你的眼界局限于怎么说中国坏,中国不一定真想加入,只不过是一个strategy movement.CPTPP,澳大利亚不是一票否决了吗?
如果不是真的,她作为美国大使,这么给土豆政府贴金,抹黑美国,能回美国吗?如果要真没有这么回事,完全可以让一个低级官员出来说。Given the mirror image of the drama finish, such as each has a respective equivalent clause of DPA and 取保候审, and flew home accompanied by the ambassador in a none charted flight respectively at the almost same time and the same day, what Kirsten Hillman said seems a lack of logic.
If what Kirsten Hillman described was true, why the Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau did not mention any clue about it in today's The West Block. What Minister Marc Garneau narrated about the release drama was quite moderate.
Oh, maybe, China went around Foreign Affairs Ministry to approach Kirsten Hillman to release two Michaels.
Anyway, Two Michaels are home. If the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can prove what Kirsten Hillman said is true, Justin Trudeau can take off the hat of an idiot in this fiasco and give it to Xi Jinping.
谁给谁人情啊?还个人情都算不上。。当年89后李鹏出来第一站哪呀?byward market Chateau Laurier..人情不是白给的,肯定中加有交易。
加拿大肯定不会参加aukus. Mark my words here.
She did not 抹黑美国. She indicated it as a Sino-US deal. 抹黑美国 is Chinese thinking. Pro-US can say the US did so with consideration of Canada. Wait and see. The truth will be disclosed with time.如果不是真的,她作为美国大使,这么给土豆政府贴金,抹黑美国,能回美国吗?如果要真没有这么回事,完全可以让一个低级官员出来说。
"I think in having felt for over 1,000 days incredible pressure from Canada [and] from our allies around the world that we had mobilized in regards to the situation of the Michaels… I think the Chinese government decided that, you know, it was time to put this behind them and move on,” Hillman said.