If the Chinese government would have taken early precautions, the world would not have been suffering a lot. What are your thoughts?

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理论上,如果各国政府控制得滴水不漏,新冠、猪流感、埃博拉、艾滋病、霍乱、、、都不会在世界流行,今后也无 :D
Netflex 上有个电影 Contagion, 用的是 omniscience 手法让我们知道了这个病毒的源头。

如果把这件事情放到现实生活中来,这个源头估计是永远也搞不清楚。 因为开头的几个人和跟他们接触过的人都死了。
我觉得这话说的好: 防疫对各国来说都是一场考试。 中国先考是闭卷考试。其它国家后考,是开卷考试,考什么题目事先都知道了。
我觉得这话说的好: 防疫对各国来说都是一场考试。 中国先考是闭卷考试。其它国家后考,是开卷考试,考什么题目事先都知道了。




又是哪个二手Fake News 嚼完口对口喂您的,还是您一拍屁股自己琢磨的?
我觉得这话说的好: 防疫对各国来说都是一场考试。 中国先考是闭卷考试。其它国家后考,是开卷考试,考什么题目事先都知道了。

Since China announced the epidemic on January 20 and blocked Wuhan on January 23, have other countries made any preparations within 50 days?Let's use logic to analyze.

The Chinese government was the first to learn about the emergence of a new disease on December 28, 2019. (Before that, some doctors encountered some patients, but they did not report to the government. Doctor Zhang Jixian, who first reported the case, encountered such a patient on December 26. She reported to the hospital on the 27th and the hospital to the government on the 28th. )

On December 30, the coronavirus was discovered.

On December 31, the Chinese government reported new diseases to the WHO.

On January 7, 2020, Chinese doctors announced the genetic sequence of the virus.

Until mid-January, epidemiologists in China were debating whether the disease would continue to spread from person to person.

On January 20, the Chinese government announced to the world that the disease will continue to spread from person to person.

So, has the Chinese government concealed the epidemic? Obviously not, you can't announce things that you don't know about yourself, and you can't announce things that medical experts haven't concluded. Chinese epidemiologists are actually investigating a virus that they have never seen before. They didn't know what it was and what nature it was.

The only thing that can prove that China is not doing well is that it took epidemiologists 20 days to confirm that the disease will continue to spread from person to person, and you can claim that they are inefficient.

So even if Chinese epidemiologists are more efficient, maybe they can find that the disease will continue to spread from person to person 10 days in advance. I believe no one can do it more efficiently. You can't fully understand a disease the first day it appears.

So, if the Chinese government declared the disease infectious on January 10, would they be able to avoid a pandemic?

Since China announced the epidemic on January 20 and blocked Wuhan on January 23, have other countries made any preparations within 50 days?

They did nothing, they just laughed at China.

Even if Chinese epidemiologists announced the epidemic on January 10, there might be fewer people sick in China. But for other countries, the results will not be different. The only difference is that they will laugh more at China for 10 days.
有啥好争的,川大嘴防疫不利甚至也掩盖疫情, 也不能洗白 土共政府早期隐瞒延误疫情(对中国人民的)罪恶。
