渥汰华中区保守党候选人凯思 方潭的竞选纲领(最新版)


最初由 finalwinner 发布

武教头, 先道声新年好!承蒙你看得起在下,把你的制国安帮平天下的大计与我分享。坦白地说,你的政治设想和对立法,司法,执法各环节的理解要比我现有的知识水平高了几个层次。我很愿意把你的建议译成英文,转达给保守党候选人。但是惭愧地说,我的英文水平有限,加之平时不学无术,把你的全文准确地译成英文对我来说实在是力所难及(更不要提信,达,雅了)。如果你能用英文写出来贴在这里,或发QQH给我,我一定负责转达给保守党候选人。





Why politicians always broke their promise after election victory?

Until now, no party meets my thinking, I confess. I care more if any party can do political reform and they can develop democracy further more than other reasons. In election campaign, politicians always give promise in order to win. Then after victory, we do not know if they can keep their promise or not. Then voters have two ways to deal with it. One is to select a less rotted apple among rotted apples and select them by these promises. Another way is to give up election right to let them rot because they are all rotted apples. Is there another way to handle this? The answer is yes if we realize that this happens because our democracy has shortcoming and this world can always be developed to the future. Then to advance our democracy further is the only way to solve it. Below, we will talk about an idea to stimulate more ideas from brainstorms. Also I will research these parties until I decide who is worth if I vote although I am only one person among millions. Those fantasy promises and benefit similar to Christmas discount cannot attract me even if these promises seem benefit my condition in this society.

First of all, let’s get the reason why politicians always broke their promise. It is because the lure of poll victory that they have to give fantasy promise to stimulate human desire and get people to vote them as more as possible. Then no matter what party it is, when they get power, they will face reality in work. Mostly they will partially or totally break their promise in real work. Now we can presume a solution. Let’s say How about a kind of politician qualification election but not a direct position election.
Balance, budget, welfare, less tax, more efficient government running are all political professional problem and they are linked together in a whole system. They should not be used to stimulate human desire in getting election victory. As political experts, they should be able to do efficiently whatever they want after negotiation with each other. In deep, People want a glorious and flouriest country not some fantasy promises. In this way, public do not care those professional problems but do care if there is corruption and illegal suppression to different political points and experts. So public should grasp public justice system, monitoring corruption system, freedom of speaking and media, and equal qualification entry chances to political system. Public should want them to substitute the right of changing a party.

In a new democracy, qualification election will substitute position election. Promise is useless because that is only a qualification waiting for an open position in sequence. In the end, the candidate may go anywhere to be an official according to his level. In this kind of voting, public care if they have ability, knowledge, skill and experience but not their beautiful agenda. It is similar to the qualification for lawyer, accountant and dentist. The difference is that in politician qualification you have to pass not only a strict exam but also a voting winning from public. Of course every candidate will show himself to public. Then public can judge them by their scores, experience and personality etc. At this point, this election is to select better apple among good apples. It is completely different from present election as rotted apples selection. The elected people will become an honor for his hometown and province.

As far, this kind of qualification election can be done in province level. Then federal government will base on it. In government work, public of that province will judge the premier. It will become a qualification re-election, which is similar to new candidates. If his work is not good, he will be elected down, a new qualified person will come to get the position in sequence. If he is really good, he can only last 2 terms for 8 years. Then he will be exchanged to another province with other good premier. After 2 or 3 provinces, the best qualification person will be elected as the prime minister. Since there are not many top positions, other qualified person will become any kind of minister at any government level etc, or they become parliament member according to their scores and voting result from public.

We may also set three levels similar to education degree system. The first and second level only need exam from the politic qualification election committee. They will not be dispatched to other province or city. The first and second level people may also become speak man for his village, county or town if they do not work for government. For the first level, the person is qualified as a government clerk. The middle level is qualified for director position for instance. They are not normal clerk in government. They are pioneer, disciplined and should keep good efficiency in work to lead normal clerks to improve efficiency. This may also solve government efficiency problem, which can make public feel really unhappy. It will become the moral history for them to get the top level of qualification. The top level will be the person waiting for any opening positions above mayor. If it is not this kind of qualification system to improve efficiency, how can party in power cut expense and reduce tax in reality to keep their election promise? When public or government clerk go to strike, what can they do? To improve efficiency is the only way, not cutting job and society program.

