[闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

You can survive suicidal feelings if you do either of two things: (1) find a way to reduce your pain, or (2) find a way to increase your coping resources. Both are possible.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 Broken Arrow 发布

haha, I see. Then let's say your second 5-minute miracle comes in another 15 years. What would you do? :)

In her case, 15 hours, 15 days or 15 years, all seem the same.
Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

应该有灵魂的吧,灵魂出壳进入另一个世界 ...
Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

那像Terri 现在的样子,她的灵魂又在哪里呢?

最初由 Wu Sansan 发布
应该有灵魂的吧,灵魂出壳进入另一个世界 ...
Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布
那像Terri 现在的样子,她的灵魂又在哪里呢?



不知道 ...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?


最初由 Wu Sansan 发布



不知道 ...
Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

You are talking about the principle, and I was talking about the implementation.

I agree with you on principle, but I disagree with your view on the implementation of such principle. No one was debatting on whether Terri Schiavo has a right to live, that's a no brainer, the issue at hand is more of the the "right to die". Religious opponents argue that God, not humans, should decide the time for death. Non-religious groups worry that the right of disabled people would be violated if either assisted suicide or euthanasia is legalized.

Do you think Ms. Schiavo should have the right to end her own life if she is capable of making such decision? Sure, no law is incriminating suicide. So the issue at hand is not whether she has the right, but rather who gets to decide. In this particular case, Michael Schiavo did not try to decide for Terri, he followed a procedure permitted by Florida courts, basically asking the court to decide for Terri's life.

There are a few similar cases in Canada that were equally controversial. Sue Rodriguez fought the law prohibiting assisted suicide all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada, but lost. Robert Latimer is still serving his 14 years sentence for euthanasia of his quadriplegic bed-bound daughter Tracy who suffered cerebral palsy.

Personally I do not have an answer to this question, but the lesson I've learned from this case is: write your living will NOW.

最初由 过客 发布

当事人没有选择能力只说明他/她没有能力行使自己的权利, 不等于说她/他就应此丧失了这一权利, 更不等于说其他人可以代其行使本属于他/她的这一权利.

重申一下, 这是社会是否尊重一个人的生存权的问题, 而不是关于这个具体的人是否死了对自己, 家人和社会更省事的问题. 即使那位当事人心里想结束生命, 如果她没有能力做到的话(或者连想的能力都没有), 其他任何人都无权代其结束本属于她的生命.

用自己对生命意义的标准去裁判他人是否该结束生命才是真正的武断. 而基于自己的裁判将结束他人生命之想法付诸实施的行为不是谋杀又是什么?

社会如果不恪守对生存权的无条件的尊重这一底线, 不是我危言耸听, 将会有很多人的生命陷于无保障的境地. 尤其是那些智障, 年老多病的弱势群体的人士迟早会面临生存权由别人来操纵的灾难.
It is one of those question that can not be answers. just like asking if there is God or not. Nobody really knows.

像那样的事情是没法知道对错的,也没法回答。我想唯一的解决办法就是“Roll the Dice" to decide.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?


最初由 Wu Sansan 发布
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: [闲聊] 存在?死亡?那个更好?你会选择哪个?

最初由 如果时光可以倒流 发布

Actually there are people around us who play God all the time: judges, doctors, politicians. So why is this case so particular? Is it because that Ms. Schiavo's feeding tube is symbolic of her life, so that we can directly associate life with a tube?

最初由 如假包换的马甲 发布
It is one of those question that can not be answers. just like asking if there is God or not. Nobody really knows.

像那样的事情是没法知道对错的,也没法回答。我想唯一的解决办法就是“Roll the Dice" to decide.