
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为parents sponsorship immi

"My parents are getting older and older...
Time is life."

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布
"We don't want our parents to become the sacrifice of your bureaucracy."

Please call me when you go to there!
article in Toronto Star

In Beijing, for example, officials expect to grant visas this year to about 100 family-class cases involving parents and grandparents. But the post has 1,094 applications from parents and grandparents in the backlog ― a ratio of nearly 11 to one. Does that mean it will take 10 years or more for all of those applicants to make it to Canada?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 为parents sponsorship

"SPEED UP, Canada!!"

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布
"My parents are getting older and older...
Time is life."

Ways to demonstrate our power about parent sponsorship issue

Ways to demonstrate our power about parent sponsorship issue,

1. Write your own heartbreaking stories and send it to every member of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration as well as your Local MPs.

2. Go to the www.sponsoryourparents.ca, sign the Petition and Letter to the House of Commons online.

3. Start collecting physical signature for our Petition and submit them by making appointment with your Local MPs.

4. Contact local newspapers, media (like Chinese newspaper, OMINI.1)and tell them current situation.

5. Attend demonstration in Toronto.

6. Make slogans for the demonstration in Toronto.

7. Spread www.sponsoryourparents.ca to everybody you know.

Hi, friends, there are many ways to demonstrate our power, we only need stand up and take action.
Re: article in Toronto Star

Note the ending to this article:

"Immigration officials are aware of these regional disparities. They also know their policy of treating parents and grandparents differently than spouses and children is on shaky ground.

But what choice do they have?

The only way to cap family-class immigration at current levels ― so the majority of newcomers to Canada each year come in as skilled workers and independent immigrants ― is to use what amounts to red tape and stalling tactics to slow down the family-class flow.

It is not just that the immigration department doesn't have enough officers to process these files. A SWAT team of officers could descend on Asia to clean up the family-class backlog and hasten processing times.

But that would bloat the number of family-class immigrants coming into Canada and tip the balance between newcomers chosen for their skills and those chosen for their family ties.

Is that what we want from our immigration program?

If so, someone had better tell the politicians.

Otherwise, we should start being more honest and forthright with family-class applicants, particularly parents and grandparents.

The United States and Australia tell these applicants up front that it will be years before they can get an immigrant visa, if at all.

We tell our applicants to sign on the dotted line and pay their fees."

最初由 support 发布
In Beijing, for example, officials expect to grant visas this year to about 100 family-class cases involving parents and grandparents. But the post has 1,094 applications from parents and grandparents in the backlog ― a ratio of nearly 11 to one. Does that mean it will take 10 years or more for all of those applicants to make it to Canada?

I have just been made aware of the regional disparities: red tapes and stalling tactics are primarily used on Asian countries! "Kurland's analysis turned up some disparities. For example, parents and grandparents immigrating from Mexico City, Santiago, Sao Paulo, and Havana are likely to be approved in a fraction of the time it will take for applicants living in Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, and Taipei." (Unspoken policy weights `family class')

This apparent racially motivated act is neither accpetable nor constitutionally correct! Signed the petition, I'm on board with you support.
最初由 渐渐 发布
I have just been made aware of the regional disparities: red tapes and stalling tactics are primarily used on Asian countries! "Kurland's analysis turned up some disparities. For example, parents and grandparents immigrating from Mexico City, Santiago, Sao Paulo, and Havana are likely to be approved in a fraction of the time it will take for applicants living in Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul, and Taipei." (Unspoken policy weights `family class')

This apparent racially motivated act is neither accpetable nor constitutionally correct! Signed the petition, I'm on board with you support.

This is the normal for Canadian Immigration (or US). Take the skilled worker category for example: If you apply from Europe or US, now it takes 1.5 years to get a visa. If you are apply from Asia, it takes anywhere from 4 ~ 6 years.

In the US, if you were born in China, India or the Philipines, you have to wait much longer than other's for Employment Based 3 Green Cards.