People may feel confuse if this qualification election can work, but we can say that research it to make detail perfect is the way to develop everything. If this kind of politic democracy comes true, we doubt if the independency of Quebec is still a problem, because candidates may go anywhere to be an official for their qualification. Also we doubt if it is still necessary to have different politic parties. As a side effect, the party in power will not fall into election routine anymore. It will collaborate with other parties to form a committee to manage qualification election and positions. The party in power will merge in society structure forever. The leader will become a greatest leader to lead this reform for this world not only for Canada as a politician in 4 years period.

People may worry if this country will go to dictatorship when direct election becomes qualification election committee. In order to prevent dictatorship, we also need to develop justice election for supreme and local court to replace. Judges always have their legislation degree from education. Then Judges’ promotion should base on public election or the accumulated election result from random juries of court. Jury will not charge guilty anymore. Jury will be used to elect judges. Judge will not only be responsible for court routine but also in charging guilty of criminal. Judges should not be appointed by parliament or prime minister any more. By developing democracy and increasing the power of judges, the whole system becomes more independent. It will become a system to monitor corruption in political system. If we regard the law as king, judges are directed servants of kings. This is the direction after democracy pioneers in France and USA shouted that “law is the king” when they have democracy revolution and independency 200 years ago. Justice system will become the highest power in government. Along the political history, we can see that justice power is becoming stronger and stronger, and law become detailed more and more. One day, justice and its several supreme judges will become the highest officials in any country.

Now in this election campaign, other parties point finger to liberal party in corruption. I know that if it is still the same political system, when other party gets the power it will do the same thing in corruption. There should be a political reform, which cannot be simply replaced by a party changing, or to start another routine after 4 years.

Human are born to be equal, we can hope that a more developed democracy can eliminate the political professional foundation of conflicts in religion, culture, race, political party and profitable groups. Now we can only see all these potential conflicts are used and stimulated to get victory in war or election. If democracy develops further to become more advanced in adapting different culture, composing efficiency and monitoring corruption together to get the maximum result, it will be good not only for Canada but also we are sure that Iraq will be peaceful quickly in applying it or any other countries. We may also attract Americans to unite with us if our democracy is more advanced than them and we are more developed in economy than them. If it is the present democracy system, wasting taxpayer’s money in war around world is ridiculous. If it is a kind of more advanced democracy than the present one, if president Bush refuses to overthrow Saddam, we may select to do it because the whole earth will unite together as a country to be peaceful forever. Now what can we do? Yes, research and develop democracy further.

There are many Chinese tech immigrants just got their voting right. Multi culture is not only an election and country decoration, but also we may have a chance to find a way to solve problems. Political qualification system had been used in ancient China for over 1000 years before Qing dynasty collapsed, while election is a kind of method that was recovered from slave masters of ancient Greece while democracy revolution in European. We may change anything to be useful in democracy. Another example is that it is interesting Chinese got a reputation in kids education and working hard. Is it the way to solve some problem in society efficiency and kids education for this country’s future? We may think about it. As a Chinese immigrant, I am happy to put my 2 cents here for this vote in Canada. According to Bible, there will be only one country. Of course it is democracy. Maybe this is the way to realize it. After all, we know that it is experience, knowledge, philosophy, moral, belief, skill and qualification etc can lead human to be great but not easy lips for winning election.

Wushuren in Ottawa
Dec 30, 2005
武教头,你不但武功好,英文功底也达到了炉火纯青的境界(相当于9阳神功第9重 :) 不要说我PMP呦)。我已把你的英文建议转达给保守党候选人。希望他们能重视你的意见。
最初由 wushuren 发布
Why politicians always broke their promise after election victory?

