最初由 光辉岁月 发布
Well, I watched CBC two days ago about Indonecia. People are worrying about the relief work there as the most hard hitted araea also had civil war. Therefore, the relief worker and local people has no trust on milliary. Also Indonesian killed many people in east Timo several years ago. So the situation there is very chaos and this is a country lack of law and order.
As for the relation of Indonecia and China, in my memory, it was pretty good in those years when Mao and Suhato was in power. Sure you can say that's all politics and I agree.
As for those Chinese living in Indonecia, yes, they are Chinese in origin, but they have been living there for generations and they are Indonesian first (as they don't have China nationality). Sure, we should care for them and condemn any violence on them, but please also extend this to anyone, not only Chinese in origin, but also
Indocesian who suffered war, and east Timo, and those real Chinese died in China. That's my point.
Please watch your words lihe this: 什麽样的行为才能让你感到作为中国人受到了污辱???还是你根本麻木到感受不到侮辱??或者,你真的认为自己是一个西方人了,中国人的尊严与你没关系?
I know you are angry, but why don't you also feel anger on those who killed our folks in China. Is that just because they are Chinese, you can forgive them?
I mention in my other posting that I am also angry on those violence in Indonesian and not only me, many people in Cananda also worry about that country. If you want guys want do something, why not accuse those in international tribunal, but instead just yelling here and try to interfere the relief effort.
As a Chinese, I do feel 污辱 by those crime, but also I do understand blind hatred won't solve the problem. We should punish those bad guys, but care for the innocent. Got my point.