
渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满


ZT 争取父母来加团聚 华人陈情
【多伦多在线】由於加拿大移民部对父母家庭移民类别的审核越来越慢,渥太华中华会馆代表向当地国会议员布劳本特(Ed Broadbent)面陈不满,布劳本特表示支持他们的立场,并会要求联邦政府尽快加派人手到驻北京大使馆帮助处理移民案件。






Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

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ZT 争取父母来加团聚 华人陈情
【多伦多在线】由於加拿大移民部对父母家庭移民类别的审核越来越慢,渥太华中华会馆代表向当地国会议员布劳本特(Ed Broadbent)面陈不满,布劳本特表示支持他们的立场,并会要求联邦政府尽快加派人手到驻北京大使馆帮助处理移民案件。







布劳本特 is a NDP, and for sure he will stand on this side.


Why they don't just come as visitors? Don't use this as excuse for your own purposes.
Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

布劳本特 is a NDP, and for sure he will stand on this side.


Why they don't just come as visitors? Don't use this as excuse for your own purposes.

Ed Broadbent is a widely respected politician because he used to represent justice, ethics and social conscience.

Sponsors and their parents DO NOT need to find any "excuse" for their intention of immigration. It is a RIGHT granted by Canada's Immigration Act, a right that even CIC dares not deny in any occasion as it has no legal or moral base to do so.

The right comes with associated benefits and responsibilities. The sponsors have solemnly pledged to the government to take on their responsibilities, and the overwhelmingly majority of them will faithfully fulfil it. Accepting the benefits they are entitled to is nothing to be ashamed for. No need for any "excuse".
Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

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Ed Broadbent is a widely respected politician because he used to represent justice, ethics and social conscience.

Sponsors and their parents DO NOT need to find any "excuse" for their intention of immigration. It is a RIGHT granted by Canada's Immigration Act, a right that even CIC dares not deny in any occasion as it has no legal or moral base to do so.

The right comes with associated benefits and responsibilities. The sponsors have solemnly pledged to the government to take on their responsibilities, and the overwhelmingly majority of them will faithfully fulfil it. Accepting the benefits they are entitled to is nothing to be ashamed for. No need for any "excuse".

Sure you can immigrate here. What I feel disgusting is that you don't have to use such words: 但目前超长的处理时间,令许多年迈的父母在等待移民的过程中去世,永远失去与子女团聚的机会
as you can always apply for a visa and buy a ticket coming here. Or the kids can go back to see their parents. There are many ways than just immigrating to Canada to see your kids. Those words sounds to me this immigration process are killing people, which is not the true.
"不过,经有关人士事后询问,移民部表示他们没有专门针对父母的配额。但是,资料仍反映,来自中国的父母家庭类别移民确有减少的情况。" 引自:渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满


Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

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Ed Broadbent is a widely respected politician because he used to represent justice, ethics and social conscience.

Sponsors and their parents DO NOT need to find any "excuse" for their intention of immigration. It is a RIGHT granted by Canada's Immigration Act, a right that even CIC dares not deny in any occasion as it has no legal or moral base to do so.

The right comes with associated benefits and responsibilities. The sponsors have solemnly pledged to the government to take on their responsibilities, and the overwhelmingly majority of them will faithfully fulfil it. Accepting the benefits they are entitled to is nothing to be ashamed for. No need for any "excuse".

That is absolutely right!!!! Everyone in this world, as long as he is human beging, has the right and obligation which GOD gave him from the first day he come to this world, to has and take care of his parents.
Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

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最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Why they don't just come as visitors? Don't use this as excuse for your own purposes.

这位 lifeisfun 总是不失时机地表现自己的残忍和自私。

上面的帖子已经把话讲得很清楚了,"中国人的父母定居加国,可为现有的移民家庭提供必须的帮助,但目前超长的处理时间,令许多年迈的父母在等待移民的过程中去世,永远失去与子女团聚的机会",你 lifeisfun 倒是讲讲 有什么其他的 purposes ?
Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 challenger 发布

这位 lifeisfun 总是不失时机地表现自己的残忍和自私。

上面的帖子已经把话讲得很清楚了,"中国人的父母定居加国,可为现有的移民家庭提供必须的帮助,但目前超长的处理时间,令许多年迈的父母在等待移民的过程中去世,永远失去与子女团聚的机会",你 lifeisfun 倒是讲讲 有什么其他的 purposes ?
maybe his real name is Monkey King?
Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 challenger 发布

这位 lifeisfun 总是不失时机地表现自己的残忍和自私。

上面的帖子已经把话讲得很清楚了,"中国人的父母定居加国,可为现有的移民家庭提供必须的帮助,但目前超长的处理时间,令许多年迈的父母在等待移民的过程中去世,永远失去与子女团聚的机会",你 lifeisfun 倒是讲讲 有什么其他的 purposes ?

You have express more 残忍和自私 than me on this forum. Why cann't those parents coming as vistors for the help? The difference between immigrants and visitors are the immigrants can enjoy many benefits here. I don't see there exist any difference in terms of so-called help if you come as visitor or as immigrant. In these days, it's quite easy to get visa, and they can be extended for 1 or 2 years. Is that long enough for the help? Go to ask those aged people, and see how many of them would really like to stay here.
I should say that some children just try to rip their parents to death. Why cann't you take care of your own kids like all Canadian do, while have to get your parents come here for the help. I am not against to have parents to come for a visit and for short term help like 1-2 years, and for that purpose, visitor visa is enough. For longer time, I suspect you have other purposes other than
addressed in the original posting.

Those who use humanity should be called 自私, not me. Don't try to fool me and accuse me of 残忍和自私. You guys just try to rip every tax payer off to satisfy your own interests.
Re: Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 adware 发布

maybe his real name is Monkey King?

Don't forget your ancestors used to live in that Monkey kingdom.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Don't forget your ancestors used to live in that Monkey kingdom.
only ur ancestors living monkey kingdom
maybe u from ape plante?
Re: Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 chongchong 发布

That is absolutely right!!!! Everyone in this world, as long as he is human beging, has the right and obligation which GOD gave him from the first day he come to this world, to has and take care of his parents.

Sure, you have the right to take care of your parnets. But where?
Why can't you go back to take care of them and they should feel more comfortable in China than in Canada. Canada has its own immigrantion policy to satisfy its needs and it doesn't have the obligation to have all your family immigrating here. If you don't like it, you can go home. Don't try to use all these excuses as the God doesn't tell you that you should all live in Canada.

BTW, I won't bother to reply you guys anymore as I don't want to waste time on this with you guys. It's your right to view your opinions and so do I. The final decison should be in the hands of majority, as we all live in a democratic world.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 渥太华中华会馆代表向国会议员(Lib) 面陈不满

最初由 adware 发布

only ur ancestors living monkey kingdom
maybe u from ape plante?

So you tell me your ancestors are not from money, then who you are?
A dino monster?