Until now, no party meets my thinking, I confess. I care more if any party can do political reform and they can develop democracy further more than other reasons. In election campaign, politicians always give promise in order to win. Then after victory, we do not know if they can keep their promise or not. Then voters have two ways to deal with it. One is to select a less rotted apple among rotted apples and select them by these promises. Another way is to give up election right to let them rot because they are all rotted apples. Is there another way to handle this? The answer is yes if we realize that this happens because our democracy has shortcoming and this world can always be developed to the future. Then to advance our democracy further is the only way to solve it. Below, we will talk about an idea to stimulate more ideas from brainstorms. Also I will research these parties until I decide who is worth if I vote although I am only one person among millions. Those fantasy promises and benefit similar to Christmas discount cannot attract me even if these promises seem benefit my condition in this society.

First of all, let’s get the reason why politicians always broke their promise. It is because the lure of poll victory that they have to give fantasy promise to stimulate human desire and get people to vote them as more as possible. Then no matter what party it is, when they get power, they will face reality in work. Mostly they will partially or totally break their promise in real work. Now we can presume a solution. Let’s say How about a kind of politician qualification election but not a direct position election.
Balance, budget, welfare, less tax, more efficient government running are all political professional problem and they are linked together in a whole system. They should not be used to stimulate human desire in getting election victory. As political experts, they should be able to do efficiently whatever they want after negotiation with each other. In deep, People want a glorious and flouriest country not some fantasy promises. In this way, public do not care those professional problems but do care if there is corruption and illegal suppression to different political points and experts. So public should grasp public justice system, monitoring corruption system, freedom of speaking and media, and equal qualification entry chances to political system. Public should want them to substitute the right of changing a party.

In a new democracy, qualification election will substitute position election. Promise is useless because that is only a qualification waiting for an open position in sequence. In the end, the candidate may go anywhere to be an official according to his level. In this kind of voting, public care if they have ability, knowledge, skill and experience but not their beautiful agenda. It is similar to the qualification for lawyer, accountant and dentist. The difference is that in politician qualification you have to pass not only a strict exam but also a voting winning from public. Of course every candidate will show himself to public. Then public can judge them by their scores, experience and personality etc. At this point, this election is to select better apple among good apples. It is completely different from present election as rotted apples selection. The elected people will become an honor for his hometown and province.

As far, this kind of qualification election can be done in province level. Then federal government will base on it. In government work, public of that province will judge the premier. It will become a qualification re-election, which is similar to new candidates. If his work is not good, he will be elected down, a new qualified person will come to get the position in sequence. If he is really good, he can only last 2 terms for 8 years. Then he will be exchanged to another province with other good premier. After 2 or 3 provinces, the best qualification person will be elected as the prime minister. Since there are not many top positions, other qualified person will become any kind of minister at any government level etc, or they become parliament member according to their scores and voting result from public.

We may also set three levels similar to education degree system. The first and second level only need exam from the politic qualification election committee. They will not be dispatched to other province or city. The first and second level people may also become speak man for his village, county or town if they do not work for government. For the first level, the person is qualified as a government clerk. The middle level is qualified for director position for instance. They are not normal clerk in government. They are pioneer, disciplined and should keep good efficiency in work to lead normal clerks to improve efficiency. This may also solve government efficiency problem, which can make public feel really unhappy. It will become the moral history for them to get the top level of qualification. The top level will be the person waiting for any opening positions above mayor. If it is not this kind of qualification system to improve efficiency, how can party in power cut expense and reduce tax in reality to keep their election promise? When public or government clerk go to strike, what can they do? To improve efficiency is the only way, not cutting job and society program.

People may feel confuse if this qualification election can work, but we can say that research it to make detail perfect is the way to develop everything. If this kind of politic democracy comes true, we doubt if the independency of Quebec is still a problem, because candidates may go anywhere to be an official for their qualification. Also we doubt if it is still necessary to have different politic parties. As a side effect, the party in power will not fall into election routine anymore. It will collaborate with other parties to form a committee to manage qualification election and positions. The party in power will merge in society structure forever. The leader will become a greatest leader to lead this reform for this world not only for Canada as a politician in 4 years period.

