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Group RRSP 会有两个独立账号,一个账户是你自己出的部分,不可能Locked In,你随时可以取出。
另一个账户是公司掏钱的部分,你离开公司后也可以转到第三方机构,但有可能要求Locked In。
Group RRSP,在通常情况下,在职人员是不允许转出的。每个公司的情况可能有所不一样。不管是哪一种形式的养老金,都会有Employee Contribution, 和employer contribution, 这就是所谓的两个独立的账号。我之前任职的公司,雇员自己的也不会允许拿出来,如果拿出,雇主的将会停止match contribution.每个公司对于group RRSP的规定会有所不同,但是大同小异,一定要仔细看看自己的福利手册。我离开之前任职的公司有段日子的,可能对于group RRSP的阐述不一定精准。
需要解释的是有人使用locked in这个说法.RRSP,不管是个人还是集体的,一般不会存在locked in.当谈论locked in 的时候,是指着个账号的钱在未到退休年龄前不能提现,到了额退休年龄后只能以annuity 或者LIF的形式periodically 提现。所以一般只存在于从 pension 里面转出来的钱是locked in,Group RRSP里面的钱,不论是Emoloyee contributions or employer contributions, 在离职后并没有强制要求转去一个locked in account,, 因此称group RRSP 里存在 locked in 的部分,我个人觉得这个阐述不够精准。

对不起,一般情况下,我不会与论坛上的人争论一个问题,毕竟每个公司的规章制度不一样,我没见过的东西很多。但是你第一句话有点攻击性。作为一名在职的HR pension specialist ,我很难不对你的这句话做出一定的解释。没有别的意思。如果你所在的公司的Group RRSP 允许你把employee contributions 拿出来而不对employer contributions造成任何影响,那你真的很幸运,因为大家都随时可以把这样的账号当做saving account使用。
Group RRSP,在通常情况下,在职人员是不允许转出的。每个公司的情况可能有所不一样。不管是哪一种形式的养老金,都会有Employee Contribution, 和employer contribution, 这就是所谓的两个独立的账号。我之前任职的公司,雇员自己的也不会允许拿出来,如果拿出,雇主的将会停止match contribution.每个公司对于group RRSP的规定会有所不同,但是大同小异,一定要仔细看看自己的福利手册。我离开之前任职的公司有段日子的,可能对于group RRSP的阐述不一定精准。
需要解释的是有人使用locked in这个说法.RRSP,不管是个人还是集体的,一般不会存在locked in.当谈论locked in 的时候,是指着个账号的钱在未到退休年龄前不能提现,到了额退休年龄后只能以annuity 或者LIF的形式periodically 提现。所以一般只存在于从 pension 里面转出来的钱是locked in,Group RRSP里面的钱,不论是Emoloyee contributions or employer contributions, 在离职后并没有强制要求转去一个locked in account,, 因此称group RRSP 里存在 locked in 的部分,我个人觉得这个阐述不够精准。

对不起,一般情况下,我不会与论坛上的人争论一个问题,毕竟每个公司的规章制度不一样,我没见过的东西很多。但是你第一句话有点攻击性。作为一名在职的HR pension specialist ,我很难不对你的这句话做出一定的解释。没有别的意思。如果你所在的公司的Group RRSP 允许你把employee contributions 拿出来而不对employer contributions造成任何影响,那你真的很幸运,因为大家都随时可以把这样的账号当做saving account使用。
You are here: Home > Pensions > Locked-In Accounts (LIFs and LIRAs)
Locked-In Accounts
When members of a pension plan terminate employment or plan membership, they have a number of options available to them for the treatment of their pension benefits and their commuted value.

Where the former member elects the direct transfer of the commuted value of the pension benefits into locked-in accounts, the Pension Benefits Act gives the individual greater control over their retirement monies. Since the money in locked-in accounts comes from pension plans, the legislation contains restrictions that are intended to preserve the money in these locked-in accounts for retirement and provide a lifetime stream of retirement income for former members and their spouse, if any. These restrictions are generally referred to as the locking-in rules.
You are here: Home > Pensions > Locked-In Accounts (LIFs and LIRAs)
Locked-In Accounts
When members of a pension plan terminate employment or plan membership, they have a number of options available to them for the treatment of their pension benefits and their commuted value.