Remember, Constitutional rights don't apply to visa applicants. Otherwise why some country needs non-immigrant visa, while other are exempted ?
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

This is the normal for Canadian Immigration (or US). Take the skilled worker category for example: If you apply from Europe or US, now it takes 1.5 years to get a visa. If you are apply from Asia, it takes anywhere from 4 ~ 6 years.

In the US, if you were born in China, India or the Philipines, you have to wait much longer than other's for Employment Based 3 Green Cards.

Remember, Constitutional rights don't apply to visa applicants. Otherwise why some country needs non-immigrant visa, while other are exempted ?

I don't think they baised to European immigrants even though they would like to. The problem is that there are fewer European people like to come here now, while many Asian do. So looks like it's more difficult for Asian to immigrant to here, but in fact, the majority of immigrants are from Asia. Look at which countries takes top five immgrants to Canada: China, India,..., only US is non Asia country.

It's the same situation in USA. It's more difficult for Asian to get green card, not because quota for them are fewer, but because much more of Asian apply for them. So don't get those conclusions as the reality is just the opposite.
Re: Re: article in Toronto Star

最初由 渐渐 发布
Note the ending to this article:

"Immigration officials are aware of these regional disparities. They also know their policy of treating parents and grandparents differently than spouses and children is on shaky ground.

But what choice do they have?

The only way to cap family-class immigration at current levels ― so the majority of newcomers to Canada each year come in as skilled workers and independent immigrants ― is to use what amounts to red tape and stalling tactics to slow down the family-class flow.

It is not just that the immigration department doesn't have enough officers to process these files. A SWAT team of officers could descend on Asia to clean up the family-class backlog and hasten processing times.

But that would bloat the number of family-class immigrants coming into Canada and tip the balance between newcomers chosen for their skills and those chosen for their family ties.

Is that what we want from our immigration program?

If so, someone had better tell the politicians.

Otherwise, we should start being more honest and forthright with family-class applicants, particularly parents and grandparents.

The United States and Australia tell these applicants up front that it will be years before they can get an immigrant visa, if at all.

We tell our applicants to sign on the dotted line and pay their fees."

That's a good point. If more parents take the quota, then there will be fewer quota for skilled worker. For those already immigrated here, they would prefer to have their parents here, while care less for those skill workers who would like to come here. As I said before, there is only one pie, you take more under whatever name, others will take less. So it's all out of people's own interests.
You can also use those excuse (or slogans like proposed by some folks here) to get more refugees from Africa, and I am damnly sure they deserve better life than our parents in China. Canada opened its door to refugees to various countries in the last 20-30 years. Canada has all kinds of good reasons to do so like those folks who want parents reunions, and Canada did it. But now it realized that it couldn't sustain itself for those burden even though the wish is good, so it start to change to get more skill workerd in order to
contribute more to the society other than taking more. Therefore, we have the policy today and it's good for the whole society in the long run, and good for our future generation. But unfortunately it will sacrifice some folks interests.
Well I guess it never pays to be Mr. Nice Guy. Eventually Canada would be forced to admit this regional disparity in public, however until then those being discriminated against still have the ground for challenging CIC.

Consititutional rights do not apply to visa applicants, but they do to those who sponsor them. Also the Canada Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) did not mention differential treatment to different people under the same class. Those numbers in the article on Toronto Star were proven to be true, then CIC would be liable for a flood of lawsuits.

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

This is the normal for Canadian Immigration (or US). Take the skilled worker category for example: If you apply from Europe or US, now it takes 1.5 years to get a visa. If you are apply from Asia, it takes anywhere from 4 ~ 6 years.

In the US, if you were born in China, India or the Philipines, you have to wait much longer than other's for Employment Based 3 Green Cards.

Remember, Constitutional rights don't apply to visa applicants. Otherwise why some country needs non-immigrant visa, while other are exempted ?