最初由 whitney 发布
To wujixiaojian要做出成功的海绵蛋糕,有2点很重要。一是保证材料比例要正确;二是鸡蛋的打发是极为关键的。下面的网址有详细的介绍,会帮助你的。
谢谢你!最初由 LUMIDEE 发布
hi whtney, thanx for sharing all those great recipes with us, it's very nice of u. oh, i have a question for u, can u please tell me what's the english name for高筋?粉? the link u attached above is using both 高筋?粉 and 低筋?粉 for 蜂蜜蛋糕, but i noticed some other receips r only using 低筋?粉 for the cake. so can u tell me the dirrerence between two? thanx a lot:glowface: