The key point is 当且仅当超过半数的人同意时,按照他的提案进行分配,否则将被扔入大海喂鲨鱼。
Lets think reversely.
(1) If 4, 5 left. Then 4 will be thrown into the sea not matter what juicy offer he gave to 5, as he could not win more than half. So 4 will definitely accept 3's offer no matter how greediness he is.
(2) B/c of (1), 3 will survive anyhow even he claims 100 diamonds for himself and 4 will accept it for safety of his own life. So 4,5 expects 2 could provide better offer and will accept it.
(3) Then 2 will survive if he could give 4, 5 one diamond each, though 3 will object it loudly.
(4) What could smart 1 do? Simple, beat 2's offer and give 4,5 two diamonds each.
Final answer: 96,0,0,2,2
Any objection?
Lets think reversely.
(1) If 4, 5 left. Then 4 will be thrown into the sea not matter what juicy offer he gave to 5, as he could not win more than half. So 4 will definitely accept 3's offer no matter how greediness he is.
(2) B/c of (1), 3 will survive anyhow even he claims 100 diamonds for himself and 4 will accept it for safety of his own life. So 4,5 expects 2 could provide better offer and will accept it.
(3) Then 2 will survive if he could give 4, 5 one diamond each, though 3 will object it loudly.
(4) What could smart 1 do? Simple, beat 2's offer and give 4,5 two diamonds each.
Final answer: 96,0,0,2,2
Any objection?