精华 CBC关于服禁药的新闻报道

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Lilo
  • 开始时间 开始时间
最初由 渐渐 发布
Until proven guilty, one remains innocent.

This is incorrect. Outside criminal court, in most situations you are presumed guilty until proven otherwise.

One example is immigration law. "Everyone is presumed to want to settle in the United States permanently, it is up to the applicant to prove their non-immigrant intention". Why is that ? Becase INDEED mosty people entering the US want to settle there permanently.

I would uphold the same principle against atheletes from Communist countries. Why is that ? Becase most of them INDEED use drugs.
I'm not sure if we are talking about the same program. Although I don't remember every word the commentator said, it went roughly like this: "In this Athens games, we have seen medals won from countries that don't ususally have an advantage in the event..."

Later a snapshot of the Belarus gold medalist Nesterenko was also shown. I think that the implication was obvious, its intention, despicable!

It would be nice if we could find the transcript of that program.

最初由 小傻 发布

I don't know if we are talking about the same CBC program...

If we are, I don't think there is any innuendo between Liu Xiang's performance and doping in the program...I might be wrong though.

Liu Xiang's snapshot was used in the program, coming with the sanpshot, the commentator said something like this -- Liu breaks the Olympic Record and ties the World Record...but in this game(26th Olympic), not a lot of records have been broken since there were set in 80s --doping years...
As a rational person, I'm speechless.

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

This is incorrect. Outside criminal court, in most situations you are presumed guilty until proven otherwise.

One example is immigration law. "Everyone is presumed to want to settle in the United States permanently, it is up to the applicant to prove their non-immigrant intention". Why is that ? Becase INDEED mosty people entering the US want to settle there permanently.

I would uphold the same principle against atheletes from Communist countries. Why is that ? Becase most of them INDEED use drugs.
最初由 渐渐 发布
It would be nice if we could find the transcript of that program.

Could you recall the title of that documentary?

I am going to call CBC and see if they can give us the tape or whatever...
最初由 渐渐 发布
As a rational person, I'm speechless.

no kidding...I am dumbfounded too...Did I hear "Communist countries" just now? um...what's that about? So non-Communist countries don't use drugs? Oh...wait a second, is China still considered communist? I thought only north Korea is... Do we like to be compared with north Korea or what....
The program was entitled "Doping", aired on Aug-28 around 11:00 p.m.
It was a short program, 10, 15 minutes max.

最初由 小傻 发布

Could you recall the title of that documentary?

I am going to call CBC and see if they can give us the tape or whatever...
最初由 渐渐 发布
The program was entitled "Doping", aired on Aug-28 around 11:00 p.m.
It was a short program, 10, 15 minutes max.

oops...I called CBC and they are going to send me (when it is ready)the tape for the documentary, HIGH PERFORMANCE...

Wrong one, I guess :)

Tuesday August 10 & Wednesday 11, 2004 at 8PM on CBC-TV
repeating Thursday August 12, 2004 at 10-12PM ET on CBC Newsworld
rpeating Friday August 13 & 14 at 8PM ET on CBC Newsworld

Do performance-enhancing drugs really work? A mix of real-life experience and scientific experiment, this two-part documentary follows a group of volunteers from countries around the world, including Canada, who are brought together in a training camp where leading experts test the effects of performance enhancing drugs on the group's personal and competitive performance.
guess they playing dumb
I don't think this is it.

最初由 小傻 发布

oops...I called CBC and they are going to send me (when it is ready)the tape for the documentary, HIGH PERFORMANCE...

Wrong one, I guess :)

Tuesday August 10 & Wednesday 11, 2004 at 8PM on CBC-TV
repeating Thursday August 12, 2004 at 10-12PM ET on CBC Newsworld
rpeating Friday August 13 & 14 at 8PM ET on CBC Newsworld

Do performance-enhancing drugs really work? A mix of real-life experience and scientific experiment, this two-part documentary follows a group of volunteers from countries around the world, including Canada, who are brought together in a training camp where leading experts test the effects of performance enhancing drugs on the group's personal and competitive performance.
最初由 nansun45 发布
no kidding...I am dumbfounded too...Did I hear "Communist countries" just now? um...what's that about? So non-Communist countries don't use drugs? Oh...wait a second, is China still considered communist? I thought only north Korea is... Do we like to be compared with north Korea or what....

Go read your Constitution, it said very clearly that China is and will be ruled by the Chinese Communist Party forever.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

I would uphold the same principle against atheletes from Communist countries. Why is that ? Becase most of them INDEED use drugs.


