
长城的水煮肉片挺好吃的阿,没那么糟糕吧。还有,别老是pig pig的,猪有什么不好的,至少从来不在网上侮辱别人。
“what i meant is he only knows how to make money from chinese. i don't think Not speaking is any wrong."

最初由 花都开好了 发布
:cool: :cool: :cool:
扬子江的菜也很难吃啊!我记得有次兴冲冲的点了一个"hot pot",以为就算不是家乡的火锅,怎么也得是个什么“煲”吧?结果上来一小铁锅,里面倒是有它菜单上列的素菜和肉类,可是全部是清炒的,整个锅里白白干干的没有一点水分, 至于辣椒更是想都不要想,也没有什么加热的小酒精炉子,味道更是只有味精和盐的混合。吃得我真是纳闷极了,到底这个“hot pot”的“hot”是指的什么呢?(既不是辣,也不是烫), 而且价钱还不便宜。反正打那次以后再没去过那里吃饭。早茶倒是吃过两次,第一次觉得挺新鲜,因为以前没吃过广东小吃,第二次就觉得不行了,每样点心都是千篇一律的味道,味精味特别浓,吃多了就有点作呕的感觉。

the point is:
things if yz river are most good: 60% are good
food in Greatwall are most bad: 90%
Greatwall has a mainland owner and two students waitress, and they come to post Ad on CFC often. But they can only fool people once. most visitors will not go there after the first time

i still go yz river often. I like the 2 people's special combo. it is really enough for 3 people. only $25. i think after tax it is 29.85, then adding tips, it is betweenn 33 and 34.

in greatwall, you expect to pay $40 for the same amount of food, even though quality is much worse.

最初由 Bonny 发布
扬子江的菜也很难吃啊!我记得有次兴冲冲的点了一个"hot pot",以为就算不是家乡的火锅,怎么也得是个什么“煲”吧?结果上来一小铁锅,里面倒是有它菜单上列的素菜和肉类,可是全部是清炒的,整个锅里白白干干的没有一点水分, 至于辣椒更是想都不要想,也没有什么加热的小酒精炉子,味道更是只有味精和盐的混合。吃得我真是纳闷极了,到底这个“hot pot”的“hot”是指的什么呢?(既不是辣,也不是烫), 而且价钱还不便宜。反正打那次以后再没去过那里吃饭。早茶倒是吃过两次,第一次觉得挺新鲜,因为以前没吃过广东小吃,第二次就觉得不行了,每样点心都是千篇一律的味道,味精味特别浓,吃多了就有点作呕的感觉。
最初由 点点 发布
I saw some americans ate before went there again


I am Chinadian, that does mean I am good at Both Chinese and English. In fact, I am Bad at both. So perfectly, I am in the middle of the two.
你很偏激哦,你在扬子江吃过多少次啊?吃过所有的菜了吗?你真得觉得自己的发言权很充分吗?60%的比例也不知道建立在什么基础上?我看你说来说去,也只有一个2 people's special combo可以推荐的!拜托下次举例之前,先把论据收集充分了再发言,你以为你一个人在那里拼命吹捧,别人就都跟着你的意见走了!凭什么别人又都要跟着你的意见走呢?:mad:


我是从来没去过长城,所以我对于他们的菜与服务没有任何发言权。可是扬子江我是去过好几次的,所以我可以介绍我自己的亲身经历,那个所谓的火锅的确是很难吃,而且名不副实。至于你的2 people's special combo,我没吃过,可能的确很好吃, 但是我也没有发言权。再说各人的口味爱好都是有区别的, 你觉得很好吃的,别人可能觉得很难吃。所以你在这里拼命摇旗呐喊不觉得很无聊吗?当然我觉得扬子江的所谓“火锅"很难吃,说不定别的外省的人还会觉得很好吃呢,我也不会否认这一点。但是你明显是并没有吃过这道菜就跳出来回我的贴,不然也不会泛泛的随便举个60%来充数了。:p


最初由 chinadian 发布
the point is:
things if yz river are most good: 60% are good
food in Greatwall are most bad: 90%
Greatwall has a mainland owner and two students waitress, and they come to post Ad on CFC often. But they can only fool people once. most visitors will not go there after the first time

i still go yz river often. I like the 2 people's special combo. it is really enough for 3 people. only $25. i think after tax it is 29.85, then adding tips, it is betweenn 33 and 34.

in greatwall, you expect to pay $40 for the same amount of food, even though quality is much worse.

I never said YZ is perfect. As you said "you went there several times", that already shows they are good so you go there more than once. They are some bad dishes such as Chi Zhi Pai Gu. It is a famouse HK style dish, but theirs uses big baby rib.

Also, Tofu Shimps are not very good either.

After I tried many. I still liked the 2 people special the most, good price, good taste

Try this combo
1 seafood soup
2 Jiang Yang Tofu
3 Cashew Shimp

That is the best combo
Don't try Liang Gua Ribs, no good
Don't try Tofu Fish, the fish only has bones, no meat and not fresh

For some shops, I will go only once. Greetwall sucks all the way.

They fool me once, shame on them. Fool me twice, shame on me.

最初由 Bonny 发布
你很偏激哦,你在扬子江吃过多少次啊?吃过所有的菜了吗?你真得觉得自己的发言权很充分吗?60%的比例也不知道建立在什么基础上?我看你说来说去,也只有一个2 people's special combo可以推荐的!拜托下次举例之前,先把论据收集充分了再发言,你以为你一个人在那里拼命吹捧,别人就都跟着你的意见走了!凭什么别人又都要跟着你的意见走呢?:mad:


我是从来没去过长城,所以我对于他们的菜与服务没有任何发言权。可是扬子江我是去过好几次的,所以我可以介绍我自己的亲身经历,那个所谓的火锅的确是很难吃,而且名不副实。至于你的2 people's special combo,我没吃过,可能的确很好吃, 但是我也没有发言权。再说各人的口味爱好都是有区别的, 你觉得很好吃的,别人可能觉得很难吃。所以你在这里拼命摇旗呐喊不觉得很无聊吗?当然我觉得扬子江的所谓“火锅"很难吃,说不定别的外省的人还会觉得很好吃呢,我也不会否认这一点。但是你明显是并没有吃过这道菜就跳出来回我的贴,不然也不会泛泛的随便举个60%来充数了。:p


最初由 chinadian 发布
expensive, very salty. called it Beijing style, only pigs in BJ eat that.

the female owner, greedy, cheap, does not speak english.

i saw some americans ate before went there again -- i guess they never went to Toronto.

YangZi River in Ottawa is the King.

Anything else good?

Strongly agree!

All the restaurants located in Chinatown were pieces of shit!