Where the former member elects the direct transfer of the commuted value of the pension benefits into locked-in accounts, the Pension Benefits Act gives the individual greater control over their retirement monies. Since the money in locked-in accounts comes from pension plans, the legislation contains restrictions that are intended to preserve the money in these locked-in accounts for retirement and provide a lifetime stream of retirement income for former members and their spouse, if any. These restrictions are generally referred to as the locking-in rules.
Group RRSP,在通常情况下,在职人员是不允许转出的。每个公司的情况可能有所不一样。不管是哪一种形式的养老金,都会有Employee Contribution, 和employer contribution, 这就是所谓的两个独立的账号。我之前任职的公司,雇员自己的也不会允许拿出来,如果拿出,雇主的将会停止match contribution.每个公司对于group RRSP的规定会有所不同,但是大同小异,一定要仔细看看自己的福利手册。我离开之前任职的公司有段日子的,可能对于group RRSP的阐述不一定精准。
需要解释的是有人使用locked in这个说法.RRSP,不管是个人还是集体的,一般不会存在locked in.当谈论locked in 的时候,是指着个账号的钱在未到退休年龄前不能提现,到了额退休年龄后只能以annuity 或者LIF的形式periodically 提现。所以一般只存在于从 pension 里面转出来的钱是locked in,Group RRSP里面的钱,不论是Emoloyee contributions or employer contributions, 在离职后并没有强制要求转去一个locked in account,, 因此称group RRSP 里存在 locked in 的部分,我个人觉得这个阐述不够精准。

对不起,一般情况下,我不会与论坛上的人争论一个问题,毕竟每个公司的规章制度不一样,我没见过的东西很多。但是你第一句话有点攻击性。作为一名在职的HR pension specialist ,我很难不对你的这句话做出一定的解释。没有别的意思。如果你所在的公司的Group RRSP 允许你把employee contributions 拿出来而不对employer contributions造成任何影响,那你真的很幸运,因为大家都随时可以把这样的账号当做saving account使用。
公司有投入或者全部公司投入的RRSP,转到个人账户的时候,大都是locked-in RRSP。
公司有投入或者全部公司投入的RRSP,转到个人账户的时候,大都是locked-in RRSP。
我的还真被转到locked-in RRSP,没的商量。
You are here: Home > Pensions > Locked-In Accounts (LIFs and LIRAs)
Locked-In Accounts
When members of a pension plan terminate employment or plan membership, they have a number of options available to them for the treatment of their pension benefits and their commuted value.

Where the former member elects the direct transfer of the commuted value of the pension benefits into locked-in accounts, the Pension Benefits Act gives the individual greater control over their retirement monies. Since the money in locked-in accounts comes from pension plans, the legislation contains restrictions that are intended to preserve the money in these locked-in accounts for retirement and provide a lifetime stream of retirement income for former members and their spouse, if any. These restrictions are generally referred to as the locking-in rules.
对呀,when a pension plan membership terminates, there is option to transfer to Locked in account。你之前说的Group RRSP 会存在locked in。我说group RRSP很少听说有locked in的。我没有说不存在locked in RRSP, 难道是我理解你的话错了?

我个人的group RRSP,在离职后,转出就是一般的RRSP。如果你曾经从group RRSP转出并签署了locked in agreement,那还真的蛮少见的。我是pension specialist ,并不做group RRSP, 可能还真的有奇怪的公司要求group RRSP转出daoelocked in RRSP也说不定哦。不管怎么样,好好看看公司的福利手册是不会错的选择,每个公司规定多少有点出入。
对呀,when a pension plan membership terminates, there is option to transfer to Locked in account。你之前说的Group RRSP 会存在locked in。我说group RRSP很少听说有locked in的。我没有说不存在locked in RRSP, 难道是我理解你的话错了?

我个人的group RRSP,在离职后,转出就是一般的RRSP。如果你曾经从group RRSP转出并签署了locked in agreement,那还真的蛮少见的。我是pension specialist ,并不做group RRSP, 可能还真的有奇怪的公司要求group RRSP转出daoelocked in RRSP也说不定哦。不管怎么样,好好看看公司的福利手册是不会错的选择,每个公司规定多少有点出入。
比如说吧 Nokia 似乎是 locked in的,这个是参加计划时定的,不是退出时可以决定的,
退出时的option 是指你可以转成lira也可以留在那里换个个人版的计划。