了:你让人家道歉,到底让人家向谁道歉?人家已经向杨利伟表示祝贺,向中国的科技人员祝贺,说明人家把中国政府和中国分的清清楚楚。真正让文章作者所不齿的,是中国政府的一些做法,比如民众的温饱问题,环境问题等等。“We congratulate China's first taikonaut and the scientists and technicians who made his trip to outer space happen. But we're not very happy with his government for sending Yang Liwei into space.”这句话简直就是给你们这样的中国愤青量身定做的。看见了吧?想抗议?这句话等着你们呢。


最初由 Broken Arrow 发布
Wow, I wish I could be as forceful and well written as this one...

One thing I want to say is that if British has rights to defend "their" Falkland island cross oceans, we certainly has rights to defend our teritory from separation, at door step.

Good point. The Birtish has no right to argue that one has the right to protect his country from spearation, as an old colonist, it launched too many wars to grab the land from other countries in the past.