People may worry if this country will go to dictatorship when direct election becomes qualification election committee. In order to prevent dictatorship, we also need to develop justice election for supreme and local court to replace. Judges always have their legislation degree from education. Then Judges’ promotion should base on public election or the accumulated election result from random juries of court. Jury will not charge guilty anymore. Jury will be used to elect judges. Judge will not only be responsible for court routine but also in charging guilty of criminal. Judges should not be appointed by parliament or prime minister any more. By developing democracy and increasing the power of judges, the whole system becomes more independent. It will become a system to monitor corruption in political system. If we regard the law as king, judges are directed servants of kings. This is the direction after democracy pioneers in France and USA shouted that “law is the king” when they have democracy revolution and independency 200 years ago. Justice system will become the highest power in government. Along the political history, we can see that justice power is becoming stronger and stronger, and law become detailed more and more. One day, justice and its several supreme judges will become the highest officials in any country.

Now in this election campaign, other parties point finger to liberal party in corruption. I know that if it is still the same political system, when other party gets the power it will do the same thing in corruption. There should be a political reform, which cannot be simply replaced by a party changing, or to start another routine after 4 years.

Human are born to be equal, we can hope that a more developed democracy can eliminate the political professional foundation of conflicts in religion, culture, race, political party and profitable groups. Now we can only see all these potential conflicts are used and stimulated to get victory in war or election. If democracy develops further to become more advanced in adapting different culture, composing efficiency and monitoring corruption together to get the maximum result, it will be good not only for Canada but also we are sure that Iraq will be peaceful quickly in applying it or any other countries. We may also attract Americans to unite with us if our democracy is more advanced than them and we are more developed in economy than them. If it is the present democracy system, wasting taxpayer’s money in war around world is ridiculous. If it is a kind of more advanced democracy than the present one, if president Bush refuses to overthrow Saddam, we may select to do it because the whole earth will unite together as a country to be peaceful forever. Now what can we do? Yes, research and develop democracy further.

There are many Chinese tech immigrants just got their voting right. Multi culture is not only an election and country decoration, but also we may have a chance to find a way to solve problems. Political qualification system had been used in ancient China for over 1000 years before Qing dynasty collapsed, while election is a kind of method that was recovered from slave masters of ancient Greece while democracy revolution in European. We may change anything to be useful in democracy. Another example is that it is interesting Chinese got a reputation in kids education and working hard. Is it the way to solve some problem in society efficiency and kids education for this country’s future? We may think about it. As a Chinese immigrant, I am happy to put my 2 cents here for this vote in Canada. According to Bible, there will be only one country. Of course it is democracy. Maybe this is the way to realize it. After all, we know that it is experience, knowledge, philosophy, moral, belief, skill and qualification etc can lead human to be great but not easy lips for winning election.

Wushuren in Ottawa
Dec 30, 2005
最初由 wushuren 发布





2. "天下兴亡,匹夫有则“。我们每个选民都应珍惜自己手中的选票。不能为一己私利而用来做政治交易的赌码。我本人之所以支持保守党,并非仅仅为了区区几百加元,几千加元的减税得来的额外可支配收入(当然这本来就是我们的血汗钱)。而是我同意保守党的基本治国方针;即小政府,轻赋税,尽可能让市场机制来行使资源分配的社会功能。而不是让那些贪官污吏任意挥霍。

最初由 liu12345 发布





1. 05年6月,保守党领袖Harper、二号人物Stockwell Day带头在议会中掀起“中国间谍案”的调查,附和联邦情报官员的话说中国工业间谍使加拿大每月损失10亿。在同一时期内,多伦多市政府的一些议员也随之而动,要求市政府形成决议,要求联邦政府调查“中国间谍案”,该提案被几个洋人议员提出置疑,最后因反对票占多数未能通过。我们的华裔邹议员,投的是赞成票。

2. 05年6月,保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day要求联邦政府外交部长和国际贸易部长到国会外交委员会作证,就庞巴迪公司帮助中国修建西藏铁路一事提出“严肃询问”。藏人社团随后还到庞巴迪和北电总部示威,要求这两家公司撤出参与修建中国西藏铁路的协议。

