[闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 开喜 发布
就是矛盾啊. 自己要的和父母要的不一样. 我没有答案.

我想如果我是她, 就直接安乐死算了, 别那么费劲, 给活着的人增添麻烦和痛苦. 我妈一听就叫我住口, 我再说, 她就差点扇我一巴掌!

看没看过 Loranzo's Oil. 那对坚强的父母就是不放弃对孩子的治疗和抚养. 当时看那电影时我就不明白他们为什么那么拼死也要治疗那智障的孩子. 到我自己有孩子的时候, 特别时孩子生病的时候, 我才体会.

Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 渐渐 发布


当事人没有选择能力只说明他/她没有能力行使自己的权利, 不等于说她/他就应此丧失了这一权利, 更不等于说其他人可以代其行使本属于他/她的这一权利.

重申一下, 这是社会是否尊重一个人的生存权的问题, 而不是关于这个具体的人是否死了对自己, 家人和社会更省事的问题. 即使那位当事人心里想结束生命, 如果她没有能力做到的话(或者连想的能力都没有), 其他任何人都无权代其结束本属于她的生命.

用自己对生命意义的标准去裁判他人是否该结束生命才是真正的武断. 而基于自己的裁判将结束他人生命之想法付诸实施的行为不是谋杀又是什么?

社会如果不恪守对生存权的无条件的尊重这一底线, 不是我危言耸听, 将会有很多人的生命陷于无保障的境地. 尤其是那些智障, 年老多病的弱势群体的人士迟早会面临生存权由别人来操纵的灾难.
Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 Broken Arrow 发布

Suppose for a miracle, she can gain full conscious for 5 minutes to consider her choice and then fall back to her current state again. What do you think she would choose?

What if you were in the same situation, what would you choose? I would choose to stop feeding.

Should one miracle happen, I would count on the 2nd miracle and even the 3rd.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布

Should one miracle happen, I would count on the 2nd miracle and even the 3rd.


haha, I see. Then let's say your second 5-minute miracle comes in another 15 years. What would you do? :)
Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 过客 发布

当事人没有选择能力只说明他/她没有能力行使自己的权利, 不等于说她/他就应此丧失了这一权利, 更不等于说其他人可以代其行使本属于他/她的这一权利.

重申一下, 这是社会是否尊重一个人的生存权的问题, 而不是关于这个具体的人是否死了对自己, 家人和社会更省事的问题. 即使那位当事人心里想结束生命, 如果她没有能力做到的话(或者连想的能力都没有), 其他任何人都无权代其结束本属于她的生命.

用自己对生命意义的标准去裁判他人是否该结束生命才是真正的武断. 而基于自己的裁判将结束他人生命之想法付诸实施的行为不是谋杀又是什么?

社会如果不恪守对生存权的无条件的尊重这一底线, 不是我危言耸听, 将会有很多人的生命限于无保障的境地. 尤其是那些智障, 年老多病的弱势群体的人士迟早会面临生存权由别人来操纵的灾难.

I agree with your point that no one shall use his/her own judgement on life and force upon others.

In this case, court doesn't say Schiavo should die, rather court believe Schiavo wants to die. And if you don't believe, it is OK. No one can say for sure you are wrong or right. And that's why this case is so controversial...

Now if a person clearly states his/her will before he/she is incapacitated, that he/she wants to die when encountering irreversible pain or suffering from illness or others such as this permanent vegitative state, then I think he/she has the right to die, and it is only humane to help.
Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

For the entire existence of mankind, we have struggled with the question, "What happens after death?" Our answer to this dilemma has great implications for our life here on earth. Although many avoid the issue, we must sooner or later address the question. There are many competing answers to this question.
Atheists believe that at death one ceases to exist. There is no afterlife or eternal soul that continues in eternity. All there is to look forward to is our inevitable death, the future death of mankind, and the universe. It is in the face of this future that the atheist must seek to find meaning and purpose for his own existence.
The Eastern and New Age religions that hold to a pantheistic worldview teach that one goes through an endless cycle of reincarnation until the cycle is broken and the person becomes one with the divine. What form a person becomes in the next life depends on the quality of life lived in the previous life. When one unites with the divine, he ceases to exist as an individual, but becomes part of the divine life force, like a drop of water returning to the ocean.
Islam teaches that at the end of history, God will judge the works of all men. Those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will enter into paradise. The rest will be consigned to hell. The Koran teaches that in paradise men will be drinking wine and entertained by heavenly maidens and that they may take several of these maidens for their wives.
Christians can be assured that death is not something to be feared. Instead, at death we arrive home in heaven. To live means we exist in a foreign country. Death has lost its sting and now is a victory through the resurrection of Jesus our Lord.
You're not alone if you find yourself honestly unconvinced about life after death. But keep in mind that Jesus promised to give divine help to those who want to know the truth so as to surrender to it. He said, "If anyone chooses to do God's will, he will find out whether My teaching comes from God or whether I speak on My own"
最初由 混混沉沉 发布
Islam teaches that at the end of history, God will judge the works of all men. Those whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will enter into paradise. The rest will be consigned to hell. The Koran teaches that in paradise men will be drinking wine and entertained by heavenly maidens and that they may take several of these maidens for their wives.
Islam? It teaches if u blow up somebody who is not believing in Islam then you go to paradise directly! so pls give us a break!
Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when pain exceeds
resources for coping with pain.?