如果这样的情况真的发生了,并且性质恶劣,还可以求助于第三方机构,比如Canadian Human Rights Committee,或者寻求法律手段,连公司一同告上法庭。要点就是:尽量使用现有的申诉渠道。实在不行还可以辞职。凡事都有个限度,超过能忍受的限度就不值得了。
Finding a Community Legal Clinic
Community legal clinics are independent, non-profit organizations that are governed by locally elected Boards of Directors, and receive funding from Legal Aid Ontario.
Community legal clinics provide services to address the unique legal needs of low-income people and communities. The local Board tries to match its services to meet the priority needs of the community it serves. Although no two clinics are exactly alike, the types of issues they may provide help with include:
・ Tenant Rights
・ Ontario Works and Welfare
・ Ontario Disability Support Program
・ Government Pensions
・ Immigration
・ Employment Insurance
・ Workplace Safety and Insurance
・ Workers' Compensation
・ Employment Rights
・ Criminal Injuries Compensation
・ Human Rights
Lawyers and legal workers provide information, legal advice, and represent people. In addition, clinics also can engage in test cases, public legal education, community organizing, and other law reform initiatives.
Most community legal clinics are located in specific geographic communities, and each community in Ontario is now served by a clinic. In addition, there are 17 "specialty" community legal clinics that either deal with a specific area of law (ie: workers' compensation, workers' health and safety, etc..), or represent a specific, non-geographic community (ie: seniors, the disabled, urban aboriginals, etc….)
You should contact a community legal clinic directly to determine if they can help you with your legal problem, and if you qualify financially for their services.
For a complete directory of all offices visit the Contact Us page.