3. 05年5月,保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day出席“九评”论坛

4. 05年5月,保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day向国会外交委员会提交提案,要求通过有关台湾加入世界卫生组织决议,自由党成员反对。

5. 05年4月,保守党国会议员亚伯特(Jim Abbott)向国会提出私人法案C-357(台湾事务法)。该法在二读期间,有两位自由党议员提出置疑,1位自由党议员、1位保守党议员表示赞同,魁人党和新民主党的议员代表自己政党表示支持。自由党政府官员对这一提案表示忧虑。保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day是该提案的附议人之一,他表示,“我们支持一个中国的政策,但是我们不想看到台湾受到威胁”。值得一提的是,Abbott是联邦保守党外交事务“副发言人”,专门负责亚太事务(Associate Critic Foreign Affairs, Asia Pacific)。相当于保守党影子内阁中专门制订亚太外交政策的主要官员。如果他继续当选,不排除他在议会上继续提出《台湾事务法》;如果保守党获胜,他很有可能主导外交部的亚太政策。

6. 05年3月,保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day批评外交部长,要求加国政府明确反对“中国对台湾的侵略威胁”,他进一步要求政府停止对中国的经济援助。

7. 04年10月,中国五矿集团公司准备收购加拿大矿业公司诺兰达(Noranda),双方均有成交意愿。保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day率先批评中国五矿的劳工纪录。自由党议员David Kilgour也出面阻止这一收购。加拿大媒体谈了整整两周中国威胁论。诺兰达发言人对此很有意见:“事情绝对被政治化了。诺兰达是商业机构,我们不是政治组织。” “我不知道你是否去过中国,但那里的经济远比加拿大更市场化。”加拿大研究中加关系的专家曾提出,加拿大媒体及政党在“诺兰达事件”中的过激反应,透露出加拿大社会对中国认知,仍然停留在冷战时期水平。他们担心诺兰达一事会在加拿大引发“恐黄论”。

8. 04年4月,新民主党议员Pat Martin和保守党外交事务发言人Stockwell Day要求政府缩减对中国的CIDA经济援助。目前中国接受加国的援助额在加拿大排第四位,印度、孟加拉和喀麦隆。两个反对党声称,加拿大不应该送钱给中国,中国经济高速发展,可以送人上太空,有庞大的军队,还在抢夺加拿大的就业机会…..。CIDA官员表示,尽管中国经济高速发展,仍有很多贫困人口。

9. 03年3月,美国动员西方国家参与其推翻侯赛因政权的伊拉克战争,自由党克雷蒂安总理表明:没有联合国授权,加拿大将不派军队参加伊拉克战争。时任联盟党领袖的Harper和Day反对克雷蒂安的政策,在《华尔街报》上刊登文章,指总理的立场“严重错误”,表明加拿大反对党-联盟党将支持美英的立场。05 年12月,Harper 又表示他不会支持加拿大派军队到伊拉克参战。

10. 01年6月,时任联盟党领袖的Stockwell Day在国会发表演说,主张加紧控制移民及难民申请,限制被拒申请者的申诉机会。这一主张与该党移民事务发言人、华裔议员麦鼎鸿的意见相左,迫使麦鼎鸿愤然离开联盟党Caucus,一年后加入当时的渐进保守党。
Whenever I think of Stokwell Day, I have bad taste for Conservative. If the Conservative can choose Stockwell Day as its leader, I really do not see why I can trust the Conservative.
最初由 yh_abc 发布
Whenever I think of Stokwell Day, I have bad taste for Conservative. If the Conservative can choose Stockwell Day as its leader, I really do not see why I can trust the Conservative.
Borrowing from Wushuren, your behaviour like that you always throw away the whole basket of apples if there is one rotted apple in. And on the other hand, the other party has stolen your money, and been caught by the auditor and judge, but you still blindly trust them. I don't see where your logic is. I think your new year resolution should be "learning how to think in a rational way". Happy New Year! :)