THG,全称四氢孕三烯酮(Tetrahydrogestrinone ),至少在2003年的夏天之前世界上没有人听说过这个词。

在这一年的7月,UCLA奥林匹克药物检测实验室的主持人Don Catlin博士命名了这个化合物。



2000年悉尼的主角是谁?美国的田径女皇Marion Jones。如果不是因为她的名气太大,这个风波根本就算不上风波。


然而,一场风波突然来临,使Jones立即成为了风波的中心。就在琼斯刚刚夺得第一块金牌后的几天,她的丈夫,前铅球世界冠军CJ Hunter却因涉嫌使用兴奋剂被迫与世界媒体见面。在新闻会上,Hunter断然否定使用过任何兴奋剂。Jones在大众眼目下沉着冷静,与丈夫牵手、亲吻,坚信Hunter的无辜。


Hunter由于膝伤没能以运动员的身份参加奥运会。他是以Jones的教练身份来到悉尼的。他被查出使用的兴奋剂是几个月前在挪威大赛的尿样中发现的,其名称叫诺龙(nandrolone )。国际田联随后宣布Hunter禁赛2年。国际奥委会接着发现,除了挪威比赛外,Hunter在该年参加的其他三次比赛包括美国田径锦标赛中均有药检阳性纪录,检出的药物都是诺龙。但令国际奥委会恼火的是,美国奥委会和美国田径协会在之前并没有按惯例向国际奥委会通报Hunter的药检纪录。

美国奥委会和美国田径协会在证据确凿的Hunter事件上一如Hunter本人一样采取了不认帐的态度,他们在随后的新闻会上声称,在奥运会之前,他们没有任何有关Hunter药检阳性的纪录。美国田径协会的CEO Craig Masback 进一步说,我们从来没有听说任何一名奥运会成员有任何药检阳性的纪录。“对此我们没有任何道歉的地方,因为在(反兴奋剂)这方面我们本身就是世界的表率者”。

2003年,美国奥委会被迫向国际奥委会交出的药检报告表明,美国奥委会和美国田协在本国涉嫌兴奋剂的运动员的问题上一直在对全世界撒谎。该药检报告上列出了19名奥运会奖牌获得者曾在奥运会前被检出阳性,其中最有名的是Carl Lewis。

Jerom Young是另一个例子。Young是悉尼奥运会4X400米金牌获得者。但在1999年的一次大赛中,他已被查出了服用了同Hunter一样的诺龙。按国际田联规定,任何人一旦被查药检阳性,将受到停赛2年的惩罚。但美国田协和美国奥委会却对之放行,并且没有就此事向国际田联和国际奥委会备案。

在Jerom Young夺得2003年世界田径锦标赛400米冠军之后,美国的报纸把他1999年的药检之事给捅了出来。


这一次的惩罚很可能不仅仅是剥夺Jerom Young的世界冠军金牌和奥运金牌。今年7月17日,国际田联以16比2的投票建议统统收回美国2000年悉尼奥运会的4X400米的所有6块接力金牌。这个制裁狠是狠了点,但美国怨不了他人。美国有关当局和其他无辜的运动员为其袒护付出了代价。顺便提一下,这6块接力金牌的领军人物便是大名鼎鼎的“飞人”Micheal Johnson。

最近,另2名参加悉尼奥运会的4X400米的运动员Alvin Harrison和Calvin Harrison也因去年被查出使用兴奋剂一个将被禁赛2年,另一个有可能面临终身禁赛的处罚。于是,那个金牌之队的半数之人现在都不干净。




这个人的名字叫Victor Conte,美国加州BALCO公司(Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative)的总裁。这个公司专门销售营养补充剂。Hunter是他的顾客之一。

Conte, Hunter和Jones这三人将继续成为本故事的主角。这个故事对美国人来说是一个灾难,对其他国家,包括美国的死党英国,是一个解脱,而对国际奥委会及世界反兴奋剂机构来说,则是一次期待已久的胜利。

For more, go to
OK, it's just a TV program, easy, friends. CBC 并没有直接指明刘服用紧要. 这就够了. 如果有另一个节目关于非法移民,CBC到Toronto China Town 拍了几个镜头,带到了一个华人,而恰巧那人是合法移民,

1)你是否也这么激动? (你不是那个人)



所以,不用太激动.让事实说话.如果小刘过得硬,他会继续出好成绩,而没有任何丑闻的. 到是,大家可以致函CBC,在发牢骚也不迟.在自己底气不足时,就大声嚷嚷,除了出丑,别无好处.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

I would uphold the same principle against atheletes from Communist countries. Why is that ? Becase most of them INDEED use drugs.


we got you...

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Go read your Constitution, it said very clearly that China is and will be ruled by the Chinese Communist Party forever.

we all know what's being rendered by your postings...of course it says so in the Constitution...the question is...there is such a despiteful tone when "communist countries" like China is said. which is simply beyond me, look, this topic is discussed by a group who love their homeland, I guess..only except you...