





1 hr 48 min ago

Putin's claims of neo-Nazis in Ukraine show he "might be capable of very horrendous steps," Zelensky says​

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky speaks with CNN on Sunday, March 20.
Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky speaks with CNN on Sunday, March 20. (CNN)

President Zelensky was asked about Vladimir Putin's claims that the Ukrainian government is full of neo-Nazis. He said that he cannot take these statements by Putin "seriously" and called it "laughable."

Zelensky added that Putin is in an information bubble but he noted that remarks like this from the Russian president worry him about what he is capable of.

"I'm not afraid of anything except for people, but the fact -- the fact is that if he is serious about this statement he might be capable of very horrendous steps because that would mean that this is not a game for him. If he really believes in this, if it's not a game, then we will just continue fighting against it. If it's a game. But if it's not a game, if he's serious about it, if he thinks that this is his mission to conquer our territory and if he sees signs of neo-Nazis in our country, then many questions emerge about what else he is capable of doing for the sake of his ambitions, for the sake of his mission."

Zelensky called Putin's remarks "very frightening, very hazardous."

2 hr 2 min ago

Zelensky: ‘If we were a NATO member, a war wouldn't have started’​

CNN's Chandelis Duster

Smoke rises after an explosion in Lviv, Ukraine, on Friday, March 18.
Smoke rises after an explosion in Lviv, Ukraine, on Friday, March 18. (AP)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday that if his country had been admitted into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliance earlier, then Russia would not have invaded the country.

“If we were a NATO member, a war wouldn't have started. I'd like to receive security guarantees for my country, for my people,” Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria on “GPS,” adding that he was grateful for the aid NATO has provided since the invasion began. “If NATO members are ready to see us in the alliance, then do it immediately because people are dying on a daily basis.”

He continued, “But if you are not ready to preserve the lives of our people, if you just want to see us straddle two worlds, if you want to see us in this dubious position where we don't understand whether you can accept us or not — you cannot place us in this situation, you cannot force us to be in this limbo.”

"I requested them personally to say directly that we are going to accept you into NATO in a year or two or five, just say it directly and clearly, or just say no," Zelensky said. "And the response was very clear, you're not going to be a NATO member, but publicly, the doors will remain open," he said.

2 hr 47 min ago

Zelensky says on CNN that Ukraine cannot compromise its "territorial integrity"​

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksky said there are "compromises" that Ukraine cannot make in negotiations with Putin.

Zelensky was asked by CNN's Fareed Zakaria about the Russian demands — including that they recognize that Crimea is part of Russia, the two republics in the Donbas are independent republics, and they guarantee that Ukraine will never be a member of NATO. He said, "There are compromises for which we cannot be ready as an independent state."

Zelensky continued: "Any compromises related to our territorial integrity and our sovereignty and the Ukrainian people have spoken about it, they have not greeted Russian soldiers with a bunch of flowers, they have greeted them with bravery, they have greeted them with weapons in their hands."

Zelensky said that Russia "cannot curry favor with the citizens of another country forcibly."

"You cannot just make a president of another country to recognize anything by the use of force," he added.

Some more context: In his interview with CNN, Zelensky said he is ready to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but warned that if any negotiation attempts fail, it could mean the fight between the two countries would lead to "a third World War."

“I’m ready for negotiations with him. I was ready for the last two years. And I think that without negotiations, we cannot end this war,” Zelensky told Zakaria in an exclusive interview Sunday morning.

3 hr 52 min ago

Zelensky: "I'm ready for negotiations" with Putin, but if they fail, it could mean "a third World War"​

From CNN's Chandelis Duster

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky speaks with CNN on Sunday, March 20.
Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky speaks with CNN on Sunday, March 20. (CNN)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday he is ready to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but warned that if any negotiation attempts fail, it could mean the fight between the two countries would lead to "a third World War."

“I’m ready for negotiations with him. I was ready for the last two years. And I think that without negotiations, we cannot end this war,” Zelensky told CNN’s Fareed Zakaria in an exclusive interview Sunday morning.

“If there’s just 1% chance for us to stop this war, I think that we need to take this chance. We need to do that. I can tell you about the result of this negotiations — in any case, we are losing people on a daily basis, innocent people on the ground," he said.

He continued, “Russian forces have come to exterminate us, to kill us. And we can demonstrate that the dignity of our people and our army that we are able to deal a powerful blow, we are able to strike back. But, unfortunately, our dignity is not going to preserve the lives. So, I think we have to use any format, any chance in order to have a possibility of negotiating, possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts fail, that would mean that this is a third World War.”
but warned that if any negotiation attempts fail, it could mean the fight between the two countries would lead to "a third World War."
Does anybody tell him so or is it just his imagination?

I don't think this is less dangerous than Putin's nuclear alarm.

泽连斯基称随时准备与普京谈判 惟倘失败恐酿将第三次世界大战​

全球 撰写:许懿安

2022-03-21 00:40:01 最后更新日期:2022-03-21 00:40


乌克兰总统泽连斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)3月20日接受美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)独家访问,称已准备好与俄罗斯总统普京(Vladimir Putin,又译作普丁)谈判,但他说,倘任何谈判失败,俄乌战争可能导致第三次世界大战。



乌克兰内部的强硬派,极端民族主义者,亚述营等,可能有密谋冒充俄军,而攻击尚在乌克兰波兰边境的美国和北约外交人员,军事人员或平民。。。。继而推动北约和俄罗斯的直接对抗和交火。 静观其变吧。。。
Does anybody tell him so or is it just his imagination?

I don't think this is less dangerous than Putin's nuclear alarm.
1 hr 52 min ago

White House says Biden has "no plans" to visit Ukraine this week​

From CNN's Jasmine Wright

US President Joe Biden attends a meeting at the White House on March 18 in Washington, DC.
US President Joe Biden attends a meeting at the White House on March 18 in Washington, DC. (Yuri Gripas/Abaca/Sipa USA/AP)

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said there are “no plans,” for US President Joe Biden to travel to Ukraine this week as he heads to Europe for snap emergency summits.

"The trip will be focused on continuing to rally the world in support of the Ukrainian people and against President Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, but there are no plans to travel into Ukraine,” she said in a tweet.

On CNN’s "State of the Union," US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield cast major doubt on the possibility for President Joe Biden to visit Ukraine this week when he heads to Europe, saying “as far as I know, it’s not on the table.”

Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine's former president, told CNN's Jim Acosta on Saturday that a Biden visit to Ukraine would be a "symbol of our solidarity."

He continued, saying that Biden was a "very good friend of mine and a very good friend of Ukraine," adding that a visit by the US president would be "an extremely right step to demonstrate that the whole world is together with us against Russia."

Read the tweet:

Biden's European trip will be heavy on displays of Western unity but could be light on actions to stop Putin's Ukraine war

Biden's European trip will be heavy on displays of Western unity but could be light on actions to stop Putin's Ukraine war



苏联的总书记中,一个就是100%乌克兰人, 有一个是俄罗斯和乌克兰的混血。 乌克兰的肃反,内卫和情报系统都延续了原苏联的风格,也是杀人不眨眼的主。人民绝大多数都是善良的不假。到了国家机器层面,都不是好货。



苏联的总书记中,一个就是100%乌克兰人, 有一个是俄罗斯和乌克兰的混血。 乌克兰的肃反,内卫和情报系统都延续了原苏联的风格,也是杀人不眨眼的主。人民绝大多数都是善良的不假。到了国家机器层面,都不是好货。




中國送毛毯給烏克蘭 烏國副總理喊「更需要中國停止援俄]​