P.S. By the way, Stockwell Day has never been the leader of the current Conservative Party, which was created by meagering at 2003/2004. He was leader of the old Reform/Alliance Party in 2000. You mixed up not only good and bad apples, but also apple and orange.
最初由 finalwinner 发布

Borrowing from Wushuren, your behaviour like that you always throw away the whole basket of apples if there is one rotted apple in. And other other hand, the other party has stolen your money, and been caught by the auditor and judge, but you still blindly trust them. I don't see where your logic is. I think your new year resolution should be "learning how to think in a rational way". Happy New Year! :)

P.S. By the way, Stockwell Day has never been the leader of the current Conservative Party, which was created by meagering at 2003/2004. He was leader of the old Reform/Alliance Party in 2000. You mixed up not only good and bad apples, but also apple and orange.

I agree with you that I should not throw away the whole basket of apples if there is only one rotted apple inside. But when you think of the achievements Liberal has made, I bet you have to admit it is Liberal that gets Canada out of the debt and make continuous surplus in the last quite a few years. As for the so called "scandle", I believe that is due to the Qubec's independence movemement. I never say Liberal is right in doing this way, but if I were the president of China, and I could prevent Taiwan from separating from China through money insead of war, I will use money.
Your post to teach me how to think in your way can only demonstrate one thing in common of the Conservative party, "never know the advantages of others and never know why you repeatedly fail in federal election"
最初由 finalwinner 发布

2. "天下兴亡,匹夫有则“。我们每个选民都应珍惜自己手中的选票。不能为一己私利而用来做政治交易的赌码。我本人之所以支持保守党,并非仅仅为了区区几百加元,几千加元的减税额外可支配收入(当然这本来就是我们的血汗钱)。而是我同意保守党的基本治国方针;即小政府,轻赋税,尽可能让市场机制来行使资源分配的社会功能。而不是让那些贪官污吏任意挥霍。

1,Develop democracy further is always the method to solve problem for the future, not only for China but also for western developed countries. Do not sleep on what democracy has achieved.
2, In a traditional welfare country similar to Canada, without developing democracy further, I do not believe that the dream of small government and less tax can be realized. For example, to reduce the size of government means cutting jobs. Now even if no cutting jobs, government clerks go to strike annually to get salary raising. If cutting jobs, Strike can make government collapse. This is democracy and freedom. If problems cannot be solved from the base of the system, many things are only propaganda and dream.

Tell consevative and liberal and NDP. Let them think. They should think if they care not only become the party in power but also want to solve pobblems and develop society.
最初由 yh_abc 发布

I agree with you that I should not throw away the whole basket of apples if there is only one rotted apple inside. But when you think of the achievements Liberal has made, I bet you have to admit it is Liberal that gets Canada out of the debt and make continuous surplus in the last quite a few years. As for the so called "scandle", I believe that is due to the Qubec's independence movemement. I never say Liberal is right in doing this way, but if I were the president of China, and I could prevent Taiwan from separating from China through money insead of war, I will use money.
Your post to teach me how to think in your way can only demonstrate one thing in common of the Conservative party, "never know the advantages of others and never know why you repeatedly fail in federal election"
You called "surplus,...the Liberal's achievements", I called it overtaxation. If a government keep overtaxing $10 billion each year, and predict approximate $72.5 billion surplus for the next 5 year, don't you think they rub you for your money? If they do not need so much, and could not spend so much, why do not they return it to our taxpayer, instead of throwing money away like water? The surplus is our money, not belongs to the government, not belongs to the Liberal. It seems you do not care about these things, and still cheer for being overtaxed. Good for you.
Regarding to win or lose, in our Chinese sentence: winner is the king and loser is always a bad guy. However, I think most people know that in order to win, you have to keep trying, even get lost each time until you win. You just need one win. That is enough. Giving up a try due to a fear in failure could never lead to a success. Do you know that Chainman Mao's communist party fought for almost 28 years to obtain the final win? Please don't pretend to be a god to predict the result of election. I don't think you have such a talent.



最初由 wushuren 发布


